The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 2269: 0 year battle (He StAdMa)

At the moment, the demon of the Mozu, the emperor of the Mozu, rushed forward and hugged his fist and said, "Ye Dan Wang is angry, and my demon is tempted by the demon fan Gao. At this time, regret is too late, dare to invade the holy world? Willing to bear all the anger of Ye Dansheng, please ask Ye Dansheng to raise his hand. Although Fan Gao was damned, but what he said is true, our virtual world is only a small part of the billions of worlds. We really don’t It should be killed by each other."

Ye Mo understands the meaning of Qi Yuanzhou. His begging for mercy is the same as that of Fan Gao. It is only Fan Gao who has become a bird.

The people around him looked down on Qi Yuanzhou. When the guy came, he was very angry. Now that he saw Ye Mo, he was afraid. But thinking of Ye Mo, everyone here has a shudder. Ye Mo is a bit outrageous. This kind of powerful cultivation, even if more than 100 million cents come here, it is also a dish.

Seeing Ye Mo’s silence, Qi Yuanzhou suddenly said loudly, “I swear by the heavens, the Mozu will never take the initiative to have a half-divided relationship with the Terran and the Holy Word. If this is an oath, the Mozu will perish.”

After that, Zhai Yuanzhou once again said, "In order to make up for the loss of the Terran people, the Mozu is willing to produce hundreds of the best gods, thousands of supernatural spirits, thousands of Chinese spirits, and 50 billion gods. Willing to There are millions of gods and grasses, and they are willing to produce more than ten grades of centuries. They are willing to make a variety of fruit."

All the people who heard Qi Yuanzhou’s words were sucking in a cold air. Even if all the demons of the Mozu were all destroyed, they would not be able to collect so many things. But Yuan Yuanzhou is so generous, and the things that come out can make a small race.

After Ye Mo’s new way of Ming Wu, there was no intention to destroy all the immortals who had committed the Mozu, and there was no plan to destroy the Mozu.

The vastness of the void, countless years of accumulation, I do not know how many amazing talented sacred emperors. However, even though these people could not be alone, even though they swept the void, they all disappeared into the long river of the years. It is rare to hear that such a person is going to kill a race, and it is already necessary to understand that the universe is not just the one they are in. What they don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Ye Mo nodded to Wu Yuanzhou and did not speak.

Qi Yuanzhou immediately understood the meaning of Ye Mo, and the surprise again fell back. At the same time, all the Devil warships have withdrawn. Even if it didn't leave, the original dense warships were empty.

With a sigh, he knew that Ye Mo’s current ability should completely eliminate the dragon. The main purpose of his coming this time is not to destroy the holy world, but to force the death of Ye Mozhen.

"The dragons have seen Ye Dansheng, and this time Lu Xun dispatched the Dragon Clan warships, and is willing to take out as much as the Mozu, to compensate the Holy Land. And to ensure that he will never take the initiative to enter the Sanctuary of the Terran, please Ye Dan Sheng Daen." The tone of the voice looked old and hoarse.

When he said this, his heart was also filled with emotion. At the beginning, Ye Mo went to the Dragons to congratulate the 敖郗 敖郗 元 大 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , How long has it been now? At that time, Ye Dansheng, who had to escape from the dragons, had already become the existence of sweeping the whole void.

Ye Mo glanced at him and said in a plain tone, "I didn't kill."

"What?" Suddenly looked up and looked at Ye Mo shockedly. He didn't think Ye Mo was cheating on him. Ye Mo was so repaired that he could kill the entire dragon. He said that he didn't kill, that is, he really didn't kill. Ye Mo will never deceive him in this kind of thing.

When he realized that Ye Mo really did not kill, he even showed remorse and took the initiative to say to Ye Mo. "I really have been practicing for many years and I was deceived by Fan Gao. Thank you, Ye Dan. A large number of people, the dragon's gift will soon be sent, and then take a step back."

When he said that he would immediately retreat, the dragon warship he brought with him also withdrew from the army in an instant, and stood far away from the Mozu. He did not ask Ye Mo who killed him. Since Ye Mo did not say, he should not ask.

After the Mozu and the Dragons retreated from the tens of millions of immortals, the intensive army of the immortals was half empty.

