The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 227

Lu Ping took them to Building 11 and Building 13 in the square. There was no No. 12 between the two buildings.

Lupin took out a piece of paper, showed it to the three of them, and then immediately burned it.

The note read: The Command of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​located at 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

"Think about what you just remembered." Lupin said softly.

The three of them thought intently. As soon as they thought of Grimmauld Place No. 12, a tattered door appeared out of thin air between No. 11 and No. 13, and then the dirty walls and gloomy windows also appeared. , It looked as if an extra house suddenly swelled up, squeezing things away on both sides.

This scene stunned Hermione and Fleur, they had never seen such a magical scene.

Led by Lupin, the three of them walked up the broken stone steps and looked at the newly transformed door.

The black paint on the door was peeling off, covered with scratches from the left to the right. The silver door knocker is in the shape of a large snake. There is no keyhole on the door, and no mailbox.

Lupin pulled out his wand and knocked on the door.

Immediately there was a lot of loud sounds of metal crashing, and the rattling sound like a chain.

The door creaked open.

Chapter 0313 Grimmauld Place 12

The three followed Lupin across the threshold and walked into the almost dark door.

There was a damp, grey smell, and a sweet rotten smell, and it felt like an abandoned empty house.

After everyone had entered, Lupin closed the door, and now the hall was so dark that he could not see his fingers.

There was a rustling sound, and then a row of old-fashioned gas lamps on the wall lit up, casting a dangling and unreal light, shining on the peeling wallpaper and polished blooms in the long eerie hall. Line carpet.

A spider-web-shaped chandelier shimmered overhead, and some portraits that were darkened by age hang slantingly on the wall. The chandelier and the chandelier on a rickety table next to it were both It was shaped like a big snake.

With a rush of footsteps, several wizards appeared in front of them, headed by Sirius Black, he smiled enthusiastically when he saw Ye Ting.

"Mr. Ye is here, as well as Miss Granger and Miss Delacour," he stepped forward, enthusiastically leading the way for them, "Come in, there are many people here who want to meet you."

The wizards behind Black had different expressions, some with happy smiles, some with surprises, and some with frowned.

But Black didn't care about them, and brought Ye Ting to the living room with himself.

Compared to just now, the living room looks much brighter. Several wizards and wizards stand or sit around the stove and chat.

As soon as the three of them came, the eyes of these people were on them.

Ye Ting found that there were quite a lot of acquaintances here. Alastor Moody was sitting at the door, his big and round, enchanted blue eyes gleaming like electric lights were staring at them.

In addition, he saw Ron's mother, Mrs. Weasley, and Professor Snape.

Of course, there are still a few wizards that you don’t know. Ye Ting, the youngest witch among them, is a bit familiar. She has a pale, heart-shaped face, a pair of gleaming black eyes, and her spike-like head. Short hair is a vivid violet color.

After seeing Ye Ting, the witch involuntarily fought a cold war and backed away several steps.

"Tonks, what's wrong with you, are you okay?" Lupin, who followed the three of them, stepped forward with concern after seeing the witch's abnormality.

"He... why did he come?" the witch named Tonks asked in a low voice.

Although she tried to suppress herself, Ye Ting could still hear the tremor in her voice.


"The boy."

"You mean Ye? He came to see Black. Has anything happened between you?"

"No, it's nothing."

The witch walked away silently, and came to another corner of the room, which was the farthest place from Ye Ting.

At this time, Ye Ting also remembered who this girl was.

She is a half-blood witch named Nifadora Tonks, quite young, and an Auror.

However, what is special about her is that she is a rare Yirong Magnus, who can freely change her appearance, but she cannot change her body, gender, and age as freely as Merlin.

Thinking of her identity, Ye Ting knew why she was so afraid of herself.

That was the third grade, what happened after he was in the Ministry of Magic.

At the beginning, he wanted to study Yirong Magnus. After thinking of the existence of Tonks in the original book, he found her at the Ministry of Magic. Not only did he do a lot of experiments with her, but he also forced several tubes of blood from her.

Although Ye Ting gave Tonks a sum of Jin Jialong afterwards, she still did not dispel her fear. From then on, she became extremely afraid of Ye Ting, and she had to retreat every time she saw him.

On the other side, Moody also yelled at Sirius.

"Blake, you can't bring outsiders here," he roared gruffly, "if they are from the Dark Lord, then we might be wiped out!"

"Mr. Ye cannot be from the Dark Lord," Black explained impatiently. "He has the same power as Dumbledore and the Dark Lord, and he can never be subdued under the Dark Lord-I think I'm pretty good at this point. understand him."

"Similar to Dumbledore? How could it be? He's just a kid!" Moody's surprised normal eye widened.

"What Black said is true, I can prove it," said a dark-skinned, bald-headed wizard beside Moody-his voice was low and slow, with a golden ring on one ear, Ye Ting recognized him. It’s called Kingsley—"Just last year, he was summoned to the Ministry of Magic by Wisengamao. That time, he was in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic and defeated dozens of Aurors by himself. Fortunately, I was not there at the time. Among the people..."

"Also, he rescued Harry from the Dark Lord's hands." Mrs. Weasley added.

"In addition, you have to thank Crouch for being able to get away from him," Snape added quietly, "If I were you, I wouldn't easily doubt Ting Ye."

"But, but..." Moody hesitated a bit in the face of everyone, but he still stubbornly argued: "Can you guarantee that this is him? If this is a Death Eater who pretends to be him, he will make trouble. Big trouble!"

"No one would pretend to be Mr. Ye, just like no one would pretend to be Dumbledore." Kingsley said with a wry smile.

"Yes, and he is more decisive than Dumbledore. If a Death Eater dared to impersonate him, maybe his house would become a sea of ​​flames the next day." Tonks also added.

"Um... are you so scary in their eyes?" Hermione asked quietly in Ye Ting's ear. She couldn't believe that these grown-up wizards were so scared of Ye Ting. Although he was very strong, he was quite pretty. Gentle.

After hearing the words, Furong gave Hermione a complicated look.

"This guy can only be so gentle when he is around you."

"You still have you now!" Hermione reminded.

"Yes, there is also me," said this, Furong gave Ye Ting a white glance, a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and then continued: "Actually, facing any stranger who dares to provoke him, his attitude is different. "

She had heard about what happened to the British Ministry of Magic for a long time—her parents worked in the French Ministry of Magic. At the time, the incident was spread as a joke at the French Ministry of Magic. After all, the awkward relationship between Britain and France... Later she learned that the culprit was the culprit. It was the boy beside her.

In addition, on the night of the Quidditch World Cup, her sister was sent back to her by Ye Ting after she disappeared. And Gabriel’s description also mentioned how Ye Ting dealt with the Death Eaters’ parade.

Although Gabriel had closed her eyes at the time, she still noticed some details, and she was also there that night, so she quickly understood the cause of the deaths of so many Death Eaters that night.