The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 400

Of course, Ye Ting is now considered a high position in the league, and the Kirin Tor Council still has to ask his own opinions.

Opinion, what opinion can Ye Ting have?

He was behind the whole thing, and now he certainly agreed.

In fact, if the final envoy was not handed over to him, Ye Ting would have left behind.

Once such a low probability result appears, then the new candidate will have some accidents that will make him temporarily hospitalized within a few days...

In the end, he is chosen, the candidate still has to run to his head.

In short, Ye Ting was given the task of forming an elite team and sneaking into Grim Batol.

The requirements of the mission are also very simple. The best situation is of course to rescue the red dragon, find a way for the orcs to control the red dragon, and then submit it to the Kirin Tor Council.

If it is impossible to complete the task, then just treat it as an investigation.

Of course, both Ye Ting and Krasus felt very ridiculous about the whimsical ideas of the Kirin Tor Council.

You know, there will be a few guardian dragons watching from the side throughout this mission, and it may eventually evolve into a guardian dragon battle. Want to take the dragon soul from them and bring it back to the Kirin Tor Council?

Sorry, even if the six members of the six-member council are all together, it can't be done.


After getting the authorization of the Kirin Tor Council, Ye Ting of course also received the help of the Kirin Tor Council.

At least, there is a Kirin Tor Council mission. His secret mission as an adjutant and advisor to the Alliance Commander will not make others doubt.

At the same time, through certain transactions between Dalaran and the Alliance, he also obtained the power to mobilize Alliance resources, use Alliance intelligence, and form mission teams on his own.

This is something he couldn't do in his own capacity.

Item 0524

Although it is possible for Ye Ting to accomplish this task independently with his own strength, he still chose to find a few entourages and establish an elite team to complete the task.

There is no other reason.

Master Master, don't bring a few people when you go out, do you do your own chores?

There was a little trouble on the road, it was of course the teammates to deal with the robber beast and the like.

Set up camp at night, and of course all chores are handled by teammates.

The magic of the mage is indeed omnipotent, but of course the mage is only at the critical moment. There are not a few teammates who do miscellaneous teammates. The mage might as well stay in the mage tower.

Regarding the selection of team members, Ye Ting naturally also had requirements.

First of all, the team must have special investigators. Such people are best proficient in survival in the wild, and so on.

The best candidates for this position are naturally high elf rangers. Compared with ordinary scouts, these good players are not only proficient in bows and arrows and melee skills, but also have excellent field survival and combat capabilities. They are quite good teammates in the adventure.

Therefore, Ye Ting naturally wanted to find his two "good sisters", Alleria and Sylvanas first.

However, these two are both commanders in the high elven army, one leading the volunteer army and the other leading the regular army. Both of them have a lot of military affairs to deal with, so naturally they don't have time to accompany Ye Ting, the idler, on missions.

So Ye Ting was rejected by Erlian.

——In that case, don’t blame me for contacting your sister.

With this thought, Ye Ting approached the third sister of the Windrunner sisters in Quel'Thalas, Vereesa Windrunner.

In fact, it was Kael'thas who arranged Vereesa to join the team. Considering the relationship between Ye Ting and the Windrunner family, His Royal Highness intimately arranged for him an elite ranger from the Windrunner family as a teammate.

This arrangement not only secretly touched Ye Ting's heart, but also made Vereesa quite satisfied.

As the youngest member of the Windrunner family, Vereesa, although young, has long been a member of the Farstriders. Her excellent talents quickly made her the strongest ranger in her team. However, Because she was too young, she didn't even have experience in fighting trolls.

Maybe it was to protect her, or maybe it was because of her lack of strength. Her two sisters did not agree to take her when they participated in the orc war. Instead, they left her in Quel'Thalas. The younger sister, who hopes to be in line with the older sisters, is naturally quite dissatisfied. Now, the opportunity has finally come to her.

And the leader of the team is Ye Ting, who is not low-famous among the high elves and has a good relationship with her two sisters.

Although Vereesa hadn't seen Ye Ting personally for a long time, but in the communication with her sisters, the younger sister of the Windrunner still heard many positive comments about Ye Ting. She even sensed the unusual affection between them and this young human mage from the words of her sisters to Ye Ting.

This made Vereesa couldn't help but arouse her curiosity towards this human being. Now that she finally has the opportunity to meet this human with her own eyes, she naturally couldn't ask for it.

In addition to the ranger Vereesa, Ye Ting’s teammates of course also include Garona. The orc thief has always followed him loyally, and even served as an assistant or even a maid. Housework does not include bed warming for the time being, but Garona may look forward to such a task—of course, she will follow him this time.

Ye Ting originally wanted to bring a nanny, but the priest was really dragging his feet in the infiltration mission, and the paladins were all in training, so he had to give up and take the medical responsibility by himself.

Then the last thing the team needs is the role of a meat shield.

At the moment when the Paladins can't make the division, the warrior is responsible for the meat shield by default.

Although there are far fewer top fighters in the Alliance than the tribe, if Ye Ting wants to find them, many fighters are willing to follow his command.

After some consideration, Ye Ting still chose a Wildhammer dwarf warrior as his teammate, just like the team in the original book.

Of course, he did not choose Falstad in the original book. The King of Wildhammer needs to command the army of the Wildhammer dwarves.

The one who followed him to Grim Batol was his old subordinate, Kurdran Wildhammer, who had just worked with him during the siege of trolls.

The reason for choosing this Wildhammer dwarf is that he needs to ride a Griffin to complete the task.

You know, facing an orc with a red dragon, advancing from land is not only slow, but also means being completely passive in front of an opponent with air power.

With griffon as a means of transportation, at least facing the red dragon can run.

Before completing the task, they still have to avoid frontal combat as much as possible, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the opponent.

As Ye Ting's old buddy, Kurdran readily agreed to Ye Ting's request. Although the mage was generally regarded as a mysterious alien in the eyes of outsiders, in Kurdran's eyes, Ye Ting was undoubtedly an exception.

A human who can drink wine with their dwarves, and even invent a spirit like brandy, is definitely a reliable guy, coupled with the friendship of fighting side by side before.

Even though Grim Batol's trip was extremely dangerous, Kurdran still joined the action without hesitation.

The start of the operation was arranged by Ye Ting in the day when the orcs fleet was ready, and the orcs began to board the ship and prepare to leave the port and attack the mainland of Lordaeron from the sea.

In order to hide the secret weapon in front of the alliance's scout ship, the tribe did not send the red dragon prematurely, but according to the traces of the orc fleet, Ye Ting can be sure that most of Grim Batol’s red dragons have left the Dragonmaw clan. Lao Lai, ready to **** the orc fleet.

On the Alliance side, despite having Dalin's fleet as the first line of defense, Lothar still led the army to the hillsbrad hills where the orcs were most likely to land, ready to respond to possible attacks.

On the other side, the orcs pretending to attack a section of the Sador Bridge, they are ready to move towards the opposite side of the bridge, and Stormgard (the country of Stromgarde) has also deployed on the other side of the Sador Bridge, ready to respond to the orcs' attack. .

The resolute King Thoras Trollbane knew that as long as their defense showed a flaw, then these bloodthirsty orcs would turn from a feint to a real offense. Using Stormgard as a breakthrough, they would be coveted in one fell swoop. The long-standing Lordaeron continent.

Ye Ting, it was precisely this time that he set off.