The Yaozu did not have the Holy Emperor, and several Daoyuan Shengdi were panicked. They didn’t dare to leave for a time, nor dared to go forward and ask for mercy.

Tang Congjing cultivated to the Holy Emperor, although the induction is not as obvious as Ye Mo, but it also vaguely understands that the mixed yuan is not the ultimate, there should be a bigger world outside this void world. She has already seen from Ye Mo's tone that Ye Mo does not want to kill the idea of ​​killing. At most, he just wants to make some compensation resources for the Terran.

Now that the Yaozu has no owner, she is also a demon-born. She simply stood up and said to Ye Mo, "Ye Dansheng, except for Fan Gao, who is ambitious, the rest of the people have no idea of ​​attacking the Tao. I think it would be better to let the Yaozu compensate for the same thing and let the warships of the Yaozu return."

The Yaozu had no opinion at all, and now Tang Congxin took the initiative to help them to speak. Several of the Yaozu’s sacred emperors had stood up and said to Ye Mo, “I am willing to pay for the recklessness and willing to listen. The arrangement of the phoenix priests vowed not to take the initiative to invade the sacred people, but also to compensate for the loss of the sacred world."

Even if there is no loss in the holy world, the Daoist Daoyuan does not dare to say this.

Ye Mo nodded and said, "Tang Xianyou said that the demon family would do it by Tang Xianyou. Did the Hai people come?"

After listening to Ye Mo’s words, the Dao’s Daoyuan Shengdi was overjoyed. He still cares about the Shanghai family and quickly greeted Ye Mo and then quit.

In the terrible way of Ye Mo’s instant killing of the Holy Emperor, the demon’s thousands of cents are nothing at Ye Mo’s eyes. Now Ye Mo has let go of the Yaozu with a supreme weight. If they don't know how to retreat, then they are really looking for death.

When I heard Ye Mo’s question about the sea, all the people around him were shaking. To say that the hatred of the Terran is the deepest, it must be undoubtedly the Haizu. Whether it is the Yaozu, the Mozu or the Dragon, they have never really invaded the Terran. Unlike the sea people, the sea people sent warships to invade the Holy Land many years ago. Now Ye Mo once again asked the sea people, it is to settle accounts after the fall.

All those who did not leave were automatically allowed to leave, leaving the sea warship. Even the Mozu, the Yaozu, and the Dragon are planning to pay compensation. Those tribes are prepared to pay compensation and have to retreat.

The sea people were smashed out by others, and Ye Mocai saw that the sea people had only come to the fairy who had not arrived in a million. It is said that the sea and the people have the most entanglements, and the people who come should be the most. How come this?

"I have seen Ye Dansheng." A Taoist emperor of the Hai nationality stood up. Although the tone was stable, Ye Mo still heard the panic in his tone.

"In the past, I was bombarded with half of my body, and I was still alive. You are also a hard life." Ye Mo had already recognized it when he saw it.

"My sea people are willing to go with the Mozu, the dragons..." Reluctantly hold back the inner panic ~ ~ but the tone is still a little trembling.

Ye Mo coldly said, "Other people can quit, but the sea people can't. I don't want anyone who wants to come. I want to go. I used to kill thousands of immortals in the holy world. I am Ye Moya. Don't pay your interest, just repay it today, Luo Qinghe..."

"The Sovereign, Qinghe is here." Even now, Luo Qinghe could not help but feel excited. He knows that the Sovereign is extremely powerful, but he can't think of being so powerful that he has killed the mixed emperor and suppressed the army of several ethnic groups. This kind of power is not described in words.

Ye Mo glanced at the millions of Terran army soldiers behind Luo Qinghe and Qin Lan, and nodded and said, "How did you resist when the Hai people invaded the Holy Land, how can they resist today? My holy world re-grows Life time is not long, but it is not that anyone wants to bully and bully. My holy people do not invade any race, but no race wants to bully my holy people."

"Qinghe understands." Luo Qinghe said excitedly. No one cares more about this hundred-year battle than him. He is planning this battle all the time. At this time, the sect of the sect of the Holy Land was organized. Far from being a disparity in the original sand. In recent years, he has been doing all kinds of efforts to deal with this alien invasion. Today, this war has finally come, and it is more than a few times better than his prediction.

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