The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 1512: The realm of Ningcheng

Ning Cheng has never planted any spirituality in his world after condensing his own rule world. "

This time, the Nirvana tree of the annual ring was sent to his domain for grafting, and it was the first time. His realm is already bounded, because it is just bound, Ning Cheng believes that his strength will increase rapidly as his boundary is improved.

If there is no fight with Qufu Shengfo, Ningcheng will certainly not be so anxious to upgrade its strength. In the five elements of the universe, his strength did not dare to say first, but no one dared to come to his head to move.

After seeing the strength of Qu Bo Sheng Bu, Ning Cheng knew that there was a day outside. Maybe not in the Western universe, he and the Qufu holy Buddha, he will not be weaker than the Qufu Buddha. However, this also reflects from the side that he is not as good as the Qufu Buddha. The Buddha is the Buddha of the Western universe. In the Western universe, he is stronger than him. In other universes, he means that the other side is stronger than him.

Don't say that the door to creation is about to open, that is, he has a gap with the Buddha Buddha. If you do not improve your own strength, in the future, facing the Buddha Buddha, he estimates that there is no place to die. Even if Qu Bo Sheng Buddha does not kill him, throwing him into a bliss day into a Buddha sculpture, it is even worse than being killed.

Ye Mo should also know that the construction of the wood integration domain, you can go up the stairs, this is to go to the Wu people to seek rootless water.


The boundary of Ningcheng is now gray, and although Ning Cheng is bounded, this boundary still has only his own rules of cohesion. These rules are extremely powerful, and the feeling of Ning Cheng always seems to be missing something.

The nirvana tree of the annual ring is not transparent. Some of these outline shadows can be seen faintly. On the crown of a few feet, the branches and leaves are not lush. The breath of the year is also extremely weak.

Ningcheng took out the wooden nails, and the gods infiltrated into the construction nails, and wanted to find the same breath of the wooden nails and the annual rings. However, no matter how he feels, the annual rings and the wooden nails are not similar.

To be exact, the annual ring is a living tree, and the wooden nail is more like a magic weapon that has been refined.

The nails in the hands are only about seven inches, and the incisions have a five-sided shape. Place the wooden pegs next to the annual rings. There is a feeling of incompatibility.

Ning Cheng sighed. Can this nail really be grafted on the annual rings? If the grafting does not work, then his annual ring is equal to ruin. The so-called grafting and construction of wood, it is necessary to cut the annual ring obliquely, leaving only the first vital machine incision, the wooden nails will be cut to refine the traces, and the first life machine on the annual ring is grafted.

Once it fails, the annual ring will lose its vitality, and the construction of the wood will not be grafted. Even lost a wooden nail.

The annual tree of the ancient Xuan ancient family has already been integrated into the restoration of Taisu, if the annual ring in his hand is grafted to death. The first thing he couldn't help was the patriarch of the phoenix. Because once the graft fails, the annual ring will be completely extinct.

Thinking of leaving the phoenix chief, Ning Cheng suddenly remembered the Wuzu Zu Dihong. Compared with the ancient Xuan people, the Wu people do not know which race is more ancient.

Ning Cheng has hesitated for a few days. The final decision is still to be done.

Since it has been decided, Ning Cheng will not hesitate a bit, and the palm of the hand will be turned into a hand blade, and the annual ring will be cut obliquely from the first raw machine entrance.

While cutting the annual ring, Ning Cheng actually felt the whimper of the annual ring. Ning Cheng sighed, the survival of the fittest, maybe that's it.

After cutting the annual ring. On the palm of the hand, Ning Cheng gathers the rhyme, and cuts the traces of refining. Then, at the fastest speed, the side that was cut by the nail was tied with the side that was cut off, and then the various rhythm rules were condensed.

According to Hung’s suggestion, this step is especially important. It is to use their own rhythm rules to warm the grafted building. According to Hung’s speculation, the reason why the Five Elements of the Lord did not integrate Jianmu into his world in the shortest time was because the construction of the Five Elements of the Lord was not grafted, and the rhythm rules could not be with him at all. The fusion of boundaries.

It is more suitable for the construction of the boundary domain, which is the construction of the wood after grafting with the Nirvana tree. The precondition is that this building must have its own rhyme rules to warm up.

The rhythm of the road was infiltrated into the incision by Ning Cheng, and the vitality that was cut off from the middle gradually merged under the rhyme rules of Ning Cheng.

Day by day, Ning Cheng clearly felt that there was a slight faintness in the place where the nails and the annual rings were in contact.

At the same time of Ning Cheng's delight, the Wushan rootless water was carefully poured under the roots of the grafted trees.

With the rootless water of Wushan being watered, the grafted Jianmu is even more powerful. A trace of buds emerged from the grafted interface. When this silk sprout appeared, the whole person in Ningcheng was shocked.

