The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 335

With that, he looked at the three guardian dragons.

"We have the responsibility." Taronisia replied on behalf of the sisters.

In fact, the Council of Tirisfal had thought about sharing intelligence with the Dragonflight in the past.

However, how arrogant the dragon is, how can it be regarded as a mortal organization?

That is, the Aigwen people, after becoming a guardian, can have a close connection with the dragon.

However, now that Ye Ting brought up the matter, that was another situation.

How close is the relationship between the three guardian dragons and Ye Ting?

In today’s six-color dragon army, the black dragon with the death wing Neltharion betrayed the guardian dragons; the blue dragon army is responsible for controlling the magic net and magical artifacts everywhere, but due to the conspiracy of the death wing in the war of the ancients , The blue dragon was almost extinct, these responsibilities were handed over to the Red Dragon Legion with the largest number; the Bronze Dragon Legion was responsible for maintaining the stability of time, and almost nothing happened.

So, in the cause of defending Azeroth and fighting against the devil, isn't the three guardian dragons of gold, red and green settled by one word?

"In addition, I think there is another enemy worthy of our attention: that is the three ancient gods hidden in Azeroth." Ye Ting continued, "When defending Stormwind, I came across a powerful The double-headed cannibal magician, his shadow magic is extremely powerful, from him, I smell the power of the ancient gods...With the invasion of the orcs, these ancient and evil existences may have some conspiracy."

"The Qiraji people have only been sealed for a thousand years, and they want to do something," Talonysia believed Ye Ting's words, and said angrily, "Sure enough, these guys, they will need it whenever they have a chance. The key to creating something is that we still have no choice but to passively defend against them."

"Yeah." Ye Ting nodded in agreement, "So, you need mortal power, don't you? Mortal intelligence can discover the details you overlook, and mortal power can also help you fight against the families of the ancient gods."

"I understand." The three guardian dragons agreed, "We really see the rise of the power of the mortal race. It's time for you to take on certain responsibilities."

Speaking of this, the eyes of the three guardian dragons looking at Ye Ting were extremely soft. In their opinion, the purpose of Ye Ting's opinions was to reduce their burden.

Sanlong was very moved by this. Among them, Ysera could not wait to be in the Emerald Dream with Ye Ting for a while.

In the end, the new organization was named the Azeroth Planet Survival Guarantee Council. Like its predecessor, it was also called the Karazhan Council because it was established in Karazhan.

The current members are only Sander Liver (ie Ting Ye), Aegwynn, and Medivh. Khadgar became a candidate member due to being an apprentice of Medivh and was allowed to learn from the council's collection (originally Madiwen) Knowledge and magic.

Taronisia, Alexstrasza, and Ysera, of course, cannot be directly members of the council due to their status, but the three guardian dragons are close allies of the council and promised to introduce them to Kalimdor. The strong night elves join the council.

Lothar is a warrior, and he has no extraordinary power. In addition, he has long focused on the mortal race's regime, so he did not join the parliament. However, the reliable soldier buried his own knowledge in his heart, and was determined not to disclose it to others.

After Khadgar saw the existence of Aegwynn and the Guardian Dragon, and fully understood what they had been doing, he naturally transferred his **** from Dalaran to the Karazhan Council and became a candidate member. Make him ecstatic. It seemed that Dalaran, who wanted to take advantage of Medivh, should have lost a talented magic apprentice this time.

After everything was over, Ye Ting, Garona, Khadgar and Lothar returned to Stormwind City first.

They need to report to King Lane and Dalaran what happened in Karazhan, and they also need to help guard Stormwind City.

Ye Ting left the resurrection stone to Aegwynn, and Aegwynn and the spiritual body Medivwen will be responsible for transferring everything in Karazhan, tentatively placed in Aegwynn's mage tower.

The guardian dragons of course also left. Their affairs are quite busy. As mentioned earlier, the affairs of the dragon army are mostly on the heads of the three of them.

However, they left for a day longer than others thought-at least one night. This night, the three guardian dragons escaped into the Emerald Dream near Stormwind City. As for what the three guardian dragons did there, nothing is known.

Item 0436

It was the dawn of another day, and the morning mist enveloped the earth as usual.

Although it was still dark, Nanhai Town, which was deeply drowsy, had quietly awakened. Although there is still no light in the morning, people in the town know very well that a new day has arrived.

The thick fog not only envelops their wooden house, but also completely hides the sea next to the town. Despite this, the townsfolk can still hear the sound of waves hitting the shore and crushing on the rocks.

Everything is as usual.

However, this morning, the townspeople heard some different sounds.

