The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 395: Appointment?


"What's the matter?" Zu Lifeng took the light machine gun from Cheng Xiaomei and looked through the night vision telescope above in the direction she pointed.

Qi Rengao's wild grass was shaking slightly, and a large number of people could be seen faintly.

"Why are there so many suddenly?" Zu Lifeng returned the light machine gun to Cheng Xiaomei and turned to Wu Zhidao.

Among them, Wu Zhi knows these things best.

"We should be close to the core of the encirclement. The internal structure of the aliens is like this. They form high-level aliens at the core, forming a small group, just like the square of war. The remaining aliens continue to devour each other and wander around. Wu Zhi explained quickly.

"So that large number of aliens is a war square?" Zu Lifeng asked.

Wu Zhi nodded and added: "But don't worry too much, let's be careful they don't necessarily find us ..."

"What a joke? We're going to hunt them." Zu Lifeng turned the scalpel in his hand.

"... When I didn't say." Wu Zhi wiped his sweat and said hard.

He really felt the pressure to follow Zuli Feng ...

As a normal survivor, whether it is his usual experience or the warnings he heard from others, the most common sentence is not to proactively provoke a group of aliens, not to mention a high-level alien, let alone these two Combination of people.

He himself felt that tonight would be the pinnacle of his life.

He is about to do something that violates all survival rules ...

"Do you want to feel the excitement?" Zu Lifeng asked suddenly.

Wu Zhi swallowed a spit, and suddenly had a terrible hunch.


"Snoring ... snoring ..."

A group of aliens was moving silently in the grass, and a heavy gasp was heard from them.

Along with this sound, they move at a speed as if rhythmic.

Although they do not belong to the same intelligent species, this group of aliens is like a complete killing machine.

Looking at it, most of the aliens are covered with blood, and the fingers are covered with minced meat, but the face of style_txt; is like a human with a very human expression.

For joy or anger. Or excited.

Such a scene made people even more shudder.

They have just retreated from their engagement with the human army, and such days are already common for them.

Suddenly one of them sucked his nose.

It smells bloody.

But it quickly lost interest, just the taste of the lower class.

It almost thought it sensed a human breath, but how could that be? How could any human come to this place?

This alien shook his head for his crazy thoughts, and as a result, "clicked", it was half bombed off by a bomb and the neck that had not fully healed suddenly broke.

His head bone rolled to the ground, this alien body stiffened, and quickly chased his head.

But when his finger just touched his head rolling among the grass, a sudden noise came from the front. Extremely harsh sound.

A whisper, a trembling whistle.

Then a man shouted hard, with a flirty voice: "Hi!"

"Any appointment ?!"


All the aliens stopped at the same time, and this alien stopped as well, then its head kept rolling under its fingers.

This is ... a human voice!

Then, "brush", all the aliens turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound.

Wu Zhi really felt at this moment that he had reached the peak of his life.

Although he almost cried when he shouted that sentence, and exhausted all his strength, but after he shouted. He had a feeling that he finally got rid of the low-level taste and his life was sublimated.

He whistled many times in his life, but only this time he was truly proud and proud.

But this glory lasted just two seconds, and he screamed in fright at the collective turning of the aliens. He rolled back to Zulifeng behind him.

"I said now that I was forced, was it too late?" Wu Zhi asked.

Zu Lifeng nodded with a smile on his face.

"..." Wu Zhi was in tears.

Immediately after that, in a dense sound that made him feel guilty, the group of hundreds of aliens began to charge towards them frantically.

Just listening to the movement can make a person feel paralyzed.

Cheng Xiaomei is also pretty. The slightly fat face had a look of fear and concentration on it.

Her gun-shaking hand was shaking and her fingers were shaking slightly on the trigger.

But she did not rush off the trigger.

Not yet ...

500 meters, 300 meters ... 100 meters!

"Da da da!"

A long tongue of fire erupted. Cheng Xiaomei's petite body carried a violent hot weapon, and the horse's tail continued to shake with recoil.

"Go to death!" She yelled, blasting her heads or breaking her limbs one by one.

Some of the aliens failed to rise after falling down, but more jumped agilely.

Soon, Cheng Xiaomei pulled a new magazine from the waist, and the bullets inside were engraved with special marks.

Red wings on one side.

These are special bullets that have been processed by No. 1 and Wu Zhi is extremely jealous next to him.

How could they be reluctant to use this bullet to hit ordinary aliens other than advanced ones! It is indeed that the people in the laboratory are really rich!

As soon as the bullets changed, Cheng Xiaomei's record soared.

For a while, even those aliens were a bit stunned. What happened?

As long as you don't get hit on the body, there is no pressure, why do you die now?

But the good thing is that although the machine gun girl has amazing combat effectiveness, she only has one person and one shot, which will kill her dozens of similar ones, but after that, she will not have the opportunity to shoot again.

Thirty meters! Twenty meters!

When Cheng Xiaomei and the nearest alien were close enough to see the drool in the corner of her mouth ~ ~ Cheng Xiaomei did not show the expression of panic and despair as it imagined.

Instead, she smiled brightly at it, and then spoke to him with two words: "bye."


A white tender hand protruded from its chest, and its fingers were holding a large body still twisting.

At the same time, several other xenopsis suddenly bloomed, and then felt that there was a figure in front of them.

Seems to be more, right? Vague, seems to be a girl, and still smiling ...

But how is it green?

These aliens did not even respond, and they had decayed into a pool of rotting meat in situ.

At the same time, Zu Lifeng, like the same red light, rushed out! (To be continued.)

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