The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 316

In the lobby of the palace, a military meeting is being held, and Lothar, the temporary commander of the army of the Stormwind Kingdom, is summing up the information brought by the scouts.

In addition to King Lane and the nobles and generals of the Stormwind Kingdom, as Dalaran's representative and orc expert, Ye Ting also participated in this meeting, and Garona followed him as always.

When she heard Lothar's information, Garona almost blurted out.

"Impossible!" she said loudly, "Twilight's Hammer never uses aggressive methods in siege battles. The cunning Gu'gall will never consume his warriors and warlocks easily. There must be something wrong with it."

After following Ye Ting for many days, under Ye Ting's teaching, Garona has become very fluent in human language.

"Really?" Lothar looked at the information in his hand suspiciously, and then insisted: "This is the news that the scout brought. At least they will not mistake the double-headed ogre and the orc. I believe their information. ."

"But, but..." What else did Garona want to say. If the information is true, then Gu'gall's behavior is completely different from his past, and there must be a problem in it.

"Could it be an infighting?" Ye Ting reminded.

"Well, it's very possible." Inspired by Ye Ting, Garona immediately understood: "Gu'gall must be at odds with Kilrogg of the Blood Ring clan, but Kilrogg's Blood Ring clan Position is very important in the entire orc tribe. Gu'gall can't compete with him at all. I guess Kilrogg's move is obviously to get rid of a competitor. It is nothing more than using Stormwind to kill with a knife."

"That is to say, even in the middle of the attack, they are still arguing with each other and calculating," Lothar nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words. "Although it is a little weird, none of us knows the orcs better than you. , So, I trust your judgment...then, there is an article to do in it."

After some deliberation, everyone decided on a strategy against the enemy, and then began to prepare to deal with it.

That night, Lothar led most of the cavalry in Stormwind, and secretly left Stormwind and hid in the Elwynn Forest.

And the next day, Stormwind City received a report from the scouts that the orc's army had begun to move towards Stormwind City.

That night, an army of orcs came to Stormwind City and surrounded Stormwind City.

The Twilight Hammer clan launched a crazy attack on Stormwind.

Outside Stormwind City, their catapults lined up and aimed in the direction of Stormwind City, while around the catapults were densely packed troops. It was easy to tell that the tall and conspicuous ogres were relatively short. The ones are orcs.

At the back of the army, there are several warlocks in black robes. They are holding staffs with skulls in their hands. From a distance, they can feel the chilling danger.

Such a sight really made the scalp of the defenders on the city wall numb.

And farther away is a continuous orc camp, where Kilrogg’s blood ring clan is stationed. It seems that the situation is indeed the same as Garona guessed. Kilrogg deliberately let Twilight’s Hammer be the vanguard. , Is to kill someone with a knife.

For Kilrogg's methods, Chief Chu'gall of Twilight's Hammer was quite dissatisfied, but the situation was stronger than that of humans. In the face of the powerful blood ring clan, he also had to choose to compromise.

However, in Gu'gall's view, storming Stormwind City is not a difficult task. Although such a storm will inevitably result in heavy casualties, it is a good idea to capture the city in front of you.

Thinking this way, he gave the order to attack.

The first attack was the orcs’ siege equipment, the catapult.

Under the supervision of the overseers, the orc drudges put stone bombs or incendiary bombs into the iron frame of the catapult, and then dropped the ammunition after the order was issued.

For a time, hundreds of stone bullets mixed with incendiary bombs flew toward the city wall. Each stone bullet seemed to be the size of a grinding disc, flying through the air, making bursts of howling noises.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers hid in the wall shivering, afraid of being hit by stone bullets.

Item 0413

The effect of the catapult is quite obvious.

Because the accuracy of the catapult was not high, about half of the stone bullets did not hit Stormwind City, but hit the ground in front of Stormwind City, or just hit the wall, but even so, the heavy stone bullets were still on the ground. And the city wall brings one big pit after another.

Fortunately, the soldiers had long been hiding under the wall of the city head, so these stone bullets did not cause them any damage.

However, the powerful deterrence of stone bullets really frightened the soldiers defending the city.

