The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 233: The art of killing!

"Ah ... ah !!!"

A survivor couldn't bear the pressure, took a two-step back sharply, and then turned around and wanted to run.

However, the moment he turned around, his head disappeared strangely, leaving only one body shaking in place twice, and blood spewed more than one meter high.

"*! One more!" Li Jie blushed and responded quickly, yelling quickly, "Everyone move closer to the wall! Hurry!"

After a while, they had already killed four people, but they could not even see the monsters. And not one but two!

Everyone made a change, and rushed to the wall like crazy, fearing that they would fall behind other people and become the target of the attack.

But even so, one person was suddenly thrown into the air while running. When he fell down, he had only half of his body left. He did n’t even breathe out and wanted to call for help, but he kept vomiting blood with only one mouth and dragged Half of the body crawled slowly, and it was sucked dry without climbing too far, and the desperate expression was frozen on the dry face.

The other screamed suddenly, and then his eyes changed to his companions. He smiled hesitantly, but his eyes were cruel and calm, and the man who was thrown by him yelled, and in turn wanted to attack him, but was quickly absorbed into a dead body. Then the person who was transformed into a different species also slowly became a dry body, and in the process, he was always smiling.

The rest rushed to the wall and turned around, staring sweatily at the empty street and posing defensively. But in the face of the air, their reaction was mainly weak legs, and no one knew if the next attack would turn to themselves. Leaning against the wall did not result in much security.

Li Jie's face was quite ugly, which did not match the information they had before! The two levels of xenomorphs that were ready to face mentally did not appear, but this unexpected monster appeared instead ...

"What are you doing there!" Li Jie suddenly shouted anxiously.

The three Zu Lifengs still stayed where they were and didn't come to meet.

But he just shouted, and someone secretly pulled him aside. Li Jie turned his head and found that the survivor beside him was shaking his head slightly towards him. He suddenly realized that they wanted Zulifeng to be their bait. Anyway, it was because they were too slow to respond and killed themselves. Li Jie hesitated a little, then closed his mouth.

Zu Lifeng did not look at these people at all. He was whispering to Xiaomi and Cheng Xiaomei next to him: "Whatever happens for a while. You will follow me. I will keep you safe."

Xiaomi nodded silently. Although Cheng Xiaomei's body was trembling slightly, she did not object: "Hmm!"

"Standing with those people will only be the goal ... and it is not convenient to move." Zu Lifeng secretly said. If someone pays attention to his eyes at this time, he will find that the color of his eyes is darker than before, and his pupils are shrinking slightly. It's like being stimulated by some fast-changing images.

"Come on!" Suddenly, Zu Lifeng's mental state had been adjusted to a high degree of concentration. All the sounds around him seemed to disappear. Everything he saw in front of him became blurred, but his head became clearer.

Li Jie they are afraid of the unknown, but Zu Lifeng has exactly the advantage in this regard.


Suddenly, a picture flashed in front of Zu Lifeng's eyes.

"Xiaomi!" As soon as Zu Lifeng's words fell, Xiaomi had raised his hands to protect the vital points, and his body flashed red.

She could feel a blast of wind rushing towards her, but still motionless.

Su Lifeng rushed to her. The bone wings spread out and blocked her in front, and a cold light flashed in her hand, but she waved to her side.

A low roar came at once, and at the same time a splash of blood splashed out of the blade.

At the same time, Zu Lifeng's bone wing sent a "swish", and his complexion went white, but his expression remained the same. Almost at the same time as the blood splattered, he had already sent in front of the empty man, and his left fist slammed into it.

"Roar!" There was a pain in the roar.

It all happened in one second, and one second later. Everything suddenly returned to peace.

Li Jie's group of people were completely dumbfounded, and the blood and roar clearly happened in front of them. Can Zurich see it?

"It's not over," Zu Lifeng whispered.

The first target that those two monsters attacked was Xiaomi.


Another picture flashed, this time it was directed at him.

Zu Lifeng blocked the bone wings in front of him, and then a muffled sound came. And Zu Lifeng's body seemed to have been impacted, and he retreated involuntarily a little. A huge force came from the front, while Zu Lifeng supported, while freeing his hands, his fist and scalpel were sent out between the bone wings at the same time.

But just then, he suddenly frowned. His face changed.

