The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 661: Dead friends are not dead

Duan Gantai simply ignored the call of Bai Jiao, the whole person rushed to Ning Cheng, a powerful killing swept out, and the surrounding spectators all retreated.

Ningcheng was shocked by this violent violent murder, and had to quickly retreat and land on the street. At the same time, a blood was forced out and spit it out. He did not know what kind of conspiracy Duan Gantai had in the end. Now Duan Gantai has such a powerful killing, so that he has vaguely seized something.

Duan Gantai’s crazy killings were instantly suppressed, although he could not let him vomit blood. However, Ning Cheng can feel it, ordinary monk monk, met this killing, vomiting blood is not impossible. He simply forced out a blood, just to prevent Duan Gantai from knowing his strength.

Although spit a blood is forced out by himself, Ning Cheng’s heart is actually secretly horrified. Duan Gantai apparently did not make full efforts. Even so, Duan Gantai’s shot was the most powerful of all the monks he had seen.

If the two men try their best, he will not move the sunset, and whether he can kill Duan Gantai is still two different things.

Thinking of this, the original vague idea suddenly became clear in Ning Cheng’s mind. Suppose Duan Gantai and he fled to Yongda Grand Square at the same time. Duan Gantai suddenly attacked him. What would happen?

Take him for himself, with his current cultivation, a sudden attack on an ordinary heavenly monk, this ordinary heavenly monk is absolutely unfortunate, he can even take away the body of this ordinary destiny .

Ning Cheng subconsciously played a cold war, to be really like this, then all the words of this guy are letting him relax his vigilance. In order to let him relax his vigilance, not only bargained with him, even the Star Temple was said.

If Duan Gantai really did what he guessed. Then he is finished. Duan Gantai was indeed unable to kill him through a sneak attack. But it can delay his escape. As long as he delays the time between one and two, the person at home may stop him.

Whether he guessed it was true or not, he must not let Duan Gantai take the lead. This is a matter of his own life.

Duan Gantai saw that Ning Cheng was violently smothered by his own murderousness, spit a blood, and his heart was slightly relieved. He was not surprised by Ning Cheng’s vomiting blood because he knew his strength. With his powerful strength, under this sudden murder attack. Hematemesis is also normal.

Ning Cheng spit out a blood, and seemed to feel that his face was thrown away, and he screamed with anger. "Duan Gantai, don't think that you are a great person to enter the home. What is the sneak attack? In the street, Lao Tzu does not accompany you, you have something. Compensation, I haven't. There is a kind of go to the Yongda Duel Tower with me, I will let you know. You don't rely on a woman who lives at home, you are nothing."

"Ha ha..." Duan Gantai laughed loudly. There is only shame and anger on his face. Where is the half-point smile? "Is the surname Ning, holding a little white face? Your grandfather is trying to kill the tower, and I want to see who is not planting." Whoever shamelessly will only make a woman."

At this time, Su Baijiao became an outsider. She wanted to rush to pull Duan Gantai, or to stop Ningcheng, but she did not have this courage. The people on the street were already laughing at her. If she was still in her head, there would be no place on her face.

Duan Gantai and Ning Cheng are so troublesome, and they are still yelling at each other on the street. It is impossible for the host to know.

The night of the night city, the hotel has a macro, almost a dozen breaths in Ningcheng and Duan Gantai got the news.

At this time, Aizheng was sitting with a middle-aged man who had to be white. When he got the news, he immediately asked, "Uncle Cheng, they will leave the Yongye area to go to the Yongyue Square duel tower. Do you want them to go out of the night?"

The man who had to be white was indulged for a moment and said, "The atmosphere of the night-field lock is not only us can use, but also to retain two destiny monks, there is no need to do so. Let them go, even if there is anything Moths can't walk out of Yongda Square."

There was a macro nod, and a jade card was taken to depict a few lines.

He understands the meaning of the homeowner's words. The array of Yongyin Square is usually locked, and ordinary people have no influence at all. If someone is too fast to cross the square array within two points, the formation will be locked immediately. Even if they escape, they can only escape one person at most. The other person will also be locked in Yongyin Square. As for the escaped person, you can easily catch it back with the ability of the host family.