The voice was low and slow, drifting from the direction of the sea with the wind, echoing in this thick fog. The townspeople were a little at a loss listening to this strange sound.

They have never had such an experience.

Slowly, the fog changed its shape, as if torn apart by the sound. Then, a group of dark shadows appeared, as if to break through the thick fog.

Soon the black shadow had a specific shape, and another wave of waves came. The townspeople retreated collectively, and some screamed: They have lived by the sea all their lives and know everything about this sea area, and this is by no means a normal wave, it must be something else.

In the end, the black shadow penetrated the mist, and then split into countless individuals, with their own shapes-the shape of a ship, many ships. However, the people in the town can't relax at all. Nanhai Town is just an ordinary fishing village. There are only a dozen boats for fishing. In recent years, there have been no more than ten boats passing by. Now suddenly there are hundreds of them, which can't help but make them feel suspicious.

People grabbed the sticks, knives, fishing rods, and even fishing nets in their hands, waiting nervously, waiting for the mysterious fleet to approach. However, there are only hundreds of ships, thousands of ships, or even a country, just approach them like this!

And the low sound just now is exactly the sound of these thousands of boats of different sizes splitting the surface of the water and paddling at the same time.

Who are they? Is it a pirate or an army? What is the purpose of coming to the Kingdom of Lordaeron?

All the townspeople can do now is to hold on to the "weapons" in their hands and wait for their destiny.

It wasn't until the fleet was close enough to the dock and close enough to see the flag of the fleet through the light of the torch, and the mayor who led the townspeople was relieved.

Among the townsfolk, a small group even cheered.

Isn’t the emblem of the gold lion’s head on the blue bottom of the sail and the banner the symbol of the Kingdom of Stormwind?

This huge fleet is from the fleet of Stormwind Kingdom far south.

Stormwind City, in the end, did not withstand the attack of the orc tribe.

After Orgrim Doomhammer defeated and killed the Blackhand Warchief through Mak'gora, he successfully took over the post of Orc Warchief.

Orgrim is worthy of the name of his "dark arrow wounder." As a warchief, he gave full play to his cunning beyond ordinary orcs, and soon completely seized control of the entire tribe.

Originally, Orgrim wanted to wait for the Warsong, Shattered Hand and other clans who remained in Draenor to come to Azeroth for reinforcements, but time was short, he understood that at this time, Stormwind City would never be able to breathe.

After Ye Ting and his party returned to Stormwind City from Karazhan, Stormwind City was once again under the siege of the orcs. Orgrim changed the black-hand chief's straight forward, and his siege strategy became vicious and vicious.

He first sent the hard labor among the orcs-the hard labor was the existence second only to the slaves among the orcs, and was responsible for all the dirty work among the orcs, such as farming and construction. Although the drudges are also orcs, they are unable to become qualified fighters due to various reasons such as physical fitness or courage, so they basically have no place among the orcs.

But now, Orgrim completely treated the hard work as cannon fodder, let them and the captives lead the battle, and let a small number of orc warriors mix in it, consuming the defenders' physical strength and defensive equipment.

In the rear, the orc slings were all fired, and they didn't care about the lives of the hard labor and the prisoners in front.

Under Orgrim’s cruel tactics, the defenders of Stormwind suffered heavy losses. They had to brave the catapult to prevent the hard labor and the captives from successfully ascending the city. Although these cannon fodder is not good in combat effectiveness, they can mix with the orc warriors among them. It makes them tired to cope.

When Ye Ting and his party returned to Stormwind City, the head of Stormwind City had almost fallen into half.

Although with the help of Ye Ting and the magician, the defending army finally regained the city head, but the situation did not improve.

Relying on the superiority of troops, Orgrim launched a round-the-clock offensive against Stormwind. The fighters of various clans took turns to battle, leaving the defenders and wizards struggling to cope.

Ye Ting himself is even more so. The battle against Sargeras in Karazhan consumed too much of his power. Now facing the siege of the tribe, he can't reverse the situation by himself in a short time.

In the end, King Ryan made a painful decision: abandon Stormwind City and retreat to the Hillsbrad Hills in the northern continent of Dalaran.

Although the alliance of the nations has not been established, and the reinforcements have not been able to come to the Kingdom of Stormwind, the Kingdom of Stormwind is not without the help of the nations.

The Kingdom of Dalaran has long agreed to open the less developed Hillsbrad Hills as a temporary residence for the Kingdom of Stormwind. Once Stormwind City cannot be maintained, the Kingdom of Stormwind will move the rest of the nation to this place.