The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 261

"Ting, I... I succeeded! Did you see it? I succeeded!"

"Yes, you succeeded." Even Ye Ting showed a slightly excited smile. He said to Guanmian (Helena), "Congratulations, you succeeded in keeping your mother through your own efforts. Relic."

"No, it's not my credit," Helena said in a grateful tone: "I should thank you. You found the crown and made up for the big mistakes I made by credulously trusting others. It is also you and tolerating me. I found a way to save my crown, really...thank you really."

"Don't thank me, Helena," Ye Ting slowly shook his head, "I am selfish too."

"But it's a fact that you helped me," Helena said. "Anyway, I owe you. Now, in return, I want to give you a surprise."

"Surprise?" Ye Ting was a little surprised.

"Yes, although I don't know why, I only learned about it after I merged with the crown," Helena said in a mysterious tone, "I need a drop of your blood."

"A drop of blood?"

"Yes, one drop is enough, don't worry, I won't hurt you." Helena said impatiently.

"I believe you." Ye Ting nodded.

"Then, drip your blood on, it's the jewel of the'crown'."

Right now, Ye Ting immediately knew what Helena meant.

Isn't this the confession of the Lord by dripping blood?

He was too familiar with this set in the previous life.

He even incorporated this into the magic created by the spirits.

Therefore, Helena didn't know the matter of acknowledging the Lord by a drop of blood inexplicably, but a foreshadowing that he had already planted.

However, looking at Helena's current appearance like a treasure offering, Ye Ting decided that it was better to pretend not to know, and not to ruin her kindness.

So he took out the endless sword from his pocket.

As the dragon's power continues to feed his body, his physical defenses are now very strong.

Ordinary knives can't break through his skin at all.

I saw him holding the Infinite Sword in one hand and swiping it lightly in the other palm.

A wound immediately appeared in the palm of the palm, and a drop of bright red blood flowed down the blade to the tip of the sword, and then dripped onto the crown jewel.

But nothing was left on the sword.

After putting the Infinite Sword back, Ye Ting used his magic wand along the wound, and the wound disappeared immediately.

At this time, the crown bloomed with blue and green light once again.

Then Ye Ting felt that a mysterious connection had been established between himself and the crown in front of him.

This connection is different from Endless Sword, Weaver, etc., and is similar to Feiju and Oriana.

He knows that this crown now belongs to him completely.

At the same time, Helena's voice also rang in his mind.

"Adhering to the sacred contract, Ting Ye, from now on, you will be my master, and I will be loyal to you from now on and dedicate all my wisdom and strength to you."

Ye Ting was a little embarrassed when he heard Helena's words.

This girl is indeed a sincere person who knows her gratitude.

He not only made Helena a tool spirit, but also secretly planted a dark hand like a drop of blood to recognize the master, just to fully grasp the crown.

And Helena? In order to thank him, after learning about dripping blood to recognize the Lord, he directly asked Ye Ting to do so.

Even, in order to prevent Ye Ting from disagreeing, he chopped it out first and then played it, tricking him into completing the ceremony of acknowledging the Lord.

Item 0348

After Helena's pledge of allegiance, there was a long silence.

Neither of them spoke.

Ye Ting was a little bit ashamed and embarrassed to speak-but he was only a little bit ashamed. If he were to do it again, he would still do it.

And Helena?

After a while, she finally spoke first.

Her tone is expected to be Ai Ai, and she is obviously lacking in confidence.

"That... Ting... No, it's the Lord... Master, why don't you speak? Are you angry because of Helena's advice?"

Hearing Helena was so nervous, even with a bit of crying words, Ye Ting finally couldn't hold back.

He sighed.

"Do you think I shouldn't be angry?"

"That, right..." Helena's voice became weaker, but Ye Ting interrupted her immediately.

"Why do you want to do this?" Ye Ting asked in a complicated and stiff tone, "Why, give up freedom and complete this ritual of confessing the Lord by dripping blood? I just... helped you. I'm busy, this is the mutual help between friends, you don't need to take this step for this."

"No! It is necessary!" Helena's tone became more and more excited, "This is not only for gratitude, but for my mother!"

Ye Ting was silent, waiting for her to continue.

Helena paused, and then said: "I hope you can inherit your mother's will, even a little bit."

"So you made this decision?"

"Yes, the reason why I told Tom Riddle about the crown information was actually for the same reason, but it turns out that I missed it. He is not the person who can make Ravenclaw's spirit carry forward. He is a man. The real Slytherin, no, he is much more selfish and evil than Slytherin. I remember that Mr. Slytherin, although he admired pure blood, was quite a great and selfless man, he was really real. Put the pure-blood wizard in his heart, and consider the benefit of the pure-blood wizard everywhere, but Tom..."

"He only has himself in his heart." Ye Ting continued.

"You're right."

"So, what about Dumbledore? His wisdom is always enough."

"Dumbledore and Tom are just the opposite," Helena said in a low voice. "He is a real Gryffindor. He is always thinking about love and courage. Wisdom is just one of his tools to achieve his goals. He is not suitable at all. Ravenclaw."


"So, I have been waiting, but year after year, Hogwarts has never seen a truly outstanding Ravenclaw. Tom of Slytherin and Dumbledore of Gryffindor seem to be the most in this era. Two powerful people until I met you. You are smart enough and good enough, much better than those two people when you were young. Even at this age, you are already on par with them today. Now, the most important thing is that you are different from them."

Speaking of this, Helena's tone gradually aroused.