The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 360: Go to bully aliens

In fact, everyone wants to help and bully aliens.

But right now, everyone needs a reason to convince themselves, a reason to explain to the soldiers of the empire.

Otherwise, the aliens didn't provoke them, so should they announce that they will take them to pretend to be forced and bully the aliens?

This obviously doesn't work at all, at least it doesn't make sense in terms of face.

At this time, Lin Chen glanced at the task panel.

Host: Lin Chen.

Task 1: Start a race war.

Fan value: 5.6 million.


Task 1 is still lying alone, isn't it the most appropriate reason to complete the system task?

Lin Chen said: "Fight!"

Someone asked: "Is there any reason?"

Lin Chen said, "Can't I fight if I want to?"

Everyone nodded unanimously: "Yes!"

Jiang Mingyuan stood up and said proudly: "Assemble all the Third Army in the shortest time...all follow me to pretend to be forced, this rare opportunity to stay in history must not be missed."

I seemed to think of something later, and immediately changed his words and said with a serious face: "Oh, no, we are going to save human beings on another planet, we are going to rescue our same people!"

Lin Chen whispered: "Now it is the Third Joint Fleet."

Jiang Mingyuan looked embarrassed.

Jiang Xiu'er whispered: "In fact, there can be 10,000 reasons, such as planting and putting on blame, going to that planet in the name of purchasing, and deliberately provoking incidents, such as letting our pretending to be the Wasang to'attack' ourselves."

Everyone's eyes lit up, this is a great idea.

What is true or false, even if it is seen by a discerning person, what can it be, what the empire says is true.

In short, the Huangzhen Empire bullied the evil aliens.

Eventually a blitz wosang project was born.

a week later.

The third combined fleet of the Huangzhen Empire only left part of the spacecraft as cargo ships to continue to carry the ore, and most of the spacecraft returned from Pandora to the blue star one after another.

The fleets of the empire are all stranded in shipyards that have only been built soon.

After staying for four days, the soldiers of the third combined fleet of the Huangzhen Empire returned, and the warships were ready to take off at any time.

Jiang Mingyuan wore a strong suit, showing an expression of excitement and intolerance. He used to be physically incapable and could only watch other people pretend to be forced. Other people went to foreign planets to show off.

Now that his body is strong and the opportunity is in front of him, of course he has to be addicted to it!

May I ask who doesn't want to build a worldly meritorious service?

He boarded a command battleship and shouted, "Go!"

The fleet began to take off one after another, and went to the depths of the starry sky according to the coordinates of the star chart drawn by Dr. Xiao, and went to distant galaxies to bully the aliens.

Inside the battleship, Jiang Mingyuan showed great enthusiasm.

After all, this is the first time in his life he has commanded a coveted foreign campaign. Along the way, he was either studying how to bully the evil Wasang, or planning how to show his strength.

The unit of time in space is not days, but hours. In the next few hundred hours, Jiang Mingyuan and others have worked out a perfect plan and a perfect reason for war.

Plan: Send a few fighters disguised as Wasang, and then come to'siege' the third combined fleet, and the empire passively initiates a war.

In short, the Huangzhen Empire came fully prepared, and it was a passively initiated war.

Hundreds of hours later, during this period, the Empire’s Third Combined Fleet passed through an unknown number of galaxies, and finally slowed down, and no longer turned on the space jump and the speed engine.

In the line of sight, a blue planet appeared, and that planet was what Dr. Xiao said.

The Third Joint Fleet drew close to the planet at a normal speed, and finally entered the gravitational orbit of the planet and headed toward the atmosphere.

Everything is ready now, only the east wind owes it. As soon as the east wind arrives, the empire will launch a thunderous blow that will destroy the world.

In the command battleship.

A wicked smile appeared on Jiang Mingyuan's face, and he ordered: "Enter the planet and act according to the original plan."

The empire's fleet entered the planet in a short while.


At this time, human beings on this planet are suffering from disasters.

It was from the aggression of the Wasang.

This race vainly wanted to dominate the world and launched an aggression against the human kingdom in the world.

Because of the advanced equipment and the benefit of weapons, the Wasang people are almost hanging human beings. In a very short period of time, the Wasang people have already occupied many human kingdoms.

Because of the differences in races, the Wasang people will kill mercilessly every time they invade a place, just like their sinful hands, stained with sin.

The Wasang people are still invading a country called Hua Guo, which is an ancient country.

The self-confident Wasang people even made bold claims that they would destroy the country of Xia within three months, conquer this beautiful country, and make this a back garden for the Wasang people, and let Xia country males be slaves and females be prostitutes.

In fact, the Wasang people, relying on the benefits of equipment, had already laid down most of the territory of Xia in a very short time, and their tanks and airplanes were simply not something Xia could contend with.

At present, the Wasang people have assembled heavily and launched the most violent offensive towards the Xia Kingdom Pearl City.

These are the few remaining large cities in the human camp. If the Pearl City falls, it will inevitably lead to a huge drop in morale of the human beings, and will undoubtedly be accelerated by the Wasang people to destroy Xia Kingdom.

At this moment, the battle of Pearl City is still going on

The two races fought each other for three days and three nights, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

The fall of Pearl City is only a matter of time, but human beings are still relying on their last confidence to hold on to Pearl City.

Because every human being is well aware that the Wasang are a group of beasts, they do not have any kindness at all, but any city they enter will be ruthlessly destroyed.

The brutality of the Wasan people will turn any area into scorched earth and They take killing humans for pleasure. The competition will see who kills many humans. Even the old and weak women and children will not be spared, and women are even more serious. Will be defiled by those beasts in turn.

‘Boom Rumble’

'Da da da'

At this time, this battlefield brought together the sights of the humans and the Wasang people, and the extent of the fighting broke out beyond imagination.

Human beings with their strong will forcibly blocked the three days and three nights of the Wasan attack. It was incredible, as if these humans were not afraid of death, and even dared to see death as their home, strapped full of bombs to blow up undamaged tanks!

The news spread to the Wasang base camp, which aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of many Wasang people.

The dignified wosang warrior did not shoot down the Pearl City of China for three days and three nights?

This is a shame!

"Bagaya Road, the people of Xia are all dead."

"All the people of Xia must be killed."

"Notify our warriors that as long as they capture Pearl City, the army can have fun in Pearl City for three days at will!"

Soon, the Wasang base camp issued a crazy order.

Order Wasang's army to take down the Pearl City with the fiercest attack and enter the city for three days of joy.

This is a crazy command that can drive countless wosang people to be high-spirited, because they all want to go crazy in the city, wantonly to kill humans, and wantonly defile human women.

The news soon reached the army of 100,000 Wasang who was launching an attack on Pearl City.

Commander Wasang saw that it was an order to urge the capture and seizure from the base camp. He immediately got up, holding the command knife in his hand, and walked out of the camp confidently.

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