The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 136

Under Arya’s deliberate propaganda, the name "Knight of Blue Silver" became popular because of his beautiful pair of silver armor. Everyone felt that this name was much better than "Masked Knight". NS.

In addition, those who do good things call him the number one knight of the Seven Kingdoms—because at least in terms of combat effectiveness, no knights of the Seven Kingdoms can match him.

However, although the title "The First Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" has spread, it has not been widely recognized, because now, he has only proved himself on the field, if he can still be on the battlefield or other life and death Continue to maintain such results in the war, then this title can be regarded as worthy of the name.

For such a young master, Prime Minister Ed and King Robert both had a good impression. After the game, Ed sent someone to ask him if he was interested in finding a position in the Prime Minister’s bodyguard, so he readily agreed. NS.

In fact, in addition to him, Ed also recruited many top players in the tournament, but there are few followers, most of them are immersed in wine, victory, and just won, the wealth that can't be imagined in their dreams. , Therefore rejected this errand.

This made Ed's affection for this triumphant but not arrogant young man greatly increased. After hearing that he was only fifteen years old, Ed even gave birth to the idea of ​​introducing his other daughter, Arya, to him.

However, since Arya was only nine years old, and noble girls would normally not get engaged until about twelve years old, and they would not get married until they were able to give birth at the age of thirteen or fourteen, so his plan was given up.

However, Ed still wanted to let these young people know each other first, so he arranged for Sand Liffe to become a captain of the Prime Minister’s Guard, responsible for protecting his family or himself-Dragon God taught long before he came. Okay, the complete background of Sand Liffe.

In fact, Robert had thought of making this young master his own Yulin Tiewei, but because Yulin Tiewei's oath included not holding the land, marrying a wife, or having children, he had to give up.

Now this result is of course in the plan of Sand Liffe, that is, Ye Ting, because Ed himself is one of the important goals of the black hand behind the Seven Kingdoms, and now he is very close to the core of this game of power. , Only here can he smoothly add fuel to the chaos in the future.

Item 0192

Ever since he agreed to Robert's request and became the "hand of the king", Ed Stark discovered that the entire Junlin City was really foggy, making him, a wolf from the north, somewhat incapable.

As the Patriarch of this generation of the Stark family, Ed has inherited the family's honor-honoring and impartial tradition in character. His dedication to honor and his fair and strict handling style have won the respect and love of many northern families. However, Junlin City and Winterfell City are two cities, and there are too many intrigues and conspiracies here. Ed is confident that on the battlefield, he is able to go all the way, no matter what kind of enemy he can fight against, but in the game of power in King's Landing City, he seems confused and lost.

This feeling, from the time he started investigating the last "hand of the king", the death of himself and Robert's adoptive father, Jon Allyn, has piled a haze on his heart.

The first was the arrival of his wife Caitlin Tully, and it was the chancellor who brought him secretly to see his wife, the "littlefinger" Petir Bellissy, who was the adopted son of his father-in-law in his childhood, "littlefinger" "I was deeply infatuated with Caitlin Tully, which made Ed uncomfortable with him.

According to Caitlin, his son Bran Stark was assassinated immediately after Winterfell. The killer was executed on the spot, leaving only a dagger, and "Little Finger" claimed that this The dagger belonged to Tywin Lannister’s other son, Cersei and James Lannister’s younger brother, Tyrion Lannister, the "little devil".

This is a remarkable accusation, because the Lannisters and the Stark family are the guardians of the West and North of the Seven Kingdoms, and are among the best princes. Such an assassination may mean another sweep of the Seven Kingdoms. The war between nations—just like fifteen years ago.

Because of the help of "Little Finger" and the love between "Little Finger" and his wife's former siblings, Ed reluctantly regarded him as an ally, and with his help investigated the cause of Jon Aylin's death. In the process, "Little Finger" said a meaningful sentence: "Don't trust me, is the wisest thing you have done since jumping off your horse."

During the investigation, he discovered that Jon died suddenly of illness. He had been quite healthy until then, which allowed him to confirm the fact that Jon was murdered and died. Before his death, Jon had been investigating Robert’s illegitimate children in secret, and met with several of them. He also had a secret meeting with Robert’s brother Stannis, and planned to send his son to Dragon Stone. The island was adopted by Stannis, but they had never had a close relationship in the past, all of which brought the investigation into a dead end.