Moreover, there is a macro that believes that although Duan Gantai is strong, it is impossible to rush out of the Yongye Square in the two places. This distance of Yongyin Square, even if he suddenly starts to take two minutes, can pass. As for the Ningcheng, it is even more impossible.


Ning Cheng and Duan Gantai each rushed to the Yongye Square with anger. When the two men rushed out of the permanent night field, there was no half-blocking, and the two were happy at the same time. At least the first step of their plan was completely successful.

It is a pity that Ning Cheng does not know that the array of Yong Ye Square will quickly lock out after one person quickly escapes. If he knows, he will fully understand the idea of ​​Duan Gantai.

The two went all the way to the Yongyue Duel Tower in Yongyue Square, and followed a large number of monks who went to see the bustle.

At the moment before coming to the duel tower, Ning Cheng’s rifle was sacrificed, and there was no trace of the thorns to the Duantai. At the same time, Tianyun’s wings fluttered wildly, and he had to teleport and say it. Duan Gantai's body he did not want, he also knows that he can't do a piece of Gantai. Therefore, this move has no trace, and he does not even have a long gun.

He took the initiative to help Duan Gantai, that is, he was afraid that Duan Gantai would start with him. Anyway, he thinks that Duan Gantai does not go through this array of methods, he is blocked behind him, there are other means to get rid of. The dead friend is not dead, this is the only idea of ​​Ning Cheng.

"Booming and banging..." The speed of no trace is not unpleasant, and the space was cut at the moment of Ningcheng’s sacrifice. Even so, it still collides with Duan Gantai's thick back knife and makes a sharp impact bursting sound.

If it is behind the Ningcheng, Duan Gantai's move is impossible to block Ning Cheng's rifle. Obviously, the idea of ​​Duan Gantai and Ning Cheng is the same, and the two people are almost at the same time.

At this time, Ningcheng has already approached the edge of the Yongzheng Square, and his gods swept into the heart of this scene. This section of Gantai really did not feel good. However, he also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did it in advance, otherwise he would have to resolve the trick of Duan Gantai, so that he must not escape the Yongye Square in the first place.

"Oh..." Ning Cheng’s shadow just flashed on the edge of the square array, and disappeared without a trace.

"Oh..." The next moment Ningcheng escaped, Duan Gantai was hit back by an invisible force and landed on the square again. A few powerful killings were suppressed, from far to near.

Duan Gantai smashed the mouth and smashed Ning Cheng, while playing dozens of gestures. In just a moment of rest, his whole person turned into a **** light. This group of blood flashed in place, and disappeared without a trace.

He calculated everything, that is, he did not count that Ning Cheng did not give a sign, but instead he started to do it at the same time as he started. He was not afraid of doing it. What shocked him the most was that Ning Cheng’s cultivation was not lower than him. The two did not take any advantage.

Even if it is an idiot, Duan Gantai also knows that the vomiting blood that was suppressed by him before Ning Cheng was deliberately made so that he could relax his vigilance. A guy who is a traitor, he lost a million Everlasting Dan and 10,000 Hengyuan Dan, and finally escaped through this secret trick. I knew that he would go straight to the ban and forget it. It is cheaper than the **** named Ning.

From the debut until now Duan Gantai has not suffered such grievances and depression, this monk named Ning Cheng, he remembered. In the future, one day, he will ask for a return. This time, he suffered a loss. Before he shot every time, he would calculate the strength of the other side, and this time he even ignored it. This mistake he can't make again in the future.

Where the Ningcheng can manage the depression of the upper section of Gantai, he went out of the Yongye Square and sacrificed the starry wheel. Then the starry wheel turned into a void, disappearing without a trace.

At this time, the two strongmen of the family had just come to the place where Ningcheng disappeared. The two men were shocked to see the starry sky disappearing in the gods, and they did not know what to do. Catch up? This is a big joke.

They did not catch up with Ning Cheng, but they also saw how Ning Cheng disappeared. As for Duan Gantai, they didn’t even know how the other party disappeared, let alone chase.

(Three more cash, friends good night, request a monthly ticket to support the creation.)

(To be continued...)

