The Full-level Boss Took the Sick and Weak Script

Chapter 554: Speed ​​Tracking

   Chapter 554 Speed ​​Tracking

   That peach wood sword looked like it was a few years old. There were a lot of red runes painted on the sword. In Sunanzhi's opinion, these runes should be used to exorcise evil spirits.

   She couldn't help thinking, if she dared to draw these things on Xiao Tao, would it commit suicide and reincarnate again.

  Although the little guy is usually a little anxious in terms of aesthetics, but one thing coincides with Su Nanzhi: he likes to be clean.

  Usually let it stab a little devil and have to go back to take a bath and wash himself clean.

   But today Sunanzhi didn't bring Xiao Taomu out. It slept like a fake wine, and it was useless to take it out. It's better to let it sleep enough.

   And Su Nanzhi faintly noticed that something was wrong with Xiao Taomu recently, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she could only wait until the little guy woke up.

   Right now, Daoist Changqing of the Misan Sect took the peach wood sword and put it on the ground, then reached out and squeezed a tactic, and kept mumbling something that others could not understand.

   In the next second, everyone present could see that the mahogany sword, which was originally on the ground, suddenly rose into the air, and after spinning a few times in the air, it suddenly stopped, and the direction was straight.

   Daoist Changqing retracted his gaze and said, "There is Yin Qi of the same origin in the south. My sword can only be pointed at a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, it will not work."

   After this sentence is finished, it is a race against time.

   Feng Rui understood, and so did the others.

   The three nephews of the Misan faction were blocked by Feng Rui's words before they could say "Little uncle is awesome", "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and leave."

   In order to hurry up and not attract the attention of others, the sword is placed in the car, and the car is driven by Feng Rui.

   Daoist Changqing has been maintaining it with his spiritual power. The peach wood sword is suspended in the car. At first, it pointed in the south direction. After about ten minutes passed, it suddenly changed to the southwest direction.

   Qin Luoshu keenly sensed something was wrong, "If you drive in this direction, it should be Li Chaoqian's villa."

   is also the residence of the second deceased they found.

   And the sword of Changqing Daochang should refer to the position of the person who started the formation.

   So, the person who activated the formation is now at the place where the second dead person died?

   Feng Rui drove a police car out of the racing car. In order to hurry up, he even contacted the traffic department to adjust the traffic lights on the road.

   There are many vehicles waiting for the traffic lights on both sides. Some car owners feel that the traffic lights today are not very normal, and the waiting time is too long.

   In fact, it is not a normal abnormality. At an intersection, three directions of the four directions maintain a red light, that is to say, only one direction maintains an unobstructed green light.

   The green light stayed on for nearly a minute.

  Some car owners have been impatient to wait.

   But this minute, for this time period, is simply terrible.

   At an intersection, vehicles in only one direction are unimpeded.

  The patience of the drivers couldn't help but break out.

   But the next second, they saw a police car fly across the road.


   Immediately afterwards, the traffic lights returned to normal.

   A driver rubbed his eyes: "Is this the police chasing the criminal just now?"

   But I didn't see any other cars that were not right.

   All in all, this scene obviously attracted a lot of attention.

   (end of this chapter)