However, to make matters worse, in the subsequent martial arts competition, Gregor Magic Mountain actually killed a young knight from Aylin Valley. This knight was an important witness in the process of his investigation. The Nyster family's subordinates just lost their mouths—you know, unlike team competitions, the weapons of knight duel competitions are specially made training supplies, which are generally unlikely to kill people—this has cast a haze on his investigation.

However, it is not without good news. In the tournament, through conversations with King Robert, he once again confirmed that his king is essentially the same outrageous and charming good friend 15 years ago, which made him I have more confidence in my future as the "hand of the king".

There is more than one good news. In the competition, he was happy to find that his two daughters who had never dealt with each other finally reconciled. In addition, he also gained a general in the competition—one who took over the entire competition. Three champions, knights from free trade city-states. The only thing that worries him a little is that this kid is really handsome, and his two daughters seem to be too obsessed with him.

However, on the night when the tournament was over, the chief intelligence officer and **** Varys met him secretly and told him a terrifying conspiracy: Queen Cersei actually tried to murder the king.

Before the tournament, King Robert once expressed his desire to personally participate in the team competition with real swords and guns, but Cersei sternly opposed it. Varys claimed that Cersei tried to make sure that Robert could really participate in the team competition through the radical law. Want him to die by an "accident" in it.

This statement sounds ridiculous, but Ed has to admit that for the self-proclaimed valiant Robert, this radical method is indeed effective.

Afterwards, Varys told Ed that his allegiance was to the interests of the entire kingdom; and told Ed Cersei that he was so jealous of him, precisely because the king would not harm him for any reason. At the same time, he revealed the different thoughts of the important ministers around the king, and the fact that the guardians of the Royal Forest had a false reputation. Although the two younger brothers of the king hated Cersei, they coveted the throne even more. In the Royal Forest Guard, James is the queen’s elder brother, Sir Barristan only loves his own honor, Sir Bellos and Sir Marlin are loyal to the Queen, and the others are unclear.

In other words, the only one who really stood on Robert's side now was Ed, who was a "hand of the king" and a long-time friend.

When Ed asked about the cause of Jon Ailin's death, Varys said that a poison called Tears of Reese killed him. Varys claimed that it was Aylin's attendant, who was now the medicine given to him by a dead knight from Aylin Valley.

However, regarding Cersei's conspiracy, as it was only speculation, Ed could not mention it to the king and could only give up, but he knew that he had to be more careful.

At this time Ed, even gave birth to the idea of ​​letting his two daughters return to Winterfell for the time being.

However, when he returned to his prime minister's tower, the scene in front of him was quite gratified.

Her third daughter, Arya, dressed like a boy, was practicing the rapier under the guidance of her new guard, Sand Liffe, while her second daughter, Sansa, was sitting aside, smiling at them. The scene is harmonious.

The warm scene at home made Ed feel warmer. At this time—even if the relationship between Sand and his two daughters was too good, he reluctantly accepted it. The guard in front of him is from Essos and the Lannisters. There is no relationship at all, it should be trustworthy. In addition, he has such martial arts. At the critical moment, the safety of his two daughters is estimated to depend on him.

As for him, he must find out what Jon Allin was looking for before his death as soon as possible. He had a hunch that this secret was the key to everything.

However, what he didn't know was that in the north, his wife Caitlin Tully found Tyrion Lannister on the way back to Winterfell and captured him in one fell swoop.

Chapter 0193 "Behind the Scenes" Belishi

After becoming the guard of the Duke of Stark, Ye Ting was surprised to find that Stark’s two daughters had an unusually high affection for him. Before that, he also saw two girls each. On the one hand, but now the eyes of the two girls looking at him are full of kindness, admiration and shyness, which makes him a little baffling.

However, perhaps in this world, I have become accustomed to girls’ inexplicable self-guides and vain. Ye Ting did not struggle with this for long, but happily accepted this fact, so he lived surrounded by two girls. Life.

Arya would ask him to instruct swordsmanship every day. In the process of instructing, it was inevitable to rub and bump, which made Ye Ting have to tell himself a hundred times a day: "She is only nine years old, she is still a child, three Year...No, I must let her go."

