The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 169

Item 0234

"Yes, they are here," shouted Dumbledore, who was standing in the back row with the other teachers.

"Where?" Many students asked eagerly, looking in different directions.

"There!" shouted a sixth-grade student, pointing to the sky above the Forbidden Forest.

A behemoth, much larger than a flying broomstick--or a hundred flying broomsticks--is hurriedly flying across the deep blue sky, flying towards the castle, gradually getting bigger and bigger.

"It's a dragon!" a freshman screamed, so excited that he didn't know what to do.

"Don't be stupid... it's a house flying!" Dennis Crevy said.

Dennis's guess is closer.

When the black behemoth passed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and was illuminated by the light of the castle window, they saw a huge pink-blue carriage flying towards them. It was the size of a house, and twelve winged horses flew into the air. They were all silver-maned horses, and each horse was about the size of an elephant.

The carriage flew lower and was landing at an extremely fast speed. The classmates standing in the first three rows hurriedly backed up-then, there was a loud noise, I saw the horses hooves banging on the ground, all of them. The dishes are so big. In the blink of an eye, the carriage also landed on the ground, shaking on the huge wheels, and at the same time the golden horses shook their huge heads, and their big red eyes were spinning round and round.

There was a coat of arms printed on the door of the car, two golden wands crisscrossed, and three stars appeared on each of them. It was the school badge of Boothbatten.

The next moment, the car door opened.

A boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, bent down, fumbled for something on the carriage floor, and then opened a golden spiral staircase. He leaped back respectfully, and saw a shiny black high-heeled shoe sticking out of the carriage-this shoe was the size of a small sleigh used by children-and a woman appeared immediately behind him. Big, the same as a little giant.

In this way, it is self-explanatory why the carriage and those silver-maned horses are so big. Several people gasped in shock.

The woman got to the bottom of the steps and was turning around to look at the waiting crowd with wide eyes. When she walked into the light shining from the hall, everyone found that she had a very handsome olive face, a pair of black and watery eyes, and a very pointed nose. Her hair was combed behind her head and twisted into a shiny bun at the base of her neck. She was wrapped in a black forged dress from head to toe, and there were many luxurious opals shining on her neck and thick fingers.

Dumbledore began to applaud, and the classmates slapped their hands. Many people stood on tiptoes, trying to see the woman more clearly.

Her face relaxed, a graceful smile opened, and a gleaming hand stretched out and walked towards Dumbledore. Although Dumbledore was also tall, he barely bent over when kissing this hand.

"She is really tall." Hermin sighed. "Apart from Hagrid, I have never seen anyone as tall as her."

"Of course." Ye Ting explained, "This is the headmaster of Boothbarton, Mrs. Maxim. Like Hagrid, she is a hybrid giant, so she can have this height."

"Oh, a half-blood giant actually became the principal of Boothbat's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Hermione looked at her admiringly. "I heard that Boothbatten is the only magical academy in France. The famous alchemist Ni But Le May graduated from Boothbarton, and Mrs. Maxim is really amazing."

It’s reasonable for Hermione to worship her. Wizards have always been arrogant. They look down on any magical creatures other than them, especially giants with low intelligence. Therefore, as a hybrid giant, Hagrid has always been treated by those staid and pure. The wizards of the blood family held prejudices. In this case, Mrs. Maxim's ability to become the principal of a magical academy was indeed a remarkable achievement.

"Actually, you don't have to envy her," Ye Ting touched Hermione's head and said with relief. "In fact, as a Muggle-born wizard, you are now stronger than most wizards. I believe you in the future. The results will definitely be greater than that of Mrs. Maxim."

"Don't keep touching my head," Hermione didn't buy it, but shook her head impatiently. "I'm not a kid anymore. Also, you were actually complimenting yourself just now?"

--you caught me.

After Mrs. Maxim, about twelve or three boys and girls have got off the carriage and are standing behind Mrs. Maxim at the moment. Judging from their appearance, they are all about eighteen or nineteen years old, and all of them are trembling slightly. This is not surprising, because the robes on them seem to be made of delicate silk, and no one wears a cloak. Several students covered their heads with scarves or turban cards. They all stood in the huge shadow cast by Mrs. Maxim, looking up at Hogwarts, with a wary look on their faces.

However, among them, Ye Ting recognized Sisters Furong and Gabriel at a glance, and the beautiful silver hair of the mixed-race Veeva sisters was actually quite obvious.

