The Future Fishing Boat Clone

Chapter 485: Little baby: It's terrible

Soon, everyone returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and Ou Shaotian started to get angry after the crowd was all over.

"I remember it all, this time as a lesson, next time there is such a situation, just call me instead of killing myself!"

Sitting in the first seat, Ou Shaotian said in a deep voice.

At this time, even Ou's father and Ou's mother did not dare to speak out, including Yun Duo'er, lowered their heads and dared not look at the angry Ou Shaotian.

"Shaotian, we are wrong this time, don't worry, we will notify you as soon as we encounter this situation next time!"

Jun ruthlessly a little embarrassed.

"Forget it, I can't blame you all, but even if you can't notify me, you can hide in the Introductory World and don't die, you know?"

Ou Shaotian shook his head and could only exhort again.

If you lose Shenzhou Island, you will lose it. Anyway, you can grab it back at any time, but if the person is gone, it is really gone.


Everyone nodded.

"Okay, it's all gone!"

Then Ou Shaotian let them disband.

After they all left, Ou Shaotian returned to the door world with Yun Duoer and appeared directly in the villa of the door world.

After that, Ou Shaotian pressed Yun Duo'er on his thigh and slapped the little **** fiercely.

This time, he was really scared.

"Brother Shaotian, don't fight, I know it's wrong!"

The beaten Yun Duoer was blushing and covering his face, while the little baby next to him stared at it with wide-eyed eyes and kept rolling around.

"Wow, Pigeon is terrible, why did you beat Sister Duoer, Sister Duoer, did you make a mistake?"

The little guy asked nervously.

"Yes, your sister Duoer made a mistake, so she has to fight. If she doesn't fight, I'm afraid she won't have a long memory."

Ou Shaotian stopped and said aloud.

"Pigeon, then I made a mistake, would you beat me?"

The little guy clutched her little butt, and asked in horror, for fear that Ou Shaotian would also hit her little butt.

"Yes, if you are not obedient, your brother will beat you too. You have to be obedient in the future, do you know?"

Ou Shaotian scared.

"Pigeon, I will be obedient, don't hit me ass, or you will be unable to walk, we pull the hook, you don't hit me in the future, okay?"

The little guy ran over to hold Ou Shaotian's thigh, raised his head, and said aloud.

"Okay, pull hook, as long as you are obedient, brother will never hit you!"

Ou Shaotian smiled and hooked the little guy.

Then he turned Yun Duo'er over and held it in his arms, and then reached out and hugged the little baby on the sofa, quietly holding the two babies, big and small.

"Don't take risks anymore in the future, you know, the big deal is to give up Shenzhou Island, even if it is taken away, we can take it back!"

Ou Shaotian whispered softly.

He didn't even dare to imagine what the consequences would be if he was still in retreat and didn't arrive in time, Yun Duoer and others faced five eighth orders.

In short, he couldn't accept it, so he didn't dare to think about it and would not allow this to happen again.

"Brother Shaotian, don't worry, you won't!"

Yun Duoer was nestled in Ou Shaotian's arms, her injuries had recovered, her face was no longer pale, but her face was flushed and shyly refused to look up.


After resolving Hong Tianquan and others, Shenzhou Island continued to move forward, and Ou Shaotian also urged him to give up Shenzhou Island when he encountered danger.

Then he pointed out the people to solve the problems they encountered in the process of practicing, and then returned to Taikoo Island.

After appearing in No.56 courtyard, Ou Shaotian first collected the blood crystal rice picked by the mechanical puppet before leaving the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, he flew into the air and flew towards the direction of the library.

Ready to find a way to advance to the ninth rank.

The place where the library of the Swire Gods is called Cangshu Peak, there is a huge building on the top of the peak, and many precious books are stored on the facade.

As one of the top 100 true disciples, except for the top level, Ou Shaotian can visit the rest of the library.

At the foot of the library peak, Ou Shaotian descended from the sky, and then walked towards the top of the mountain step by step.

There are still many people going up the mountain on the seven-turned mountain road, not just Ou Shaotian alone, but many people come to the library to read books every day.

The senior officials of Swire Theology are very open-minded, and they don't hide and pinch the Cangshu Pavilion.

So many people come to read books every day.

"Look, it's Ou Shaotian of the human race. He actually went out. Some time ago because of the Baozhou incident, there was a lot of trouble, and finally he came out!"

On the mountain path, someone pointed at Ou Shaotian and said in a low voice.

"I heard that many people at Jinxiafeng want to trouble him, but there will be nothing wrong on this island. If you go out, it's hard to say!"

The man's companion whispered.

"Now Ou Shaotian is a disaster star, whoever comes in contact with whom is unlucky, let's avoid it a little!"

The man said again.


The discussion on the mountain path naturally came to Ou Shaotian's ears, and as he expected, the matter of Jin Yijian was far from over.

Although there is the protection of the Primordial Array Spirit on the island, as long as you don't make a mistake, there will be no problem, but if you go out, it is troublesome.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to advance to the ninth rank as soon as possible.

Only by achieving the ninth rank, can you go out in an open manner without worrying about those people's peeping.

After a while, Ou Shaotian came to the top of the mountain.

The library is very large, with five floors. The first floor has the most books, and the more you go up, the less books you have.

But the higher the books, the more precious.

The first floor can be viewed by anyone at the door, the second floor can only be viewed above the inner door, and the third floor can be viewed by ordinary truth.

For the fourth layer, the true biography must be ranked in the top 100 to be able to go up.

As for the fifth level, you need to be promoted to the ninth level and become an elder before you can go up.

"Hello elder, please register, I want to find some information on the fourth floor of the library!"

Ou Shaotian said softly.

He didn't dare to despise the elder sitting in the library in front of him, but gave him enough respect.


The old man nodded and didn't talk nonsense. He took Ou Shaotian's disciple token, completed the registration, and then returned the token to Ou Shaotian.

"Thank you!"

Ou Shaotian took the token and walked towards the library.

There are a lot of books on this floor, more than tens of millions of books, and the books that can be included are all relatively precious, so there are not many people who read books.

Everyone was concentrating on reading, but Ou Shaotian came in without attracting the attention of others.

Ou Shaotian just wandered around on the first floor, then came to the stairs, and went all the way to the fourth floor before starting to search for information.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many books on the fourth floor, at least more than 100,000 books!"

Ou Shaotian looked at the book collection on the fourth floor and sighed, but he was not too surprised.

Because he had known the situation here from the Taikoo official website for a long time, although the official website did not record the content of these books, there is a catalog of these books.