"Be careful!"

As soon as his voice fell, Cheng Xiaomei immediately changed her right arm, blocking her in front of her and Xiaomi.


There was also a loud noise. Cheng Xiaomei snorted suddenly, but the arm that was originally inward turned back instantly, as if a volley had caught a behemoth.

Although he couldn't see the monster, the claw marks suddenly caught from the ground and Cheng Xiaomei's reluctant support showed that the monster's resistance must be fierce now.

"I'm not! Cumbersome!" Cheng Xiaomei insisted on flushing, but still refused to let go. There were many spikes on her silver arm. After she roared, the scales became active, then brushed into countless blades, reflecting the dazzling light in the sun. Her entire arm was extended to about three meters, and her top palm had been completely turned into a sharp claw. The entire right arm looks like a combination of blades.

As her arm entangled the monster, there was a little blood on the ground. Xiaomi also drew the music from the wind at this time, and then rushed up. She doesn't have to attack that monster, but every wave of the Star Clan weapon will inevitably bring a scream.

"Ah!" Seeing that there was more and more blood on the ground, and the claw marks were getting deeper and deeper, Cheng Xiaomei Jiao drank, slammed her right arm, and threw it out fiercely.


The opposite wall immediately vibrated for a moment, with the sound of even heavy objects falling to the ground, as the blood on the ground increased, the figure of the monster gradually appeared.

At the same time, another monster figure appeared in the hands of Zu Lifeng. The moment he stabbed the opponent, he immediately turned over and jumped up. The bone spear penetrated deeply into the opponent's body. Next, regardless of the opponent's crazy shake, he just punched him with a concentrated expression. .

At first, it was still a high-frequency continuous snoring sound, but later, it was the blood that kept splattering. Even Li Jie saw their scalp tingling. They thought they were killing people without blinking, but it was far worse than Zurich. He was absolutely killing art under absolute calm!

What most surprised them was the two girls who looked lovely. Xiaomi's attack was weird and his movements were very erratic. Cheng Xiaomei's horrific abnormality instantly overturned the image of this group of people who thought she was bullying. The face is still a sweet girl, but the changeable part is like a mechanical beast. This strange combination comes together, the impact is really too strong.

As everything calmed down again, some survivors who had previously peeped at Xiaomei and tried to do something with Zuli Feng looked at the three people still standing on the street, and couldn't help but panic.

Damn, these three are actually older brothers? !! If Old Brother is so strong, he has to put a question mark! This ... This is simply beyond common sense! I can't blame them for not knowing Tarzan at first!

Li Jie also followed his mouth bitterly. His original attitude towards Zu Lifeng was quite enthusiastic, but just now they ran aside and just let them stand together ... Although this is their own choice, in this case, the two The relationship must be colder ...

"Isn't this alien in your intelligence?" Zu Lifeng asked at this moment.

Li Jie froze and glanced at his feet and the opposite wall. At this point, the two aliens had completely revealed their bodies, and they were both flesh and blood.

"No, the three E-level aliens that our people encounter have no similarities to these two. The E-level aliens have been divided into territories. Even if these two aliens are omitted, they should not appear in Here, "Li Jie explained quickly. If Zulifeng is mistaken for their intelligence again, it will be even worse. Li Jie didn't want to be looked down upon like that.

"I've been flattened enough ..." He remembered when he was struggling with life ~ ~ At that time, he often felt this kind of weakness. Someone has always surpassed him on various levels, and he thinks he has worked hard enough, but the actual slap is still one after another. Unexpectedly, to this day, life is still like this ...

"But he looked like he was a nerd ..." Li Jie was very depressed.

"This way ..." Zu Lifeng also noticed that Li Jie's eyes were very complicated, but he didn't care, but squatted down and looked at the corpse of the alien species carefully. It has the ability of chameleon, but compared with the real chameleon, the camouflage effect is much stronger. They will come here, I think they may be driven. "

"Have you been here?" Li Jie asked suddenly.

"Yeah ..." Zu Lifeng inadvertently glanced not far away and nodded.

He had probably guessed what was happening, but there was no need to say anything to these people.

"Unexpectedly, they acted very quickly." A sneer appeared in the corner of Zu Lifeng's mouth, and said in his heart. (To be continued.)