The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 196

But before he asked to read the newspaper, Slytherin at the end of the auditorium stabbed it out.

Malfoy also held a copy of the "Daily Prophet" in his hand, and read aloud: "... Harry Potter-upset, emotionally dangerous"

"Special reporter Rita Skeeter reports: The boy who defeated the mysterious man is emotionally unstable and may be quite dangerous. Recently, there has been astonishing evidence of Harry Potter's strange behavior, which makes people doubt whether he is suitable. Participating in such a difficult competition as the Triwizard Tournament, is it even suitable to go to school at Hogwarts?

"Daily Prophet" exclusively disclosed that Porter often fell ill at school and told people that the scar on his forehead was painful (the scar was the mark left by the poisonous curse when the mysterious man tried to kill him). In the divination class last Monday, a reporter from the Daily Prophet witnessed Potter rushing out of the classroom, claiming that his scar was so painful that he could not continue the class.

A senior expert at the St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries said that Potter’s brain may have been affected by the magic of the mysterious man. He insisted that the scar is still painful, which shows that his mind is quite confused..."

"Hey, Potter! Potter! How is your head? Are you okay? You won't go crazy at us?" Malfoy smiled at Harry.

Crabbe and Gore were both laughing at him. They knocked their foreheads with their fingers, making a strange look like a madman, and sticking out their tongues like snakes. The Slytherin students were all snickering, turning around to see Harry's reaction.

Harry smiled pretentiously, but there was a gloom in his heart, because during this time, his scars hurt very frequently, as if something was going to happen.

Before the breakfast was over, the Warriors were told to go to the conference room to gather. Relatives of the Warriors were invited to watch the finals and they could meet each other.

Fleur Delacour got up from the Ravenclaw table and walked into the meeting room with Hermione. After a while, Krum went too lazily. Harry sat still, he really didn't want to go. He has no relatives—no relatives willing to come and risk his life. But just as he stood up and planned to go to the library to study a little spell, the door of the meeting room opened and Furong poked her head out.

"Harry, come on, they are waiting for you!"

Before entering the conference room, Harry was still confused. In fact, the Dursleys did not come. Since Harry's godfather Sirius Black regained his reputation, Harry would prefer to stay in Grimaud, London. Square 12 instead of Privet Drive—Harry felt that if the godfather were relatives, he would rather come to Black.

As Harry thought, his "relative" was really Black. In addition, Lupin and the Weasley family also came, and the meeting room was extremely lively.

In addition, in the meeting room, Viktor Krum was in the corner of the room talking fast Bulgarian to his black-haired parents, and he inherited his father's hook nose. On the other side, Furong was babbling and chatting with her mother in French. Furong's little sister Gabriel took her mother's hand.

Only Hermione stood alone in the corner, and Ye Ting stayed with her to keep her from being too lonely.

Unlike Harry, although Hermione's parents are both here, they are all Muggles. According to the "International Wizarding Secrets Act", they cannot touch anything related to wizards, let alone to visit the Triwizard Tournament.

At this point, the "International Wizarding Secrets Act" is indeed very ridiculous.

But soon, Ye Ting also had his own things to do. After learning that his daughter liked a Hogwarts boy, Furong's parents had to come to see Ye Ting.

Regardless of Furong's obstruction, she came to Ye Ting on her own and took the initiative to talk to him.

Fleur's Veeva lineage was inherited from her mother. In fact, her mother's Veeva lineage was even more pure than hers. Although this woman is over forty years old, she still looks beautiful.

The chat with the "quasi-mother-in-law" made Ye Ting somewhat embarrassed. This was the first time he had such close communication with the parents of the girl next to him. Even if he was as strong as him, he was still a little at a loss in the face of this situation.

However, Ye Ting soon grasped the situation of the conversation. He had been an envoy in the world of a song of ice and fire for several years. Now the wizards of the Ministry of Magic respect him. Although Ye Ting like this is still essentially Researcher, but the status of "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law" cannot hold him down.

After the conversation, Furong's mother praised Ye Ting in front of her husband and daughter. She thought that her daughter had chosen a very good partner.

Of course, she still didn't know anything about the existence of other girls, and Furong consciously didn't mention it at all.

Finally, sisters Ye Ting and Dracul accompanied their parents for a walk in the castle, spending an afternoon, and then returning to the auditorium for dinner.

