The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 319

At this time, the unstable factors have been removed, and he can be considered relieved.

The remaining task is to wait for the moment.

On the battlefield, after losing the caster, the soldiers on the side of the orcs have fallen into the frieze.

Without the restriction of enemy spellcasters, the mages from Dalaran began to play the role of their magic turrets, and began to bombard the orc soldiers on the towers at the tide of the city.

Ye Ting stayed behind the scenes again, playing soy sauce.

Blizzards, flame storms, serial lightning, wall of fire, ground splitting, frost nova, etc., etc., all kinds of bells and whistles were cast on the orcs and ogres in the battlefield, or were frozen into ice sculptures, or burned Turned into ashes, or turned into coke by electricity, or swallowed by the earth... Although there are different ways to die, without exception, these strong warriors are just weak flesh and blood in front of the magic that controls the power of the elements. .

For a time, the scene was in chaos.

Although the orcs are bloodthirsty and warlike, they are not true fools. They are willing to fight to the end with a flesh and blood body like them, but they never want to die under a large magic AOE, because the former means glory, the latter is Meaningless.

The orcs' offensive stopped temporarily.

Seeing such a situation, Chief Chu'gall of Twilight's Hammer screamed again with both heads.

"It's really useless rubbish, (they should have died long ago,) was defeated by a few little wizards. (Such a person is not worthy to use the power bestowed by the master.) You go to Kilrogg for support, ( Go find the one-eyed dragon,) I will defeat the mages myself. (It’s time to shoot myself.

Soon, Gu'gall's huge figure appeared beside the battlefield.

As the first ogre magician in history, Chu'gall's power is far beyond that of other warlocks.

His appearance immediately attracted Ye Ting's attention.

In other words, Ye Ting stopped making moves just to guard against him.

Cho'gall raised his hands toward the city head, and the energy of the shadows gathered between his hands. Soon, a huge group of shadow energy gathered together.

The next moment, the energy group shot several shadow arrows at the city head. This terrifying energy arrow shot towards the wizards with lightning speed.

With the shadow energy contained in the Shadow Bolt, most of the mages present could not stop them even if they prepared a magic shield in advance.

However, Ye Ting made a timely move.

He raised a hand to the direction from which the shadow arrow came, and muttered a word.

If someone listened carefully at this time, he would find that the speed of his chanting was terribly fast, almost ten times the normal speed.

This is because of time magic. Ye Ting applied time-distorting spells to himself while Gu'gall was casting spells, accelerating his time out of thin air, in this way to increase his reaction and casting speed.

Then, a light wall appeared in the air and stopped in front of the wizards.

The countless shadow arrows shot by Gu'gall all hit the wall of light.

Although the burst of shadow energy hit the wall of light ripples, but the wall of light obviously had more power, and the Shadow Bolt couldn't shake it in the end.

Seeing this, Gu'gall frowned on both heads.

He originally thought that all he had to face were small fishes and shrimps, but now he suddenly realized that he had an opponent.

The first move did not take effect, and Gu'gall immediately made the second move.

The evil shadow ray shot at Ye Ting from the huge one-eyed head on his one-eyed head.

With the will of death, the purple-black ray hit Ye Ting's light wall again, but this time, the defensive effect of the light wall was not so good. The concentrated shadow energy broke through the face in just a few seconds. The light wall, then, the light wall collapses and becomes a point of light dissipating in the air.

However, Ye Ting also had a countermeasure in the blink of an eye.

The best way to deal with the shadows is actually the Holy Light, but Ye Ting didn't have this power in front of him - but it wasn't without a substitute.

Without thinking too much, Ye Ting found the magic to deal with from his huge magic memory bank.

He pointed to his right hand, and the arcane energy condensed between his fingers, and then transformed into shining light.

Not the sacred light, but ordinary sunlight.

The rays of light condensed into rays and collided with the rays of shadow.

Fortunately, this is not a magical matchup in the Harry Potter world. Otherwise, would not save it again become a mana war?

Seeing that his boss was entangled with his opponent, the other mages thought this was a good opportunity and wanted to take the opportunity to attack Gu'gall.

It was a male mage who shot, and he began to try to catch Chu'gall's spell and counter it.

"Don't do this!"

When Ye Ting noticed his behavior, he blurted out immediately to stop it.

It's a pity that his stop came a little late.

The eyes of the mage who was still using the magical countermeasures suddenly became enthusiastic, and stopped the countermeasures, and began to rub fireballs and hit the surrounding wizards.

An unlucky mage was smashed unsuspectingly, and immediately suffered serious injuries.

"He was mentally controlled!" Ye Ting reminded, "find a way to dispel the control of that ogre."

These mages are still a bit too young.

Cho'gall seems to be evenly matched with Ye Ting, but unlike ordinary wizards, ogres have two heads, so in the best case, a two-headed ogre can use two magics at the same time.

Of course, due to innate wisdom, even if most of the two-headed ogres could become wizards, Ye Ting could not use this advantage, but Chu'gall was an exception.

With two heads, how could he be easily attacked by someone?

Therefore, the wizard who used the spell to counteract, not only did not have the spell to counter Gu'jal, but instead was used by Gu'jal with the apostate spell, and his will was twisted into a fanatical belief in Gu'jal.

Ye Ting wanted to take the shot himself, but Gu'gall immediately increased his attack strength, forcing Ye Ting to focus on dealing with Gu'gall.

Although Ye Ting thinks he is far better than Chu'gall as a semi-spell caster in his control of magic, who is to let these guys have the backstage?

With the ancient **** standing behind him, Gu'gall was far stronger than Ye Ting in total mana. Facing his violent shadow spells, Ye Ting had to defend with all his strength.

Item 0417

The wizards in Dalaran did not dispel the apostasy spell in the end.

The unlucky mage who has fallen into fanaticism is naturally distorted, so naturally he can’t use any powerful spells. It’s just a throwing of the fireball, the Olympic bullet and the ice bolt, but for the other wizards who have been prepared, such an attack can only be regarded as a tickle. .

First came the deceleration technique, then the spider web technique, and the quagmire technique. Soon, this guy was firmly bound, and even his mouth was gagged.

It seems that the trouble is resolved.

However, how could Gu'gall leave such a big flaw? In other words, doesn't he know that this apostasy can only cause a little trouble to the opponent?

The real big trouble soon appeared.