The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 243

If he is not a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, isn't it...

"At the same time, Professor Snape," Dumbledore raised his voice to silence people's comments, "will be the teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts class."

——Sure enough, but, according to Voldemort's curse, Professor Snape can only be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year at most.

So, what will we do next year?

Ye Ting couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have the opportunity to try this personally, because he was sure that Voldemort would be wiped out by him within this school year.

Suddenly, there was a scream in another corner of the lobby.

"Do not!"

Many heads turned there.

It was Harry Potter, who was staring angrily at the staff table.

In fact, not just him, but also many other little wizards opposed this decision.

Even Hermione beside Ye Ting had some prejudice against Snape.

Snape sat on Dumbledore’s right side. He did not stand up when he heard Dumbledore mention his name, but lazily raised a hand to indicate that he heard the cheers on the Slytherin table. .

"Alright, there is a little benefit to this matter," Ye Ting heard Anthony say, "Snape will get out in less than a year."

"What do you mean?" Terry Bout asked.

"That job was cursed. No one can last more than a year... Quirrell went in even for his life. Personally, I sincerely hope that another murder will happen..."

"Enough!" Hermione scolded loudly.

Dumbledore cleared his throat.

Harry, Anthony, and Terry were not the only ones talking below, but the whole auditorium heard the news that Snape had finally got his wish, and they were all talking about it.

Dumbledore didn't seem to realize how sensational the news he had just announced was. He didn't talk about the teacher's job any more, but waited a few seconds to make sure everyone was completely quiet before continuing to speak.

"Everyone in this auditorium probably received a warning from the Ministry of Magic. Voldemort has returned and his entourage has begun to gather around him."

As Dumbledore spoke, there was a tense, heart-wrenching silence in the auditorium.

"I need to emphasize that the current situation is very dangerous. Every one of us at Hogwarts needs to be extremely cautious to ensure our own safety. The magical fortifications of the castle have been strengthened during the summer vacation, and we have received new, More effective protection, but each of our teachers and students must still be vigilant at all times and not be able to take it lightly. Therefore, I ask you to strictly abide by every safety rule set by the teacher, no matter how annoying those rules and regulations may be—especially comply with them. The rule that you cannot get up and go out after the lights are turned off. I implore you, whether you find any abnormal or suspicious situations inside or outside the school, you must report it to the faculty immediately. I believe you, for the safety of yourself and others, will definitely restrain yourself Behavioral."

Dumbledore's blue eyes scanned all the students, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, your beds are waiting for you, as warm and comfortable as you expect. I know your top priority now is to have a good rest and prepare for class tomorrow. So, let us say ‘good night’. Beep!"

As usual, the benches were pushed behind them, making a harsh rubbing sound, and hundreds of students began to file out of the auditorium and walk towards the dormitory.

Zhang Qiu also stood up and shouted at the table very majesticly: "First-year freshman, please go here!"

Ye Ting walked towards Luna, holding Feiju in her arms.

Seeing the master coming over, Fei Ju happily broke free from Luna's arms, then leapt into Ye Ting's arms lightly, and then naughty crawled on top of his head.

Ye Ting has always been doting on Feiju, and even if she was in a ball on her head, it was as if she was wearing a funny white fur hat.

Even Luna couldn't help laughing when she saw Ye Ting's current appearance and helpless eyes.

Ye Ting also smiled, then looked at Luna and asked.

"I found out that you have been looking at me today, why?"

When this question was asked, Ye Ting felt that he was a bit narcissistic, but he still asked.

If a beautiful girl stares at you for a minute, you will think she likes you.

If she looks to you for half an hour, you will feel that she is in love with you.

If she watched you for an hour, she might think she was in a daze.

However, if she watched you for three or four hours in a row, it would be very scary.

Item 0331

Facing Ye Ting's questioning, Luna looked at him with hazy eyes for a while, and said suddenly.

"I found it……"

Ye Ting was confused by these words without beginning or end.

"What did you find?"

"I found that you... are human..."

? ? ?

——Do you still need to talk about it?

——I also know that I am human.

——I am not a human being, am I a cat or a dog?

——What are you talking about?

Ye Ting looked at the girl who was talking nonsense again, and said helplessly.

"Of course I am a human..."

However, Luna interrupted him.

"No, you are not actually human either."

? ? ?

This sentence was too shocking, Ye Ting heard the words, the first reaction was not anger, but doubt.

——Why do you say "also"?

——No, right? It was you who had said that I was a human, so how come you immediately regretted it.

——Furthermore, girl, why do you curse when you speak? I don’t seem to mess with her?

——But Luna doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who can swear verbally?

——What's wrong with this world?

Just when Ye Ting was frantically complaining in her heart, Luna spoke again.