The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 1194: Easy help

When I heard Ning Cheng, Yi Yi looked at the platform and said with a slight hesitation. "There is also a tower. The tower is similar to the Tianmeng Road Tower. The tower has nine floors, and the rules inside are very powerful. The ability can only be embarked on the fifth floor, and it will be blasted. The tower is controlled by a holy emperor who is in harmony with the realm. However, he has not completely refining the tower until now."

Ning Cheng has already understood why Yi Yi is looking for someone who can step on the 9th floor of the Tianmeng Road Tower. It seems that he wants to go to this tower. Since he wants to go to this tower, there must be a reason. Just now, when he heard that he said that he was talking about his face, his face was very happy. It must have been speculated that it was very likely that he would change his mind and help him once.

Ning Cheng sat down and calmed down a lot. "Yicheng Lord, you said that the soil is on this tower, or on the people who control this tower."

If the tower is refining, he will be conceited and will not stupidly go to other people's treasures.

Yi Hao suddenly squeezed his fists, and the rhythm of the whole body continued to fluctuate. Ning Cheng did not care about Yi’s move. He knew that Yi Yi was not directed at him.

Sure enough, after a few moments, the easy fluctuations slowly calmed down. He tried to make his voice calm and said, "I originally had a Taoist, she called Shu Wei..."

Speaking of my own Taoist, Yi Yu’s tone has become gentle. “On that day, Shu Wei was promoted to the mixed yuan. I was very happy. I also invited many friends to Celestize her to advance to the mixed yuan. It is among the people I invite.

At that time, because I was happy, I drank some Tianmeng Star Dew, and I was slightly drunk. After the celebration, those friends continued to leave, and Di Wuxuan stayed. What I didn't think of was that Di Wuxuan suddenly and shamelessly started to work and restrained Shu Wei. I was late because I was drunk and didn't leave him. ”

The voice of Yi Yi said here, the tone became a little excited from the gentleness, and his fist was clenched again. "I left Tianmeng Star in search of Shu Wei. These years are also because the mad river brothers are here, this can make the sky The name of the ally has no name."

The river sighed and did not speak.

Yi Yi continued, "In order to find a comfortable, I have been wandering in the void for countless years. I finally found a trace in the little clue left by Shu Wei. Later I found the trace along the trace, but found one. A very amazing magic weapon..."

In this place, a little pause, Yi Yi said to look forward to Ning Cheng, "This magic weapon called the nine-town empty tower, is a top-level innate defense magic..."

Ning Cheng instantly understood what was going on. He cultivated into the realm of the mixed yuan, and some things would not be unfamiliar. He has heard of the magic weapon of the Jiudao Town empty tower. On the prestige, it is still far above his Promise Qinglei City.

The refining and transformation of this magic weapon is very difficult. There are nine layers. I heard that it is necessary to use the blood and the help of the soil of a woman who is born with a natural vein. This can be refining. Once refining, the woman will become a spirit, and the soil will strengthen the tower's innate way.

Yi Yi said so much, Ning Chengzhen can not understand what he meant. It is certain that Shu Wei is a natural woman, and that Di Fu Xuan has a stake. Otherwise, he is not qualified to refine the nine empty town towers. A woman born in a natural way can't live, let alone practice. However, Yi Yi is the owner of the Tianmeng Star, and it is also a perfect way to reconcile with the top treasures. It should not be unexpected.

From this, we can also see the cruelty of the flute, and it is not easy for a woman to be alive. Then extract the magical refining magic weapon on her body and turn it into an instrumental spirit. This is just a fight with the sentence of Wansheng chewing the soul. In the process, it is conceivable how much torture has been suffered. As long as the Jiutao Town Empty Tower is not refining in one day, the comfort of a day will not end.

Once the Jiutao Town empty tower was refining, Shu Wei died and digested into a spirit without predecessor memory, and naturally will not be tortured.

Yi Yi saw that Ning Cheng understood the meaning of his words and went straight to the ground. "Yi Yi found the place where the empty tower of Jiu Dao Town was located, but he could not enter the seventh floor to save my Taoist Shu Shu. Now I am I am afraid that the whole life will be refining to the ninth floor. If I go later, I am afraid that I will not be able to save it again. I asked Ning Xiong and the Taiwanese friends to help me set foot on the high-rise tower of Jiudao Town. Save my poor fellow."

If you don’t speak, you can’t go to the empty tower in Jiudao Town. However, the empty tower of Jiudao Town is a treasure that others are refining, and even if it is not fully refining, it can control part of it. Once all refining, then they outsiders are going to die.

Ning Cheng stood up without hesitation. "Go, I will accompany you to a trip."

Don't say that there is still a lot of soil, even if there is no interest, he will help him. If it was before, he would not be able to repair his home. This is exactly what he can do for him now.

When Yantai wanted to go to Ningcheng, she also stood up and said, "Yicheng Lord, this person is so ferocious, and the Taiwanese will not deny it, but also help you."

