The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 1330: 7 bridge reconnection

"Tu Daojun, Ye Zongzhu, Ning Daoyou, everyone listened to me first..." Sang Wangxi was really anxious, and quickly rushed to the front and hugged his fist and said. . .

Only he really knows where Ning Cheng and Ye Mo’s strengths are strong. Ning Cheng can even be easily destroyed by Qi Qi Duan, and Ye Mo is killing Mu Qiang. At this time, the two joined forces, even if the more than ten third-step powerhouses of Tianmen Jiemeng teamed up, I am afraid it would be difficult to deal with them.

The only chance of victory is that Tianmen Alliance has a way to superimpose the rhyme, but even the third step of the Tianmen Alliance has teamed up to kill Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. The price paid is probably not what he dares to imagine.

In addition to Sang Wangxi, I don’t want Tianmenjie and Yening to fight together, and Fenghuangmei doesn’t want both sides to fight. Let's not say that Ye Mo and Ning Cheng can't play these more than ten third-step powerhouses. What if they can play? The Tianmen world can be more than these people, and perhaps the strongest in the Tianmen world is more than ten times. The mysterious yellow sky, only Ning Cheng and Ye Mo two, and even some between the two are not appropriate.

The slaughter of jade and jade is ugly. It is not Ye Mo, but Ning Cheng, who hates him more at this time. The little girl didn’t know that the sky was thick and thick, and he didn’t give him a half face. Before he was talking to Ning Cheng, this person did not know how to be good.

However, he is also very jealous in his heart. Before he was worried that the two men would join hands to deal with the Tianmen world, it is really a fact.

Only Ning Cheng and Ye Moxin are clear, as long as they join hands, don't say these more than ten third steps, even if they come back more than ten, they can kill. Nothing else, just because they can join together to sacrifice the complete Seven Bridges.

In Ning Cheng's view, when he was still in the late stage of the mixed yuan, Ye Mo seemed to be still in the early days of the road, and the two men used the Seven Bridges to scare off Xing Wei. At this time he was in the beginning of the road. Ye Mohe was in the late stage, and they could not combine these pseudo-worlds.

Think of it here. Ning Cheng involuntarily glanced at Ye Mo. He got a big chance in the killing world, and Ye Mo obviously also got a big chance. Otherwise, it will not advance to the late stage of the joint.

Mount Gane is a good place. After the settlement of Xuan Huang Tian Tian Tian and Tai Su Jie, he must go to Mount Sanshan.

"Hands." Looking at the eyes of the rest of the world, the first one of the carcass was sacrificed. Even if it is invincible, it must be beaten, otherwise it will be frightened by the two joint sacred emperors. His Tianmen world has no face to continue to say that it is the first realm.

"Everyone quits..." Almost at the same time as the slaughtering jade called, Ning Cheng and Ye Mo said at the same time.

Without the two people talking, the rest of the people also withdrew from the Xuanhuangtian Waitian Square. Once it is up, the sleepy squad of Xuanhuangtian Tiantian Square will definitely be launched. They stayed here and only got caught up in the trap.

When I heard Ye Mo also called the same as myself, Ning Cheng knew that Ye Mo also arranged a trap here.

After everyone has withdrawn from Xuanhuang Tiantian, the heaven and earth space of Xuanhuang Tiantian is messy. Various rules of the world began to break, and all kinds of powerful magical laws began to wreak havoc.

The violent rhythm of the atmosphere has filled the whole space. Fortunately, the rules of the heavens and the earth outside the Xuanhuang Tiantian are extremely strong. Even if the rules of the space of the Xuanhuang Tiantiantian Square are broken, the rules of the heavens and the earth in other places are still intact.

The rhythm of the rhythm burst, the rules raged, and Daoguang and supernatural powers roared in space.

Whether it is Ning Cheng or Ye Mo, at this time, I am glad that the two have joined forces. Kill a strong bound. And in the face of more than a dozen third-step powerhouses, and even among them, the situation is completely different.

At this moment, Ye Mo’s knives, moments, one side, ice and other magical powers almost did not stay.

Ning Cheng's no trace, the three-year-old environment, the secret explosion and the unreserved sacrifice. Even breaking even said that it was cast twice.

With such a powerful supernatural attack, the two men only killed two powerful players. If the number of opponents is less than half, maybe they have already won.

The other party plus Sang Wangwei, a total of fourteen people. Moreover, the attack also formed a rhyme superposition through an attack and killing. Whether it is Ning Cheng or Ye Mo, every time you want to kill one of them, the other people's rhyming overlay attacks will come.

It’s not the two people who have joined together. Any one of them who faces the superposition of these ten people can only retreat first.

Ning Cheng and Ye Mo killed one of the powerful people in order to kill the two. Both Ning Cheng and Ye Mo have paid the price. Ning Cheng’s left chest was bombarded by the light beam of a mid-term strongman in the middle of the bounds. Ye Mo’s back was brought out by a Wuguang flag of the late Emperor of the United States.

At this time Ning Cheng and Ye Mo both saw it. The superposition of the rhymes of the more than ten powerful people in Tianmenjie will definitely not be much weaker than Xing Wei. Especially the late end of the bounds that injured Ye Mo. This person’s eyes have been squatting for a long time, and it seems that they will fall asleep at any time. After coming here, I have never said anything. However, the strength of this person is even stronger than the long-haired slender jade, even more than a few times.

Ning Cheng is very skeptical that this guy is not a pseudo-world, even if this guy is not as good as Xing Wei, the bounds of the world will not be weaker than the invisible.

The slaughter jade is also a gloomy face. He tried to overestimate the two men, and in fact the strength of the two men still far exceeds his estimate. Whether it is Ning Cheng or Ye Mo, the rhythm of the rhyme is strong, and it is definitely not comparable to the general bound. If the cultivation of Ye Mo is stabilized, I am afraid that their rhyme superposition will not work.