He nodded to them. Because Ye Ting stood farther forward, he was also very outstanding in appearance and temperament. The sisters spotted him all at once and smiled at him immediately.

However, Zhang Qiu keenly discovered something wrong.

"You don't know anyone in Boothbarton, do you?" She asked Ye Ting tentatively.

——How do I answer.


"Are they... girls?"

——Why are you so smart?

"If you don't speak, even if you acquiesce in yourself."

"Although I don't know how you met, but let me know about it later, the girls who can be met by Ting must be very good."

——The tone is still as gentle as ever, but I always feel that there is something meaningful behind it. When did Xiao Zhangqiu learn to have a black belly?

Inexplicably, Ye Ting felt a touch of danger-of course it was impossible, but he did spend a lot of energy to comfort the girls around him.

Especially when Zhang Qiu is like this, he has only been confirmed for almost two months. It is when the girls are most addicted to love and applauding. In these two months, they have to go to their home in Hogsmeade almost every weekend. Applause, sometimes even sneaking into the secret room occupied and transformed by Ye Ting.

Although the girls were mentally prepared for Ye Ting's love, but at this time, the appearance of the Furong sisters caused Zhang Qiu, who was sensitive, to react a bit fiercely, which was quite normal.

On the other side, Hagrid took over the task of taking care of the Pegasus, and Mrs. Maxim led the students into the castle.

The next step is to wait for Durmstrang College.

Item 0235

After Boothbarton's people left, the teachers and students of Hogwarts still stood there, waiting for the arrival of the Durmstrang delegation.

They were shaking slightly with the cold, and most of them looked up at the sky eagerly. There was silence all around for a while, only the sound of Mrs. Maxim’s giant horse snorting and stomping hooves. at this time--

"Did you hear anything?" Hermione asked suddenly.

It was a very loud and weird sound floating towards them from the darkness: a suppressed rumble and sucking sound, like a huge vacuum cleaner moving along the riverbed...

"In the lake!" someone shouted and pointed to the lake, "Look at the lake!"

Standing on the **** of the lawn overlooking the field, they could clearly see the calm and dark water surface-but the water surface suddenly became no longer calm. There was a commotion under the water in the middle of the lake, huge splashes of water turned up on the surface of the water, and the waves rushed against the damp lakeshore—then, in the middle of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, as if a huge plug suddenly came from the bottom of the lake. Was pulled out...

A black long rod-like thing slowly rises from the whirlpool, with sails and rigging hanging on it...

"It's a mast!" Hermione said.

Slowly, in a magnificent manner, the big ship rose out of the water, shining brightly in the moonlight. It looks weird, like a skeleton, as if it were the remains of a sunken ship that had just been salvaged. The porthole shone with dim, misty light, and it looked like ghost eyes. Finally, with the sound of splashing water, the big boat came out completely, bumping on the undulating water surface, and began to sail towards the shore of the lake. After a while, they heard a plop, and an iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then there was a slap again, and a wooden board was placed on the shore of the lake.

The people on the boat were going ashore. From a distance, they were tall and tall, but when they got closer and walked down the lawn into the light of the hall, people realized that they looked very big. , Because they are all wearing a kind of fur cloak, the fur on it is unkempt and tangled. But the man who led them to the castle wore a different kind of fur: silvery white, silky and smooth, much like his hair.

"Dumbledore!" the man yelled enthusiastically as he walked up the slope. "My dear old buddy, how are you?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied.

Karlov's voice was mellow and sweet. When he walked into the light from the front entrance of the castle, they saw him as tall and thin as Dumbledore, but his white hair was short, and the ends of his goatee were curled on the ends, not completely covering them. His thin jaw. He walked up to Dumbledore and shook hands with Dumbledore.

"Dear old buddy Hogwarts," he said with a smile looking up at the castle-his teeth were yellow, and despite the smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes. They were still cold and sharp. "Come on. It's great to be here, great... Victor, come here and get warm... Don't you mind, Dumbledore? Victor has a bit of a cold..."

Karkaroff motioned to one of his students to come forward. When the boy passed by, the little wizards caught a glimpse of a striking hooked nose and two thick, black eyebrows. Many people recognized the figure.

"It's Krum!"

The little wizards at Hogwarts exclaimed. Many people knew him because he was the seeker of the Bulgarian team in this Quidditch World Cup, and the Bulgarian team could get the runner-up to a large extent. Count on his outstanding performance.

Karkaroff seemed to enjoy such an exclamation. Viktor Krum was Demstrang's signature, so he just mentioned Viktor's name specifically.