Every stone bullet that hits the head of the city will make the soldiers feel trembling, and the splashing gravel reminds them of the terrifying power of this stone bullet.

If someone is unlucky enough to be hit, then the proper one will turn into meat sauce.

Compared with the city walls, the damage caused by stone bullets to the buildings in the city is more serious.

Those stone bullets that leaped over the city wall caused huge damage to the dwellings close to the city wall. As long as ordinary houses were hit, they would definitely cause the collapse of the entire building. Those incendiary bombs that ignited caused even more damage in the city. There was a raging fire, and many wooden houses were burnt at once. If most of the houses in Stormwind were not made of stone, the spread of the fire would cause serious trouble to the defenders of Stormwind.

Fortunately, because the existence of the catapult was learned in advance, the houses near the city wall were evacuated long before the battle started, so this wave of attacks did not cause many casualties.

Unfortunately, Twilight's Hammer's offense is not limited to these.

When the orc drudges began to carry ammunition, preparing for the second round of stone-throwing attack, the army of Twilight's Hammer also began to move around and marched downstairs.

The presence of the catapult can effectively suppress the defenders at the head of the city, preventing them from coming forward and causing damage to the soldiers who are attacking the city. The infantry can take advantage of this and get as close as possible to the city wall under the cover of the catapult.

The form of the war suddenly became critical.

There are horrible stone bullets flying above his head, and under his feet are densely packed enemies like tides. For the defenders of Stormwind, who can stand it.

At this moment, King Ryan Wrynn stood up.

I have to say that Ryan is indeed an excellent king. When the situation was critical and the morale of the soldiers was low, he decisively put on the armor and personally risked the risk to board the tower.

"My bravest soldiers, I am your king, Ryan Wrynn," Ryan attracted the attention of the soldiers with his loud voice on the city.

"For a long time, the Kingdom of Stormwind has never had real peace. Our ancestors came across the sea from Lordaeron and established our home in this place. We fought with the trolls of Gurubashi, and we and Al The wolves of Wen Forest are fighting, we are expanding our homeland in the step-by-step war, and we have established this great country today. Among them, you have the credit."

Having said this, the soldiers all recalled the glorious battles in the past, and they couldn't help but straighten their chests.

"However, the Kingdom of Stormwind has been invaded. Our opponents are brutal orcs. They killed our people like pigs and dogs. They burned our pastures and occupied our farmland. Now, they still want to invade Stormwind City. , Our last hope is to slaughter our relatives to death. So now, I need you to stand up again, I need you to stand firmly at the city’s head and block those green-skinned monsters, because our wives and children are in yours Behind you, it is Stormwind's last hope."

Ryan's words let the soldiers truly understand their responsibilities and understand that they must sacrifice.

Ryan drew his sword and held it high.

"I am lucky to have a group of brave soldiers like you. I, your king, Ryan Wrynn, will stand with you, face the enemy together with you, and raise the sword to them.

Either you, or me, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, all may die in this **** war. But it doesn't matter, because we will use our lives to build the strongest fortress for the wives and children behind us. For the Kingdom of Stormwind! "

"For the Kingdom of Stormwind!"

The soldiers followed Ryan and shouted slogans.

Ryan's speech made the soldiers feel excited and full of courage. The timidity of facing the orcs has disappeared from them unknowingly.

Although the trebuchet is still terrifying, and the orcs are still terrifying, they are not afraid, because they are fighting for themselves and for their families.

As the soldiers of Twilight's Hammer approached the city wall, the catapult gradually increased the distance of the catapult, and the city wall gradually ceased to be the target of the catapult.

The human soldiers began to show their heads on the city wall, and they carried the rolling wood and stones that had been prepared long ago, ready to take them at any time.

Like the siege of humans, the orcs erected a ladder under the city wall, and the warriors of Twilight's Hammer stepped forward and climbed up the ladder and attacked the city.

The humans on the city's head were not to be outdone. They threw the rolling logs and rocks at the orc soldiers and toss them down.

The high walls gave the falling rolling logs and stilts a huge potential energy. Even the strong orcs and the taller ogres had no room for resistance when faced with these high-altitude projectiles.