In the same way, he couldn’t think of the depth of Feng Xuan’s hiding. Really fight, he found that Feng Xuan's strength is stronger than him, and the strength is not a little bit. If Ning Cheng and Ye Mo are too powerful, he does not even know it until now.

Feng Xuan is the late end of the bounds that has been half-squinting, and his heart is equally shocked. If his strength is far better than the general strength of the bounds, more than a dozen of them have already been defeated and killed. I knew that these two people are so powerful, he will not come to this place. At this time his strength has fully exerted, and still can not occupy the absolute upper hand.

I think there is still a sleepy killing line that has not been stimulated. Feng Xuan’s heart is even more irritable. In exchange for the usual, the sleepy killing here is not at all in his heart. But now it’s different, and now there are two such powerful and powerful people who are entangled with them. Once the sleepy squad is fired again, it will be a trivial matter for the people in the Tianmen world to lose. He is afraid that it will be difficult to please.

"Xinghai cracked flag..." Feng Xuan no longer has the mood to continue to entangle with Ning Ye, and the Wuguang flag at the top of his head suddenly split. Turned into an endless planet, these planets smashed from the void, directly to Ning Cheng and Ye Mo.

at the same time. In the hands of Feng Xuan, there was another dark ball. This ball only appeared in the hands of Feng Xuan. The pressure on the surrounding space is almost collapsed.

These planets are empty and seem to be in fact. Ning Cheng and Ye Mo’s body protection fields are directly broken. The power of the violent rhythm sizzles the bones of both of them. This is the bombardment of the supreme power.

"Seven Bridges!"

In the Tianmen border alliance, many powerful people attacked Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, and Feng Xuan sacrificed the Xinghai crack flag to break the two-person body protection field. Ning Cheng and Ye Mo sacrificed the Seven Bridges.

The two did not open the trapped squad, and once the sleepy squad was opened, it would not only damage the surrounding area. I am afraid I can't take the upper hand. The other party not only has a strong Da Yun superimposed big array, but also a strong bound for Feng Xuan.

The Seven Bridges were offered almost at the same time, and the scroll wheel was back in the space. The overwhelming reincarnation of the heavens and the earth is full of breath, and all life standing before this breath must be swayed under this avenue of reincarnation.

This day will make you reincarnate, you will reincarnate. This day you will never have a reincarnation, then you can only be destroyed.

The magnificent reincarnation of the heavens and the earth is derived from the Seven Bridges. The avenue of Ye Mo and the avenue of Ning Cheng combine to form a complete reincarnation channel. You are born in heaven and earth, you are dead, it is the affiliation of the Seven Bridges.

Naihe, Wangxiang, Forget Sichuan and Huangquan.

There is no good or evil in Huang Quan. Dust on the bridge.

If you want to go back to the other side and reincarnate, you will not return to the bridge once...

Reincarnation, everything starts to reincarnate.

This is no longer a mysterious sky. Here is the beginning of the cycle, from no matter to reincarnation, from birth to death.

This time, the two men joined hands to sacrifice the Seven Bridges, and there was no such thing as the sinister blood of the past. Starting from the Naihe Bridge, the cycle from birth to death.

Health, you have to enter the Seven Bridges! Dead, you still have to enter the Seven Bridges...

In the next moment when the Qiqiao God channel rhyme is merged, the multitude of the third step of the Tianmen world is directly broken and broken.

Ning Cheng and Ye Mo did not have the upper hand. It is not how strong these third steps of the Tianmen world are, but the superposition of Tianmen is too strong. At this time, the superimposed rhyme is collapsed. Even if there are no seven bridges, the two can be killed one by one.

The rhythm of the Seven Bridges is getting richer. The whole world is like a new yin.

Time is rewinding, and the years are back.

"This turned out to be a complete seven-bridge supernatural power, which constitutes a complete reincarnation of the Seven Bridges..." Feng Xuan was dull and looked at a famous founder in Tianmenjie, who was taken away by the Seven Bridges, and even the slaughtered jade was also Ningcheng. One finger of murder, his heart is extremely frightened.

Almost at the same time he reacted, a symbol was sacrificed by him. Such a powerful Seven Bridge, plus two strong opponents, and the unsuccessful sleepy squad, he Feng Xuan continues to stay here, that is to find death.

"Want to go?" Ye Mo snorted, raising his hand and a golden longbow appeared in his hand, and the next six long arrows were shot by him.

The six long arrows turned into a void crack, and the entire space was only horrible and violent. The void was torn, and life and death were controlled.

Ning Cheng was shocked to see the horrible six arrows and bone arches. He thought of his own five-color cracked star arrow. His five-color cracked star arrow has only one arrow, but he feels that it is only when the bow and arrow are combined that it can be stronger than the six arrows. And is Ye Mo only six arrows? He didn't know at all.

There was a scream of screaming in the void, and the next six Jin Mang disappeared into Ye Mo’s side.

"Ning Daoyou, Ye Zongzhu, please be merciful. This is the fault of my Tianmen world. I am a apology to the two people on behalf of the Tianmen community..."

In the rhythm of the tumbling seven bridges, the sound of Sang Wang’s trepidation and begging for mercy came.

Almost at the same time, Ning Cheng put away six bridges, and Ye Mo put away the reincarnation.

Feng Xuan fled, but I don't know if it was killed by Ye Mo. The rest of the people were killed by the Seven Bridges, and even the slaughter jade was killed. At this moment, only five people were standing in the middle of the square. Even if you don't use the Seven Bridges, the two can easily kill the five.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

(To be continued.)
