The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 180

I know that nothing can hurt me in the game, because they guard me in the dark...

Not to mention, Rita Skeeter not only turned his fuzziness into a lot of disgusting tirades, but also asked other people what they thought of him.

Harry finally found his first love at Hogwarts. His close friend Colin Crevey said that Harry is inseparable from a boy named Ron Weasley, but he has a normal relationship with all girls.

Perhaps it was because he had lost his parents since he was a child, and only a boy's strong arms can give Harry a sense of security, so it is understandable that he would like a boy. Mr. Weasley was born in the pure-blooded Weasley family, and there are many brothers in the family, but Harry Potter is the one who has the best relationship with him.

Ever since this article appeared, Harry had had to put up with people—mainly Slytherin students—quoting from the article and mocking you as he passed by.

"Do you want a handkerchief, Potter, lest you cry in the transformation class?"

"Potter, where is your inseparable first love?"

"Do you need a strong arm? Potter?"

Even Ron's sister, Ginny, looked at him with unwillingness and disappointment.

However, the only useful aspect of this report is that it facilitated the reconciliation of Harry and Ron. Of course, even after the reconciliation, the two dared not get too close to each other, because someone would always point them.

Worthy of being a big corrupt country.

This report once became the source of happiness for many little wizards. Even Ye Ting had to praise Rita Skeeter for a beautiful job.

Ron and Harry are doesn't seem to be a problem.

In addition, Ye Ting also found a big problem, that is, Krum seemed to like Hermione just like the original book.

It was Zhang Qiu who raised this point. After dinner one day, when Ye Ting, Zhang Qiu and Hermione returned to the lounge together, Zhang Qiu brought up this topic.

"Hermione, do you know?" Zhang Qiu hesitated and said a little gloating when the three walked out of the auditorium, "As far as I know, there seems to be someone who has a good opinion of you."

"Who is it again?" Hermione asked impatiently. During this period, many fools have pursued her because she is a warrior.

"It's Krum."

"Warrior of Durmstrand? Why don't I know?" Hermione said differently, and even Ye Ting looked at Zhang Qiu.

"It is said that he often goes to the library and listens to your class." Zhang Qiu said, looking at Hermione with a smile.

Ye Ting and Hermione immediately remembered Krum, who often stayed at the back of their classroom. They thought Krum was just purely curious about the Hogwarts course.

Thinking about it now, the frequency with which he listened to their classes was indeed strange.

"He doesn't look good at all! I don't like him at all, oh, I heard other people talk about him, and many girls like his reputation. Is it just the fable of stealing chickens? "Hermione glanced at Ye Ting, and after realizing his unhappy look, she immediately expressed that she didn't have much favor with Krum.

"It's Ronsky's fake action." Zhang Qiu smiled, covering her mouth. She also didn't catch a cold at this. Krum used this trick on her once, at the cost of Krum falling off the broom.

They were talking, and suddenly they ran into Harry as they walked a corner.

Harry's expression was a little rushed, he was obviously on the way, but when he saw them, Harry's eyes lit up.

"Hi, Hermione," he said breathlessly, "Am I looking for you?"

"You? Want me?" Hermione folded her arms and looked a little defensive. "You don't want to say the same things to those idiots, do you?"

"Idiot? Say the same thing? No!" Harry was a little dazed, but quickly returned to the subject, "I have something important to tell you, very important."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Hermione looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes..." Harry looked at Ye Ting and Zhang Qiu next to Hermione. He hesitated for a while. After thinking about the identity of the referee Ye Ting, he finally made up his mind to say, "That's it..."

He leaned forward, lowered his voice, and said, "I saw it. The first item is Fire Dragon."

"What?" Hermione stared at him carefully.

"It's a fire dragon," Harry said quickly, as people around passed by. "There are four, one for each of us. We must pass by them."

Hermione stared at him blankly, then at Ye Ting. Unlike the horror Harry felt when he saw the fire dragon, Hermione's brown eyes flashed with excitement at this moment, which made Harry a little bit unbelievable.

"Are you sure?" Hermione said in a low voice.

"Absolutely," Harry said, "I saw it with my own eyes."

"How did you find out? We shouldn't know..."

"Just leave it alone," Harry said quickly-he knew Hagrid would be in trouble if he told the truth, because Hagrid showed him. "I am not the only one who knows. Fleur and K. Rum knows now too—Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff have seen the dragon."

"Why are you telling me?" Zhang Qiu asked, but Hermione obviously believed Harry.

"That's... fair, isn't it?" He said to Hermione, "and, I don't know how to deal with the fire dragon, I think you must have a way, or Mr. Ting Ye will have a way."

"Yes, of course I have a way," Hermione said with her head held up, looking a little proud. "But my way is a little bit special. You can't do that. I'm sorry."

"Oh, is that right, too, after all you have..." Harry lowered his head, looking a little disappointed, "but congratulations on passing the first level."

He turned around, ready to leave, but Ye Ting stopped him.

"You just did a very decent thing, Potter." Ye Ting said, "So, let me give you a hint. Actually, it is not difficult to deal with the fire dragon. Just give full play to your strengths. Magic has nothing to do."

After speaking, Ye Ting left with the two girls, leaving behind a confused Harry.

Item 0251

According to Ye Ting's hint, Harry finally found a way to deal with the fire dragon.

He thinks he has no strengths, but when it comes to things that have nothing to do with magic, then he plays Quidditch well, at least he is an excellent trapeze.

However, Harry still remembers the rules of the first game in the Triwizard Tournament, that is, only one magic wand can be carried in the competition. Flying broomsticks are not among the allowed items. In this case, he still cannot play to his advantage. .

Regarding this question, his good friend Ron Weasley woke him up.

"Actually, you can use the Flying Curse in the game to summon your flying broomstick."

Unlike Harry, Ron had lived in a wizarding family since he was a child, so he was still familiar with common spells like Fei Lai, and he naturally thought of this method.

The first game of the Triwizard Tournament started at noon the next day. By the next morning, the school atmosphere began to become very tense and excited.

All morning. Harry didn't even go to class, he locked himself in a lounge and practiced the flying curse constantly. In the room, Harry concentrated all his thoughts, forcing all kinds of things in the room to fly towards him.

Before noon, he barely mastered the spell, at the cost of piles of debris on the ground: books, quill pens, a few overturned chairs, an old set of gobstones, and Neville's toad Rifle... …

Hogwarts, classes were suspended at noon, so that the whole school students had time to go to the playing field.

After lunch, Ye Ting took Hermione to a bush near the Forbidden Forest. A tent was set up there, and the four dragons needed for the game were also kept nearby.

They were the last to come to the tent, Fleur Delacour sitting on a low wooden stool in the corner. She was not as calm and composed as usual, her face was very pale, and she looked sick. Victor Krum looked more gloomy than usual, and Harry Potter was pacing back and forth.

After Ye Ting walked into the tent, Harry gave him a dry smile, because his suggestion enabled Harry to successfully find a way to deal with the fire dragon. Furong immediately stepped forward, leaned to Ye Ting's side, and asked him for comfort, watching her like that, wishing her whole body to squeeze into his arms.