At this moment, the gray space of the boundary has a bit of a living atmosphere, and then Ning Cheng feels that his boundaries are clearer.

The boundaries are clear, his rhythm is becoming clearer, and various precincts of the boundaries are condensed in his boundaries. A feeling of no reason comes to mind, and his avenues and supernatural rules seem to grow as the bud grows.

A thought of a new born in the realm rises in the mind of Ning Cheng, Ning Cheng Ming Wu comes over, the original boundary and Jianmu fusion is such a thing.

Ning Cheng slowly closed his eyes and he began to feel all the changes in his own domain.

The rules in his predecessor were increased according to his cultivation and sentiment. He realized the dark rules and then condensed his own dark rules. His boundaries added a dark rule that belonged to him. Now the rules in his realm are no longer increased by his own sentiments. When the buds grow more and more, the rules in his realm are spontaneously derived.

When his world needs a certain kind of heaven and earth rules, he will get a message. As long as his thoughts move, this new world rule is born in the middle of his world.

Whether it is the birth of a new rule or the original rule that grows with the growth of Jianmu, his strength and realm are constantly rising.

Ning Cheng’s body and rhyme are naturally merged with his boundaries, and they are surrounded by this growing world.

At this moment, Ning Cheng was immersed in it. He cultivated his sentiments in the process of building wood. His strength continued to grow during the growth of Jianmu.

Time has passed, and it has been going on for decades.

When Ning Cheng opened his eyes again, Jianmu around him had already grown into a giant tree with a height of ten feet. The crown of the tree was extended to a few dozen feet. Grafted Jianmu has traveled through his world for more than a decade in just over a decade.

Before his gray world, this moment is alive and full of green.

A new feeling has come to mind, and Ning Cheng has become calm. The whole body of his body has long since disappeared, and the whole person has become round and simple, and there is no such sense of excitement.

Ning Cheng slightly raised his hand, and a magical channel of the gods came out. There was no law, no rhyme operation. In this way, the natural and heavenly atmosphere is like a god, and he just raised his hand to open the veil that already exists.

"It turned out that this is the third place!" Ning Cheng muttered to himself, no more joy, just like the water is everywhere, naturally.

He used to think that his way had reached the third level. Until today, he realized that his third priority was only the third level of the subconscious, not that he really reached the third. Ridiculous, he always thought that he gave a pointer to the Qufu Buddha.

Qu Pu Sheng Bu is indeed subject to his unintentional pointing, but what people feel is not the third level of subconsciousness, but the real third level as he is now.

Look at the mountains or the mountains, see the water or the water. At this moment, he is like the Ningcheng that had just left the earth. This has gone through countless years, but in countless years, it has turned into a cloud of smoke at this moment, and it has disappeared.

Ning Cheng smiled a little, if at this time let him stand in the bliss, he faced the **** of the song of the Buddha, and he would pass the same two fingers.

In the mind, Ning Cheng raised his hand and grabbed the Promise Qinglei City. Several vitality rules were sent to Qinglei City. At that time, it was easy to wake up when it was destroyed by the axe.

Leicheng Lingling knew what was going on in the first time, and even more surprised to thank Ning Cheng.

"You have been sleeping for too long, first merge with Qinglei City." Ning Cheng laughed, and with his current strength, the help of Qinglei City was not great for him.

What made him sigh is the change in strength after grafting the building wood. Even if he could not restore the spirit of Leicheng before he joined the border, it is only a matter of a few vital rules.


"Big brother, are you out? Is the tree alive?" When I saw Ningcheng coming out, Yan Qing immediately stood up and asked in surprise.

Ningcheng retreats and builds wood, only she knows.

Ning Cheng pulled the hand of Yan Qing and nodded. "Success, we don't have to worry about the monk any more. Hey, have you been to the mountain?"

"I just arrived at You didn't come out of retreat, I am waiting here." Yan Qing was very happy, Ningcheng grafted successfully Jianmu, not afraid of Qubo Shengfo, she was naturally happy.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the mountains." Ning Cheng talks, the gods have already penetrated into the huge mountains that stretched hundreds of miles. Before he retired, he told Yan Qing that he would go to the mountain to find the spirit of the starry wheel.

The space of the star wheel entered the mountain, and Yan Qing stood by Ning Cheng and said, "Ning Big Brother, a lot of people have recently traveled to Mount Sanshan. I don't know what is going on."

It is not far from the Mount Sanshan, and the Qing Dynasty is waiting for Ningcheng to go out in the mountains. It is natural to detect the people who entered the Mount Jia.

Ning Cheng slightly said, "The first opening of the door is in the vicinity of Mount Jialiang. The opening time of the second gate is getting shorter and shorter. It should be that there is a change in Mount Jialiang. Wait for us to accept it. After the starry wheel, I also looked at it."

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

(To be continued.)