Ludo Bagman and Amelia Burns, the director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, sat at the staff desk.

After the old Barty Crouch disappeared, Ye Ting signaled. Although Ms. Bones did not understand the reason, she still took the initiative to take over the follow-up work of the Triwizard Tournament. Now she replaced Crouch as the referee and came to Hogwarts early.

Of course, Ye Ting had his purpose in doing this. According to the original book, tonight’s game will be the beginning of Voldemort’s rebirth, and Ye Ting’s defeat of Voldemort, the plan to control the Ministry of Magic must also be launched. The role is to confirm this to the Ministry of Magic.

Item 0273

Due to the game, the dinner tonight was more abundant than usual, but the Warriors didn't eat much because they were really nervous now.

When the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to dark purple twilight, Dumbledore stood up at the staff's desk, and everyone was quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to the Quidditch Stadium to watch the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now I invite the Warriors and Mr. Bagman to the stadium."

Hermione stood up, and Ravenclaw's students applauded him, wishing her good luck, she walked out of the auditorium along with Fleur, Victor, and Harry.

"Is it okay, Hermione?" Ye Ting asked as they walked down the stone steps, "Are you confident?"

"Very good." Hermione said, this can be said to be the truth. She was a little nervous, but she recalled her experience in the duel during the summer vacation. Thinking of the thrilling finals, she thought that the Triwizard Tournament No matter how fierce and dangerous it is, it is better to face a dark wizard.

They walked into the Quidditch Stadium, where they had become completely unrecognizable.

A twenty-foot-high hedge surrounded the edge of the field. There is a gap in front of them, and that is the entrance to this big maze. The passage inside is dark and a bit scary.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands. Hundreds of students filed in, and the air was filled with excited words and jumbled footsteps. The sky was now clear and deep blue, and stars began to appear. Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick walked into the stadium and walked towards Bagman and the warriors. Their hats were all decorated with bright red stars, and Ye Ting reluctantly put on his hat with red stars. He thought this hat was extremely stupid.

"We will patrol outside the labyrinth," Professor McGonagall said to the warriors. "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, we will shoot red sparks into the sky. We will have someone to help you, understand?"

The warriors nodded together.

"Okay, you go!" Bagman said happily to the four patrol members.

"Come on, Hermione and Lotus." Ye Ting whispered before leaving.

The four people walked away in different directions and distributed around the maze. At this time, Bagman pointed his magic wand to his throat and said "a loud voice", so his magically amplified voice echoed in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last match of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! I'll report the current score! Hermione Granger-111 points, first place, Hogwarts School! "

The applause and cheers flew the birds of the forbidden forest into the darkening night sky.

"Florence Delacour-107 points, second place, Boothbatten College!" There was another round of applause. "Harry Potter-103 points, third place, Hogwarts;’ Victor Krum-fourth place, Durmstrang College!"

People applauded politely for Krum, Karkaroff looked a little embarrassed, he tried his best to deliberately score low for other players, but still only got a fourth place.

"Now...Miss Granger, listen to my whistle!" Bagman said, "three-two-"

With a short whistle, Hermione hurried into the maze.

The tall hedges cast a black shadow on the path. Whether it was because of the high and dense hedges or the magic, the voices of the audience could not be heard as soon as she entered the maze. Hermione almost felt like she was underwater again. He drew out his wand and said, "Fluorescence flickers."

After walking about fifty meters, she came to a fork in the road.

She pointed her magic wand to the ground on the left, and a mark immediately appeared on the ground, and then she walked on the road on the right.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Bagman's whistle rang again, and it was Furong who had entered the maze.

Hermione quickened her pace. There seemed to be nothing on the road she chose. She turned to the right and hurried forward, holding her magic wand in one hand, trying to see as far as possible, but she still couldn't see anything.

There was Bagman's third whistle in the distance, this time it was Harry entering the maze. It's all in the maze.

Hermione kept looking behind her, telling her instinctively that someone was watching her in secret.

The maze was darkening every minute, and the sky above her turned to cyan.

Soon, she came to the second fork in the road.

"Show me the way." Hermione pinned her wand to her palm and said softly to it.

The wand spun, and designated the dense hedge to her right. It was north, and Hermione knew clearly that to get to the center of the labyrinth, you had to go northwest. The best way is to take the road on the left and then turn right as soon as possible.