The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 328

Ye Ting held Aegwynn in the shocked eyes of the others, and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly. His movements were quite natural, as if he should have done this with their relationship.

What made Lothar and Khadgar the most incredible was that Aegwynn not only did not resist, but also leaned on Ye Ting's shoulders.

Please! That was the guardian of the previous generation, the legend in the legend of the mage, the big brother who had lived for nearly a thousand years, and the mother of Medivh, and the elder of Lothar.

You, a seventeen-year-old mage who is a little younger than Khadgar, did such an action to her, did she accept it?

Why don't you praise you for being attractive? Or should you praise your coldness?

Is the attraction of the wizard proportional to the level of genius?

Regardless of other people's bad moods, Aegwynn quickly eased his emotions and calmed down.

In fact, she didn't cry, she was just a momentary sadness. As a guardian for hundreds of years, this emotion can still be suppressed.

"He explained to me that his purpose is to break the world that I have built for him, to break the shackles that I have given him..." Aegwynn continued in a low voice, "I was very sad at first, but I was very sad. He soon found his flaw... because he said he was going to be the king of the orcs, but Medivh would never have such an idea."

"Yes," Ye Ting said, "A mage will never spend a lot of energy on ruling. For a mage, that's nothing but the last!"

In response, Lothar and Khadgar both nodded in agreement.

Dalaran is a typical example.

Dalaran's rule is a parliamentary system. Is it really because no one can truly rule Dalaran?

Of course not, just because the wizards don't want to spend a lot of energy to rule Dalaran, but Dalaran must exist in order.

The result is a parliamentary system, where everyone shares the responsibility together.

"After being broken by me, Sargeras appeared and attacked me-using the power I personally passed on to him." Aegwynn’s words were filled with lingering regret, "Use this Strength, he easily suppressed me, but I am not without helpers, I summoned the blue dragon Akannagos..."

"Blue Dragon! Akannagos!" Khadgar's exclamation interrupted Aegwynn.

"Yes, if you understand my experience, you should know that I have always been fighting against demons with the dragons, including when I defeated Sargeras." Aegwynn explained.

"Of course, of course." Speaking of this, Khadgar was a little excited, "I have seen your heroic appearance in the phantoms here!"

"Well," Aegwynn certainly knew the existence of the phantom, and continued, "The dragons have always been my good helpers, but...this time I killed him, and Akannagos was killed by Sargera. Si burned only the skeleton. And, in order to fight me, he also drew the lives of many nobles who visited Karazhan at that time."

"It turned out to be like this!" Lothar suddenly realized that he knew about it, because most of the nobles came from the Stormwind Kingdom, and the death of a large number of nobles was an unprecedented event at the beginning. "We thought they died of robbers or The attack of the troll, I took people and almost ploughed the entire twilight forest."

"Fortunately... Medivh still has his own self-awareness," Aegwynn sighed. "At a critical moment, Medivh's consciousness restrained Sargeras and I was able to escape."

"Sorry, ma'am." Lothar shook his head, feeling sad for the fate of his friend.

"Sorrow." Khadgar and Garona agreed.

"I... it's nothing," Aegwynn said firmly. "But what I want to say is that we must kill Sargeras as soon as possible, and we cannot let him continue the conspiracy, otherwise, the devil will come to this world, and then Destroy it. To defeat Sargeras, my child’s soul is the key. We should find him before he can completely swallow his soul. At the critical moment, he will hold Sargeras for us. ."

"But...what about Medivh himself?" Lothar almost lost his voice, "As you said, Sargeras took Medivh's body. If we want to kill Sargeras, it is equivalent to killing Medivh."

"...Yes," After hesitating for a moment, Aegwynn was still cruel and said her answer, "Yes, we must do this. the duty of the guardian."

"Is that so? I... I know." Lothar closed his eyes deeply and opened them for a moment. At this time, his eyes became firm and energetic.

"If it is destined to be so, then so be it!" The soldier cut off all distractions and made the final choice.

Khadgar also forced his feelings for the knowledgeable, gentle, and broad-minded teacher to be forgotten.

Ye Ting looked at the three people who had made up their minds and sighed long.

Compared with the latter two, Medivh’s death blow should be Aegwynn the most.

Although she is a mage who should have been cold-hearted, judging from Aegwynn’s choice to completely transfer the power of the Guardian of Tirisfal to Medivh, Magna Aegwynn, as a mother, does have a considerable part of his emotions. And expectation was placed on her child.

So he took out a black stone with a special logo engraved on it.

That is the sign of the Deathly Hallows.

The stone is exactly the resurrection stone from the world of Harry Potter.

"This stone has a special effect on the soul," Ye Ting explained to Aegwynn. "Even people with no magic skills can use it to recall part of the soul of the dead-no matter how long the dead person has been dead, No matter the soul of the dead is weak or strong. Although I have not tried it, perhaps, as long as the appropriate magic is used, this stone can retrieve Medivh’s soul."

"Really...really?" Upon hearing this, Aegwynn grasped the hands of the resurrection stone and Ye Ting tightly, as if a drowning man had grasped the life-saving straw, "This stone... can it really do this? "

She doesn't care about the problem of the body. For a mage like them, as long as the complete soul can be retrieved, it is not a problem whether the body uses necromantic magic to revive one or create a magic puppet to make up the number, or use genetic methods to train it.

"Of course." Ye Ting nodded.

"Great! Thank you!" Aegwynn finally couldn't hold back, tears from the corners of his eyes, tears of excitement.

She hugged Ye Ting tightly, as if grasping the whole world.

Item 0427

With the plan to save Medivh, Aegwynn finally no longer had that kind of decisive thoughts, and seemed much more confident.

So, the search for Karazhan continued.

Before searching, Ye Ting and Aegwynn tentatively used several different search magics to try to find the traces of Medivh—at least detect the traces he left behind.

However, they ultimately failed.

As the guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh's magic skills are enough to allow him to cover up all traces that may be detected.

Therefore, there is only the dumbest method left: physical search.

However, in the end, the five people searched the entire Karazhan and found no trace of Medivh.

They only found the remaining resident in Karazhan except for Medivh, the butler of Medivh, Morros-or his body.

The location is on the bottom floor, where the main entrance leads to the kitchen and storage room.

Moros's body, which had always been curled up, stretched out in the middle of the hall, and the curved blood stains stretched along the floor to one wall. His eyes were wide open, but the expression on his face was surprisingly comfortable. It seemed that even death could not shock the waves in the old housekeeper's heart.

"Is he... also dead?" Aegwynn sighed with emotion, and Khadgar's face was not very good.

The young mage is still not used to facing the passing of acquaintances.

Suddenly, Ye Ting, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

"Do you feel it?" He looked at Aegwynn.

"That door?" Aegwynn nodded, "I feel it."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Lothar, as always, was puzzled by the magician's mystery, "What door? I didn't understand."

He tried to get Khadgar to explain, but Khadgar just spread his hands.