The Future Fishing Boat Clone

Chapter 487: Warm sea

the other side.

Huang Tianhao fell in embarrassment outside the gate of the library, his feet turned upside down, causing many people to watch.

After getting up, he blushed and left.

It's just that his embarrassed appearance happened to be photographed, and then posted on the forum of the official website, which is considered famous.

The main reason is that the other top ten true biography will not let go of the opportunity to hit him.

"Tsk tusk tusk, everyone, look at our horror, it's really pitiful, this **** fell, it almost fell in half!"

"Yeah, it's so miserable!"

"The worst thing is that I lost my face in front of Fairy Yao. I guess he would have no chance to pursue Fairy Yao, pitiful!"

"No, what is the specific situation, who will tell you!"

"For me, this is the case..."


Many people are paying attention to the existence of the top ten in the truth list, and making a little movement can make people talk about it for a long time, let alone such a big movement.

But for the discussion on the forum, Ou Shaotian doesn't know for the time being, he is still thinking.

There are many ways to advance to the ninth rank. After thinking, he decided to take the treasure promotion route, that is, to find the ninth rank of heaven and earth treasure.

A place recorded in the book caught his attention, and that was the sea of ​​flames!

The sea of ​​flames is a special sea area, and there is a vortex that connects the void fire area, making the temperature of that sea area extremely high, and the water temperature reaches hundreds of thousands of degrees.

Since the atmospheric pressure here is one hundred times that of the outside world, the boiling point of water has reached one to two thousand degrees.

Although the temperature of the sea of ​​flames is high, there is no sign of boiling.

The aura contained in this high-temperature sea area is very high, and many ninth-order aquariums have been produced, naturally because there are many ninth-order heavenly materials and earth treasures.

"Flame Sea, go look back!"

Ou Shaotian put the book down, then turned around and left directly. Now that he found what he wanted to see, he didn't need to keep it anymore.

"Is it gone?"

Many people looked at Ou Shaotian's back, slightly surprised.

After leaving the library, Ou Shaotian flew back to Lingzhi Peak and returned to Courtyard 56 only to find that Xuanyuan Zhantian was already waiting at the door.


Xuanyuan Zhantian saw Ou Shaotian fall, and immediately greeted him with joy.

"How did you come?"

Ou Shaotian said aloud as he opened the door.

"Knowing that you are out of the customs, so I came here, but you just left the customs, you made a lot of noise, really amazing!"

Xuanyuan Zhantian followed Ou Shaotian into the house.

After sitting down, Ou Shaotian made a pot of tea smoothly and said at the same time: "It's just some guys who are in heat."

"Don't talk about it, I also heard about Elder Jin last time. It's really dangerous. Fortunately, the elders of Lingzhi Peak are still very powerful!"

When Xuanyuan Zhantian heard about the incident, he couldn't help but worry for a while. At that time, he went back to retreat directly. Only after leaving the customs did he realize that such a big thing had happened.

"It's okay, thanks to Elder Liu Long, otherwise, it really won't end well!"

Although the situation is wrong, Ou Shaotian can hide from the Introductory World, but in that case, his method is equivalent to being exposed!

"What are your plans next?"

"I have reached the threshold of Tier Nine, and I plan to go to the Flame Sea to find some treasures of heaven and earth, and strive to be promoted to Tier Nine as soon as possible!"

"Then let's go together, maybe we will become the first and second Tier 9 powerhouses in the Primordial God Sect!"

"What about other human races, do you need to bring them?"

"Most of them are still in retreat. The resources they harvested before can still be used for a long time!"

"That's good!"

"By the way, do you remember that Ye Qingshan, his little girlfriend is the Qing clan, and now the Qing clan has formed an alliance with our human clan. He said it is all your credit."

"Haha, I just helped them a little bit!"

After that, the two also agreed to set off for the Flame Sea tomorrow morning, and then gather at the port and set off in a fishing boat.


The moon rises and the moon sets, and a night's time passes quietly.

In the morning, as soon as the sun rose, the fishing boat clone left the port with Ou Shaotian and Xuanyuan Zhantian, heading towards the Flame Sea.

"Shaotian, how did you get a treasure boat?"

On the deck, Xuanyuan Zhantian asked curiously.

In order to build a top-level spirit boat, he spent a lot of effort, it can be said that it was a lot of hard work to get it.

But compared with Ou Shaotian, it was far behind.

"Good luck, obtained in a ruin, can't be copied, and nothing to say!"

Ou Shaotian casually found an excuse.

"Well, do you understand the situation in the sea of ​​flames clearly?"

"I checked some books and I still understand."

"I have never been to that sea area. I heard that the water temperature is hundreds of thousands of degrees, and in some places it even exceeds a thousand degrees. It's terrifying!"

After chatting, the two talked about the situation of the flame sea.

None of them have been to the sea of ​​flames, after all, the place is too dangerous, and the people who are mixed there are more of the ninth-order existence.

They are only the cultivation base of the eighth peak now, without the ninth rank leading the team, it is actually quite dangerous to go there!

After a few hours, they gradually felt that the surrounding temperature was slowly rising, and they had entered the range of the sea of ​​flames.

The farther you open, the higher the temperature.


Ou Shaotian directly turned on the radar and scanned the bottom of the Flame Sea.


A series of powerful auras on the seabed appeared in his perception, basically the existence of the seventh and eighth orders, and many of them were of the ninth order.

The worst are all sixth-order.

As for the lower ranks, I'm sorry, in this high-temperature sea area, the existence below the sixth rank can't survive at all.

"Brother, ready to go down!"

Ou Shaotian said, and then activated the defensive cover of the fishing boat clone, and then the fishing boat clone led them into the water.

There is no change in the color of the sea water, it is still dark blue, and visibility is very low.

However, the aquariums in the water have changed a lot. Most of the aquariums tend to be red, and you can see a lot of red fish.

The speed of these fishes is extremely fast, like flames flying through the water.

"You can fish for some Tier 6 or Tier 7 aquariums, and you can also fish for Tier 8 aquariums.


After a brief exchange, the two started their hands. The fishing boat was snorkeling while they were fishing.

The fishing skills of the two are not bad, the spirit fish of the sixth and seventh ranks basically have no resistance, as for the eighth rank, they will fish selectively.

If it is too strong, they will not shoot.

However, Ou Shaotian's focus is still on the treasure hunt. Through radar scanning, he has already locked the same Tier 9 heavenly material and earth treasure.

The fishing boat clones are constantly approaching, and at most ten minutes, they will be able to get close to the treasure of heaven and earth.

The key question now is how to seize it after getting close.