The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 90: Preliminary rules

"Is this bastard?" Ning Cheng looked at the white man who was holding a fist in the applause crowd, and his heart suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. This person seems to be much bigger than him, but it is already the peak of the six layers of solidification, as long as it is further advanced.

"It seems that he is a good qualification, not much bigger than me, but it is already a six-layer repair." Although the heart is not good for this guy called Shuyu, Ning Cheng still admire the speed of this guy's cultivation.

Ji Luoyi listened to Ning Cheng’s words and said with disapproval, “He is much older than you. I heard that he is almost thirty years old. And he has a very pure double root, and the water family is the first family of Huazhou. Almost all the cultivation resources are piled up on him. In my opinion, he is not as good as you."

"Let's find a place to live and talk about it, lest you be seen by the water family, or your aunt." Ning Cheng has no intention of hanging out on this street.

Ji Luozhen obviously didn't want to walk on the street long ago. If she didn't come to Ningcheng, she didn't even want to come over.


When looking around for the information stack, Ning Cheng knew that Ji Luozhen did not say anything wrong. The two men looked for nearly two hours, and the sky had not found a place to live in the evening.

"Luo, since we can't find a place to live, then we will go out to live in the city." Ning Cheng said with some helplessness.

Ji Luozhen wanted to agree, and he heard an amazed voice saying, "Ningcheng? How are you here? You are not chasing out Cangle City by Gu Fei..."

"Hou Chuan?" Ning Cheng knows this person in front of him. At the beginning, Hou Chuan was one of the ten places selected by the Cang Qin Second Star Academy. And at the door of the Cangqin Second Star Academy, Gu Fei challenged him, Hou Chuan also took the initiative to help him say a word. At this time, Hou Chuan’s side stood still with a good-looking girl, and it appeared to be with Hou Chuan.

After recognizing Hou Chuan, Ning Cheng soon understood that Hou Chuan was a student of the Star Academy. Since the Star Academy was in Moser City, it was normal to see Hou Chuan here.

After Hou Chuan’s words were not finished, Ning Cheng knew what the other party meant. He had already been chased by Congle City by Gu Fei. How could it appear in the city of Mozambique, which is so far away from Peace Island? It stands to reason that he should be killed by Gu Fei.

"I didn't expect to meet my brother here. When I and Gu Fei came out of Crow City, the two fought a battle. I was lucky enough to kill Gu Fei." Ning Cheng explained the sentence in an understatement. Others, he even explained that they were too lazy to explain.

Hou Chuan apparently did not believe in Ning Cheng’s explanation. Gu Fei followed Gu Yiming, and Ning Cheng had time and Gu Fei’s battle was a strange thing. He did not continue to ask, looked at Ji Luozhen who stood next to Ningcheng. He knew in his heart that Ningcheng should come to look for Jiluo.

At this time, his view of Ning Cheng was completely changed. Several things that could not be completed at all were completed by Ning Cheng. Not to mention the escape from the hands of the Gu brothers, it is not simple from Pingzhou to Huazhou. Even if it is to Huazhou, it is not easy to find Jiluo of the Comet Academy. However, these Ningcheng have done it, not only did it, but also done very well.

Just like before, when he saw Ning Cheng’s cultivation, it seemed that there was no change, and it was still not clear. He is already a full-fledged repair of the seven layers of gas gathering. He does not believe that Ning Cheng’s cultivation is higher than him.

"Ning brother, are you looking for a place to live?" Hou Chuan's view on Ning Cheng has completely changed, and the tone of his speech has already taken some meaning.

"Yes, but Moze City can't find a place to live." Ning Cheng said regretfully.

Hou Chuan looked at Ji Luozhen and said with doubts, "Ji Shimei should be a student of the Star Academy. As long as the teacher shows his identity, the general interest stack can find a place to live."

Ning Cheng said quickly, "Luo Wei is not a student of the Star Academy. We didn't tell anyone in Moze City. Please don't ask my brother to go out and come to Moze City."

Hou Chuan nodded, that is, Ning Cheng is not jealous, he will not say this thing, he is not a mouthful.

"I will help you see." This simple busy, Hou Chuan has planned to help.

Hou Chuan and Ning Cheng and Ji Luoyu came to the nearest family. This family stack was just past Ning Cheng and Ji Luo. However, when Hou Chuan took out his college identity, it was easy to set up a room for Ning Cheng and Ji Luo.

Seeing Ning Cheng and Ji Luo Yu only wanted a room, Hou Chuan did not have much to say. Just a few words of greetings with Ning Cheng, I left the crowd with the woman around me.

The reason why Ningcheng lived with Ji Luozhen, apart from the tension in the room and the lack of trouble, there is another reason to have a mutual care. Once something urgent happens, they can communicate at any time.