Yi Xin’s heart is overjoyed. He can’t see this kind of eyesight because it’s because Ning Cheng wants to pass, is this going to pass? But he is very grateful. The two strongmen who boarded the tenth floor of the Tianmeng Road Tower are better than the strong ones who boarded the Tianmeng Road Tower.

The old gas wants to leave, but Ning Cheng said that he had to ask him some things. Now that Ning Cheng has not asked, he will make a farewell. If the angered Ningcheng predecessor is angered, he will be finished. Thinking of this, he touched the mouth of the wine, "Yichengzhu is a good wine, drink your wine, I am also going to see it, this is the sacredness of the flute."

The two strongmen who boarded the tenth floor of the Tianmeng Road Tower, together with the old gas, such as the old emperor, were even more pleasantly surprised. They are going to this group of people, if they still can't save Shu Shu from the empty tower of Jiudao Town, it is not enough for Shu Shu.

Because of this, he did not conceal anything, and said everything that he could say could not be said.

Seeing Yi Yi looking at his eyes, Ning Cheng understood that this was the one that asked him. He simply stood up. "Do not hesitate, go now."


After everyone left Tianmeng, Ningcheng knew why Yi Yi had not been in Tianmeng. He is constantly interfering with the empty tower of the Didao Town of Di Wuxuan. If he has not interfered in these years, perhaps Di Wuxuan has refining this innate defense baby.


A month later, Yi Yi took Ning Cheng and others to stop next to a spiral of emptiness.

This kind of place Ning Cheng knows that it is very likely to hide this illusion or darkness. Thinking of Ming Xu and darkness, Ning Cheng thought of the Lanya who told him these things, and did not know how Lan Ya had been.

"This is a whirlpool of emptiness. There is nothing in it. Few people will stay here. No one will know that there will be nine treasures of empty towers in the town." Yi Yi pointed to the vortex of the void, hate Said the voice.

Ning Cheng nodded, "Yicheng Lord, you take the lead, we are behind."

The intensity of this void vortex is not too big, and Ning Cheng’s knowledge can be swept in.

"Okay." After Yi Ying responded, he rushed into the void vortex very simply, and several people in Ningcheng followed the vortex.

The powerful vortex tearing force is nothing to do with the cultivation of these people in Ningcheng. Following the vortex's volume of power, after walking for a few hours, the crowd appeared in a dim valley.

This valley is lacking in aura, and there are useless voids of meteorites everywhere.

Yi Yi quickly found one of the countless rumors and then slammed it in.

Ning Cheng’s knowledge directly broke through many natural bans, and some low-level interface obstacles fell on a dark tower.

The tower is full of breath, as if coming from ancient times, all kinds of rhymes are draped from the top of the tower and flow. It is the tower that Yi Yi is heading. Ning Cheng does not have to ask, but also know that this is the empty tower of Jiudao Town.

Another two hours passed, Yi Yi stopped. In front of his eyes is the tall tower that Ning Cheng Shennian saw before. The rhyme that fell on the giant tower is like a curtain, and there are eight kinds.

Yi Yan’s face is somewhat ugly, “Ning brother, Di Wuxuan has refining to the eighth floor...”

The reason why he looks ugly is because the refining of the empty tower in Jiudao Town is the most difficult in the first layer, and the last layer is the simplest.

Yi Yi has not finished this sentence yet, and the top of the tower has once again dropped a rhyme. Although the rhyme is weak, it is constantly increasing.

"He refining to the ninth floor, I, I..." Yi Xin's body rhyme suddenly became a little messy, stepping forward a few steps, wanting to rush into the nine empty town tower.

In the middle of Yi Yi, the mad river pulled Yi Yi, "The city owner, even if the flute is not refining to the ninth floor, it is not a matter of time to refine the nine empty town towers. Brother here, we still listen to the meaning of Ning brother."

Easy to calm down He knows that the mad river is right. If he has a solution, he has already entered the Jiutao Town empty tower to rescue him.

Ning Cheng turned back and said to the old gas and Yantai. "You two and the deacons stayed outside the tower and waited for me. I went with the Yicheng master to see."

"Yes, my predecessors, I will definitely not go, just stay here waiting for you." The old gas simply did not want to enter the Jiutao Town empty tower. The empty tower of Jiudao Town was refining to the ninth floor. If he entered, he was locked in it. His countless years of suffering is equal to white.

Yantai Yi also owes alms to him. "I listen to Ning's brother. I believe that Ningxiong will be able to save Shuxi's sister."

Originally, when Fujian and Taiwan saw that the empty tower of Jiudao Town was refining to the ninth floor, they were hesitant to enter the empty tower of Jiudao Town. Now Ning Cheng took the initiative to let her stay outside, she naturally would not go in.

She also heard of the empty tower in Jiudao Town. This is the top innate defense weapon. The only drawback is that it is difficult to refine and reinforce the Lord, but once refining begins, the time for refining each layer is getting shorter and shorter. Because this magic weapon is more refined to the back, the simpler
