The Full-level Boss Took the Sick and Weak Script

Chapter 659: a strange person

   Chapter 659 A Strange Person

   On this occasion, Jiang Beiyu also met a slightly unexpected person.

  Although he didn't know each other, the temperament of the other party made him inexplicably care a little.

   It was a man also wearing a suit.

   has a young face, but that young face is gloomy enough to be a perverted murderer in any movie.

   Jiang Beiyu didn't know why he suddenly noticed him.

   But with regard to the eyes, sometimes his brain can't handle it.

  Jiang Beiyu didn't want to deal with people, but they wanted to deal with him.

   For a long time, he looked at Qin Yuanhui who had brought the young man to him, and narrowed his eyes displeasedly.

   "Beiyu, let me introduce you." Unlike Jiang Beiyu, Qin Yuanhui smiled instead, "This is a friend I met abroad, his name is Xu Zhen, he is of Chinese descent."

  Overseas Xu family, but anyone who relies on this circle a little knows.

   is quite rich and powerful.

   But what does it mean when such a person appears in Beijing?

   First, the young master of the Xu family came to play when he had nothing to do.

   Second, the Xu family wants to enter the domestic market.

  Jiang Beiyu saw Qin Yuanhui's expression and knew that it should be the latter.

  Tin Yuanhui then introduced Jiang Beiyu to the man named Xu Zhen: "Xu Zhen, let me introduce you, this is the eldest young master of the Jiang family, Jiang Beiyu, whom I mentioned to you."

   The young man named Xu Zhen was a little pale, but it might just be because his lips were bloodless.

   He smiled and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Young Master Jiang."

   This person looks young, but his voice is rough and hoarse, as if he was hit with sand.

   It doesn't mean that a person's voice can't be like this, it's just that this voice is extremely inconsistent with his appearance.

   Jiang Beiyu looked at the person in front of him and did not reach out for the first time.

   "I'm sorry," Jiang Beiyu said, "I take the liberty to ask, what is your voice?"

   This is the question Qin Yuanhui answered for the other party: "Xu Zhen's throat has been uncomfortable recently, and his voice has become a little rough, and it should be better in a while."

  Jiang Beiyu suddenly realized and smiled: "So that's the case, then Xu Shaoke remember to take medicine and rest on time."

While    was talking, Jiang Beiyu stretched out his hand and grabbed the other's arm, and by the way, he let the other's hand that he just stretched out naturally go back.

   is not embarrassing either.

   Xu Zhen smiled and then stopped talking.

   Jiang Beiyu's understanding is that he wants to protect his voice.

  Tin Yuanhui seemed to just pull people over to say hello to Jiang Beiyu. After saying hello, he pulled people away again.

  Jiang Beiyu stayed where he was, staring at the backs of the two of them for a long time.

  The young man named Xu Zhen could vaguely see some vague gray light, and his own face seemed to gather a lot of gloomy aura.

   Jiangbei Yu frowned.

  Although he still doesn’t understand much now, he is a person who asks questions when he doesn’t understand.

   Young Master Jiang slowly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

   It took a long time for someone to answer.


  Jiang Beiyu: "Why did it take so long to answer the phone? Could it be that just after the exam, the teacher felt useless and wanted to kick me?"

  : "..."

  Jiang Beiyu doesn't know what's wrong, so he just loves these two sentences.

   "Mr. Jiang," the **** the other end was cold and slow, "If I remember correctly, we only said goodbye two hours ago."

   (end of this chapter)