The Full-level Boss Took the Sick and Weak Script

Chapter 96: life for life

   Chapter 96

   As if she didn't see the three people coming in at the door, she held up her umbrella to herself.

   But in such a scene, except for Su Nanzhi, the other two people are invisible.

  Normal people will not sit on the windowsill and hold an umbrella.

   It was a pretty girl, sitting on the windowsill with an umbrella and bathing in the moonlight.

  Su Nanzhi looked away without looking for a while. She looked at the furnishings in the room, then took out her gossip plate and frowned without a trace.

  Water comes out of Kunshen's disease prescription.

  The orientation of such a house is very easy for those who live in it to have a short life. Men have a short life expectancy, and there will be five or six widows. Aborted birth and no offspring, and suffered from cough, sputum tuberculosis and other symptoms.

   In this way, it is simply the layout of a shady house.

  Su Nanzhi stared at the gossip plate thoughtfully, obviously ghosts wouldn't read Feng Shui by themselves.

   Even if it is a ghost traveling with him, after death, as the years go by, his memory will gradually become chaotic, and he will only remember his deepest obsession.

  Like the kid in the elevator, his obsession is to find his way home and his mother.

   The female ghost on the windowsill obviously has her own obsession.

   But who is responsible for the decoration of this house is another question.

  Su Nanzhi walked to the sofa in the living room, glanced at it, and then picked up a piece of hair from the sofa. Looking at the length, if there was no accident, it was obviously a woman's hair.

   "Have you brought a woman home recently?" Su Nanzhi asked in a very ordinary tone.


  Su Nanzhi's appearance almost matches her age. Although she changed into black clothes tonight, she still looks like a high school student.

   That sentence is really like being used to seeing strong winds and waves.

   "No," Li Chu denied immediately, "I usually live alone here, maybe it's a part-time job—"

The word "hair" could not be said, because Li Chu remembered that the part-time worker aunt he hired had dyed his hair purple in the first two months. Although the color faded in the past two months, it was impossible. Fall into black?

  Su Nanzhi picked up another hair from another location, about the same length.

   Finally, two were found on the floor.

  Li Chu was at a loss for words. He even wondered if someone had entered his house.

   But looking at Su Nanzhi's expression, it doesn't seem to be the same.

  Su Nanzhi picked up a few strands of hair and walked to the window sill. The woman seemed to realize that someone was watching her.

   She turned her head slowly, her eyes did not look at the tenderness when she stroked her stomach, she was very blank.

  Su Nanzhi met her eyes.

   But no one spoke.

   Even because Su Nanzhi's eyes were too calm, the female ghost was not sure for a moment whether the other party saw her or not.

  Su Nanzhi slowly retracted his gaze, then sat back on the sofa, and motioned for the two men standing to sit down, "Would you like me to tell you a story?"

   Yang Qirui subconsciously felt that what Su Nanzhi was going to tell next was definitely not a good story, but Li Chu had not really faced Su Nanzhi's ability, and even now he only thought that she was an unreliable little girl.

   "I asked you to solve problems, not tell stories." He sat down reluctantly.

  Su Nanzhi didn't care about his attitude either, her apricot eyes curved slightly, "Do you know what it means to exchange your life for life?"

Ah, I saw today that this book is currently ranked 38th on the QQ reading new book list. I don't know if my darlings think it deserves to go up a few more places. Hey, if you can, please vote for all Come on, how active is the comment area? It's best for an author like me to flirt ~ I won't have a chance to move forward after the new book period is over, rush rush!



   (end of this chapter)