"I have forgotten to ask Hou Chuan to help me a little bit." After Hou Chuan left, Ning Cheng suddenly patted his head. He should first ask about Hou Chuan. It is certainly difficult to ask him to go to Mongolia.

Ji Luoyan shook his head. "Hou Chuan also can't see Meng Yu, you let him help, it is difficult for him."

"In this case, then I will find another way. Moser Grand Plaza is recruiting students during this time. I will go to Qingyun College tomorrow, and you will stay in the residence to practice."

Ning Cheng thinks that Ji Luo’s stay in Moser City is short, but there are certainly many people who know her. Staying at the interest rate stack is much better than going out.

Ning Cheng thinks that it is relatively simple. If he and Ji Luojun want to go to the middle-level continent, they must join a five-star college. It’s not unreasonable to have a good cool under the big tree.

Qingyun College is the best choice. Ningcheng believes that it is not a problem to be selected into Qingyun College with its own ability. As for Ji Luo, he used that Qingyun order.


Early the next morning, Ning Cheng went to the Moser Grand Square alone.

So many colleges and sects in Cangzhou have come to Moser City to select disciples. Ningcheng speculates that the Moser Grand Plaza, which provides these temporary temporary residences, is certainly not small.

When Ning Cheng really saw the Moser Grand Plaza, he only knew how big the square was. Ningcheng initially estimated that the square has dozens of kilometers.

There are a lot of colleges and sects in the square, and there are countless disciples who come to these colleges.

Despite this, the logos of the five five-star colleges are still clear, and Ning Cheng saw Qingyun College at first sight.

Ning Cheng did not immediately go to Qingyun College to select disciples, but followed many people who had just arrived in Moser City to watch the selection rules of the major colleges and sects. The rules were engraved on a huge stone monument at the entrance to the square.

After reading the stone tablet and asking the people around, Ning Cheng knew that his previous understanding was wrong. This time, so many colleges and Zongmen in Huazhou gathered in the Moser Grand Plaza. It is not so much a selection of disciples as it is a preliminary round. Only if the preliminary results are excellent, it is possible to participate in the selection of the disciples or to continue to participate in the semi-finals.

The rules of the preliminary competition are very clear, that is, the written test. All monks who want to enter the second round of the rematch must pass the written test of the preliminary round. Only the written test can pass the second round of the rematch.

There are two ways to obtain written test qualifications. First, pure roots and double roots have the main spiritual roots to go directly to all colleges or Zongmen to participate in the registration. Second, the rest of the Lingen monks, who want to obtain a written test qualification can only go to a college below five stars or Zongmen.

Third, there are five written tests, five thousand each time. Held once a month for five consecutive months.

Ning Cheng sighed in his heart, so many monks came to Moze City, but only 25,000 people were able to participate in the first round of written tests. That is to say, more than 90% of the people are not eligible to participate in the first round.

However, Ning Cheng also knows that this is already very fair. Everyone who comes here has many opportunities. With so many squad-by-door trials, maybe one of the sects will be eligible for a preliminary round. There are half a year in the preliminary game, and more time is up.

"If I can't get the written test qualification, wouldn't I have no chance to participate in the preliminary round?" I was surprised to ask, and I obviously felt that this rule was not appropriate.

"Each sect has a quota for participating in the preliminary test, although the number of written essays for lower-level sects and sub-families is If you have the skills, how can you not get it? If you don't have the skills, you What do you participate in?" Someone immediately rebutted one sentence.

"You also know that the number of places is limited. If someone else secretly operates inside, the quota has already been allocated, can you wait for us?" People who felt that the rules were not right before, still did not agree.

The retorted person was too lazy to continue to pay attention to him, but he ignored it. Someone was still talking. "You are stupid. You know that a junior scholastic or college can send a student to the Five Star Academy. How much reward? You can't think of it. This is not the main thing. If any college and Zongmen are in the limelight in the preliminary test, the college will be famous immediately, and then more people will flock to the college or the Zongmen. Advancement is obvious. In this case, there are people who dare to operate secretly unless he is tired. The more you are able to be, the more popular you are in junior colleges and sects."

"I know that last month was the fourth preliminary round. One of the two-star colleges selected a student with a preliminary score of 76. The result was selected to Qingyun College. This two-star college was promoted to Samsung College and got A lot of resources."

"What is that test?" Someone asked.

"Who knows this? If you know, what is your written test? I only know that the contents of the five preliminary exams are different."


Ning Cheng has already understood that if the qualifications are good, you can go directly to the Five Star Academy and participate in the preliminary written test on behalf of the Five Star Academy. If the qualification is not good, you can find a junior college or Zongmen to get a quota, and then take the written test on behalf of the junior college or Zongmen.