The Full-level Boss Took the Sick and Weak Script

Chapter 640: daze

   Chapter 640 Daze

   The gentle teacher Chen was stunned for a while before she could react, and it could be seen that she was greatly stimulated.

   The words she joked with the other teachers about half an hour ago should be happening to her at this moment.

  The student who passed the papers in advance like a ghost from the teacher's reception room was from Beijing No.1 Middle School.

  Teacher Chen: I was split.

   The people in the bed were sleeping so peacefully that they couldn't be more peaceful, and even a few of them talking couldn't wake her up.

   It's just that Ruan Cherry also told Teacher Chen about Sunanzhi's special situation.

   She is usually hard to wake up when she sleeps.

  Especially after such an exam that took her so much energy, the three people in the same bed agreed that Su Nanzhi had fallen into the deep sleep she was dreaming of.

   Don't say wake people up, sleep for a few hours depends on the situation.

   It turns out that their guesses were correct.

   During lunch time, they climbed up to call someone but failed to wake them up. Teacher Chen once wondered if something had happened to the little girl.

   Finally, I took off my shoes and went to check it myself, and found that the little girl was breathing well and her face was normal.



  Mr. Chen finally asked Jiang Beiyu for instructions, Jiang Beiyu was silent for a while when he heard the words, and finally asked her to take the other students to lunch first.

  Su Nanzhi situation, Jiangbei Yu is actually almost used to it.

   She is really someone who can sleep for days without eating or drinking.

   Now it doesn’t matter.

   As a result, the little ancestor did not wake up after everyone finished lunch.

   But the other students, they have to take it back.

   There are several students here who have never left their parents’ sights when they are so old. Parents have long been worried, and now it is naturally impossible to delay the return of others in order to wait for one student to wake up.

   In the end, Jiang Beiyu made the decision: let Teacher Chen take the other students back first, he will stay and bring her back together when Su Nanzhi wakes up.

   Jiang Beiyu could not be waiting for her to wake up in the dormitory.

   After all, it is still the same sentence: men and women are different.

   What's more, Jiang Beiyu is so young.

But what is surprising is that in addition to Jiang Beiyu and Sunanzhi, there is another person who actively asked to stay. Wen Letong said that he wanted to stay and summarize the learning results of these days, and wait for Sunanzhi to wake up by the way. .

   It would be best if a female classmate would like to stay and take care of me.

   Jiang Beiyu and Teacher Chen had no opinion, so it was finally decided. Teacher Chen took a group of students who had just finished the exam and were still in a trance.

   And Jiang Beiyu stayed and waited for his little bodyguard to wake up.

  Wen Letong packed his things in the room for a while, and then began to be in a daze.

   She doesn't have much luggage, and it doesn't look like she wants to organize the knowledge she has learned in the past 10 days.

   I heard that after a long period of high-level study, some academic masters will relax their nerves by falling into a state of not thinking about any problems for a while. This process is referred to as daze.

  Wen Le Tong's daze situation is actually a little bit similar to Su Nanzhi's sleeping.

   is to do nothing in an empty spiritual space, and finally come back to your senses suddenly.

   Fortunately, Su Nanzhi didn't sleep for a long time this time, at least this time when she woke up, it wasn't completely dark.

  Su Nanzhi opened his eyes: Ah, so sleepy.

   (end of this chapter)