As for Sansa, she completely gave up the social and banquet life she had originally yearned for with other noble ladies and ladies in the past few days. Instead, she stayed at home to "accompany her younger sister", and then tempt him twenty times a day. , If he hadn't cared about the existence of other guards and subordinates, then he would have taken a decisive move.

Such an ambiguous life is still quite pleasant, especially since Ed Stark is busy with his government affairs every day, and he has to make unannounced visits to Jon Aylin's life, leaving early and returning late every day. Unfortunately, Ye Ting had to temporarily interrupt such a life for a day and asked Ed to take a leave of absence.

Then, he immediately left the city and went to the Eagle's Nest in secret.

The reason is that something happened in the seven countries that can affect the entire political situation.

Tyrion Lannister was caught by Ed Stark’s wife Caitlin.

This is a big deal.

Because the two involved are the great princes of the Seven Kingdoms, and although Tyrion is not seen by the Duke of Tywin, he is still his son, which is likely to cause the two to meet each other.

Caitlin was undoubtedly wise. Instead of bringing Tyrion back to Winterfell, she took him to the valley, the Eagle’s Nest in Aylin Valley, because her sister Lysa Tully was there. Sha married the elderly Jon Allyn and gave birth to a son for him, so after Jon's death, her son inherited the titles of Vale and Jon, but because the child was still young, Lysa herself became the de facto controller of the valley.

You know, in the Seven Kingdoms, in addition to the royal leaders directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family, there are a total of eight families, which control the eight territories. The valley controlled by the Ailin family belongs to one of them, and the other families are the northern border controlled by the Stark family. , The West Territory controlled by the Lannisters, the Stormlands controlled by the Baratheon's family—that is, Robert's home—, the Riverlands controlled by the Tuli family, the Iron Islands controlled by the Greyjoy family, and the Tyrell family controlled In the south, the last is Dorn controlled by the Martell family.

This can be described as an extremely powerful force.

In Arling Valley, Lysa warmly received her sister, and then, according to her sister's request, she proposed the trial of Tyrion Lannister in the Eagle's Nest.

She was convicted of the crime-Tyrion was suspected of murdering Bran Stark and her husband Jon Allyn.

In fact, these two charges have nothing to do with Tyrion.

Tyrion did not attempt to murder Bran. On the contrary, he had a good relationship with Bran’s brother, Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Ed Stark. This is probably a feeling of sympathy for the same disease. Leon was very unwelcome to his father due to his mother’s dystocia due to his birth, while Jon Snow was an illegitimate child (actually not, but Ed Stark kept it secret), neither Seen by Caitlin Tully.

In addition, the death of Jon Allyn (another Jon, Westerners like to name their children with the names of people they respect and love. For example, Harry Potter’s children are named Sirius and Abu Thinking; in addition, Jon Alling’s son is named Robert, and King Robert is the adopted son of Jon Alling, which is very messy.) It has nothing to do with Lysa. The idea, Jon Alling is completely Lysa killed it herself.

Of course, the messenger of all this grew up with Lysa, which made Lysa quite infatuated, but loved Caitlin's "littlefinger" Petil Berishi.

On the one hand, Belish killed Jon and took control of the valley through Lysa. On the other hand, he hinted that Caitlin, the one who tried to murder Bran was Tyrion Lannister of Lannister’s family, just to make The contradiction between the Lannisters and the Stark family.

However, the murderer of Bran was not him, but Prince Joffrey. This cruel prince was completely on the spur of the moment and found someone to murder Bran. After learning about it, Berishi keenly caught him. After staying at the time, I separated the Lannister and Stark families-of course, this was only a temporary plan. He himself had another plan to cause Lannister and the Stark family to meet each other. Say it again.

In short, Petir Bérich wants the Seven Kingdoms to be in chaos. Only in this way can he himself, who was born in a small family, rise quickly and become a new nobleman. In the original book, his plan is almost successful. -From this point of view, in some respects, he does have some self-interested poisonous demeanor of Li Ru and Jia Xu.

However, there are still some loopholes in his plan. For example, now, although Lysa is obedient to his words, but Lysa's own political wisdom is not high, and the "littlefinger" people are in King's Landing again, which leads him to The grasp of intelligence and the transmission of orders are often not so timely. Once an emergency occurs, or Lysa claims something he did not arrange in advance, then the situation may be ruined.

Now, such a thing has really happened.