The Game Warrior

v1 Chapter 331: Jade Girl Heart Sword

The sixth fireworks in March, Chapter 331 of Yangzhou, the Jade Girl Su Xinjian, fell asleep ...

"Boom! Long! Long!"

"Hahahaha! Deserve it!" Shuai ah with his own way!

The sound of explosions fluttered up and down.

For the masters of the heavens, this kind of beacon, which is slow flying and no change, is only a threat that depends on the power of the explosion for a moment.

Any master who can get away with energy has n kinds of treatments to minimize its damage. However, when the black **** are not aimed at them but in the sand in front of them, the impenetrable sand that the explosive power splashes is not them. Kung Fu can resist.

Suddenly disgraced is inevitable.

What makes the water rose and Xiaoyou helpless is the sand and dust bunker that bombarded the flames and bombarded all the way in the past than the scope of Du Guhong's sweeping of the thousand armies. From where he is now all the way to the center of the square.

If the dust is not scattered, it is impossible to determine where Du Guhong is. Maybe a few seconds later, he will be killed from the other end of the sand dust road and enter the secret service group A center directly.

Water Rose really lifted the stone and smashed her foot to the end. She didn't want to understand how Du Guhong did it ...

In fact, it's really uncomplicated. The pros and cons of the trick of mixing water and fish, Du Guhong can't be unclear. Even if he doesn't understand what the other party wants to do, relying on Du Gu's own personality must be used only when he can master the initiative.

Otherwise, the enemy could not see himself or the enemy, and maybe the wolf arrows would pierce themselves through a blind shot that day.

His grasp is called "Explosion Vision" in the Secret Service Group A. Although he will look inside, he has never thought about such a strange application of internal force.

The ordinary person's vision of sand dust with a thickness of three feet has long been obscured, but for Du Guhong, it is like a layer of gauze as long as he wants to see nothing can block it.

As for the technique of reflecting the thunderbolt back, it is of course not to reverse the internal force, but it is the same move in the Tangjia Bawang gun. Although it cannot be used to reflect the internal force, the deflection of the external force is much stronger than the internal force of the rotating star shift.

So in just a few moments, dozens of beacon thunderbolts with slow tactics were on the way.

This skill Du Guhong used to give special training to the gang, but he couldn't control the direction and angle of the reflection at that time, but when he learned the Dayan formula, it was just a matter of waving hands.

"Lingbo's micro-step: dry for the sky!" In the fleeting smoke barrier, Du Guhong waved his own breath to the fullest, almost four feet, Ling Bi blinked again, and his feet shone in a blink of an eye. Dust Road will be at the end.

Although the explosion of smoke greatly hindered the sight of Du Guhong's presence and disappearance in the a group of Secret Service, this situation was further aggravated. However, when the wind reached a certain level of roaring wind, it also exposed Du Guhong's position.

Although it is not precise, it must be so for the members of the Secret Service a ...

"Sirius shoot!"

Several arrows screamed and wore through the dust, and even Du Guhong's clothing corner was not taken away.

"Xiaoyao asks if the heart will not return!" (× 2)

The parallel water ripples and Xiaoyou traversed the sand and dust road for an instant and then attacked at least a distance behind Du Guhong ...

Listening to the wind is the basic skill of the people in the rivers and lakes. The problem is that as a player can ignite torches and even the Baolian lamp at any time with the pool. This immortal flame, which leads to the time and energy spent in the rivers and lakes to practice this skill. Players are few and Special Team A is no exception.

If one attack is unsuccessful, they will not have the opportunity to make a second attack. Suddenly, Du Guhong has rushed to the end of the sand dust road.

"Machine guns and bullets stopped him! The others evacuated immediately!" Roaring reactive water rose roared and said a few words in private on the team channel.

The Secret Service Group A is worthy of the battle-hardened combination. The roar of water rose has just finished. A man and a woman named machine guns and bullets have been seated at the entrance of the passage. Others are also far away, but there are still two or three people who did not comply with the water. Rose ordered an unconvinced look towards the direction in which Du Guhong would appear.

One is the dragon like a rumor, the other is the flame sword, and the other is not sure what martial arts are good at.

Their movement was slightly slower than that of machine gun bullets. When Du Guhong rushed out of the passage, he had not arrived yet.

However, in the face of Du Guhong's attack on machine guns and bullets, he did not panic and hesitate to slowly launch his long sword: "Wandering the horizon!"


The two swords have the same name in the move, but they are not the same. The other is a slanting sword. The other person swings the sword straight and the main attack is the slanting thorn, which blocks the possible attack route of Du Guhong.

Therefore, the abnormal calculation degree of the leak-finding ability of Du Guhong and Du Gu Nine Swords can't find the slightest flaw between these two moves, and he can only stop the charge and entangle the two of them ~ ~ "Huaqianyuexia!" (× 2) A sword from bottom to top is like an ice wheel sweeping across the sky, and another sword is swinging back and forth. The blade is trembling and shaking like flowers. It is another attack and defense. The pressure of her own is also impervious to her, making Du Guhong unable to enter.

"Jade Girl Suxin Sword?" If at this time Du Guhong still didn't understand it was the two-person combination of the true Jade Girl swordsmanship, he really didn't need to mix.

But even if he knew that he could not help but face this absolutely peerless skill.

After two strokes, the other three finally arrived.

"Dragon like prajna!" The light yellow dragon-shaped energy spread from Zhang Yu to Du Guhong's left shoulder.

"Flame Knife!" The flame knife jumped from the top of the machine gun's bullet, and the finger was like a knife. The fiery red sword gas that enveloped Du Guhong's whole body.

As for the last unknown guy who got into the dust trail behind Du Guhong, he might feel that the other party rushed into Du Guhong's vest without seeing himself ...

In the blink of an eye, Du Guhong was enemies on all sides!