The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 411

Then, Necruz stomped forward a few more steps and spoke again.

"Well, crawler, do you have anything else to say now?"

"It's best to let me die..." the dragon growled low.

Nekruz snorted, disapproving of this. It was not that there were no red dragons unwilling to give in before, but under the torment of the dragon soul, they all chose to compromise and cooperated with the orcs to signal the other red dragons for help.

Most of the red dragons here were arrested because they received a signal to come to the rescue, and then cast themselves into the net in front of the dragon's soul.

Just when Necruz wanted to say something again, the red dragon's head suddenly turned to stare at him, and then lunged at him.

Nekruz could see the deep esophagus in the dragon's mouth, and the feeling of swallowing it as a snack made his internal organs and six lungs tumbling.

At this time, he realized that he was too close to the red dragon unknowingly. Although the common limitation of the iron chain and the dragon’s soul kept the red dragon from biting him, he leaned forward. It's hard to say.

In a hurry, Nekruz not only fell to the ground, but he hurriedly put his hands into the cloth bag again. Before he was bitten, the red dragon was unable to move under the action of an inexplicable force.

Next, I just listened to a roar of pain resounding through the cave, and the rocks on the trembling zenith cracked.

"Damn, why didn't you kill him just now?" Vereesa whispered dissatisfiedly.

"The orc's artifact to control the dragon is in his pocket," Ye Ting whispered, "Now you find a good location and be ready at any time. We will subdue him in one breath and grab the artifact in our hands."

"Understand." The other three nodded each.

Immediately afterwards, Vereesa found a high place on the nearby rock wall, and Garona disappeared in a nearby corner like a ghost. Only Kurdran stayed in place. He drew out his warhammer and battle axe, ready to block any possible rush. The other orcs here.

Ye Ting himself left Onyxia in place, drew out the Infinite Sword, and slowly moved to the back of Nekruth.

Item 0538

Under the action of advanced invisibility and floating technique, Ye Ting completely concealed his figure.

The orc warlock Nekros was getting up from the ground in embarrassment, and was burning with anger to further torture the red dragon that almost killed him.

He did not find Ye Ting behind him, and Ye Ting also cautiously approached Nekros at an extremely slow speed, for fear of causing some air movement to make him discover the abnormality.

Closer, closer.

Nekruz is now only one meter away from him, and this stupid old orc is still roaring at the red dragon endlessly, venting his anger.

And Ye Ting only needed to get closer to pierce the sharp infinite sword into the heart of the undefended orc with lightning speed.

No, this is not safe, in case there is any accident... it is better to cut off his right hand that reached into the cloth bag in order to get the dragon soul.

As long as the soul of the dragon is obtained, the most important part of this mission will be completed. After that, he will be invincible, even if it is too late for Deathwing to appear.

However, just after he continued to advance for a short distance, he felt a hotness on a finger of his left hand.

That is the warning given to him by the magic ring he made. The function of that ring is to perceive the probing magic from other people.

This signal made him immediately understand that he was discovered by some existing magic.

With Ye Ting's current concealment method, passive detection of magic can not find him, so the only possibility that he will be discovered is that someone has been paying attention to Nekruth's direction, and continues to use magic to monitor here.

Who would do this and possess such a level of magic, besides Nesario?

Now that it has been discovered, there is no chance for him to hesitate anymore.

Ye Ting made a decisive decision and slammed a key sword at Nekros in front of him.

The sharp endless sword slashed across Nekruz's shoulder like tofu, and chopped off his entire right arm from his body.

At the same time, there was an earth-shattering roar from the other direction of Grim Batol.

I saw a huge black shadow drilled out of Grim Batol's billowing molten lava, and hot lava that could melt everything flowed down from him, as if it were ordinary hot water.

It was the head of a black dragon, then a strong neck, a huge body, and wings that covered the sky.

Judging from its size, this giant dragon was several times larger than the giant red dragon, and it was almost two hundred meters long. Except for Taronisia, Ye Ting had never seen such a giant dragon. The entire body of the dragon is pitch black, and its black scales are as dim and hard as obsidian. However, in many places other than the scales, the dragon is still covered by a thick layer of metal armor, and his most conspicuous place, It was undoubtedly the huge chin made of metal.

The black dragon's wings flapped and brought the flames that burned everything into flight. Even the huge Grim Batol seemed very narrow to him, and the direction he flew was exactly in the direction of Ye Ting and the others.

At this moment, Ye Ting and their concealment magic has lost its effect under Nesario’s magic, and they have revealed their bodies, but the attention of the orcs has long been turned to the huge black dragon, and they did not pay attention to Ye. Ting them.

Beside Ye Ting, the hapless Nekros was clutching the wound of his broken arm and rolling all over, while the painful red dragon quickly reacted. Although he didn't know the reason why humans appeared here, he still knew about humans. The war with the orcs.

This human will suddenly appear here, obviously an enemy of the orcs, thinking of Neltharion's uprising, he seems to understand something, and shouts at the sudden appearance of Ye Ting.

"Human, quickly take out a golden disc from that orc's pocket! Then destroy it, don't let the black dragon get it!"

Don't remind the red dragon, Ye Ting will of course do this, he nailed Nycruz to the ground with a single sword, and then quickly found his target from his pocket.

It was a golden disc, shining with strange magical brilliance, only one person's palm.

It is a wonderful little thing that seals part of the power of the four guarding dragons and can kill the dragon.

Ye Ting knew that as long as he destroyed the artifact in front of him, Neltharion's conspiracy would be completely bankrupt, but he did not do so.

This has just been set up for the real trap of the black dragon.

In fact, even if he wanted to destroy the artifact, he didn't have much time left, because within a few seconds, the huge black dragon landed in front of them.

The fierce wind flapping their wings made them almost unable to open their eyes, and then there was a huge shock.

However, when they looked in the direction of Deathwing again, the black dragon that had covered the sky and the sun had disappeared, leaving only billowing smoke and flames.

The orcs in this square were killed by the scorching wind between the black dragon's wings almost when the black dragon landed. The red dragons survived, but they were restrained by iron chains and iron tongs and could not move.

Where is a black dragon that big just now? Why is he missing?

Perhaps this is the first thought in everyone's mind.

Ye Ting originally wanted to use magic to detect it, but when he saw that Onyxia, who had turned back into a human form, lowered his head slightly and trembled with fear, he understood.

Deathwing did not leave.

In the next moment, he felt as if he had run into the most terrifying and dangerous enemy-it was a feeling he had never had before.

Even when he faced Voldemort, he didn't feel so much pressure.

It was a feeling full of heat and destruction, and this feeling could undoubtedly only come from the most dangerous enemy today, Deathwing.

"This is... father's breath." Onyxia's words confirmed his guess.

When the smoke dissipated, a human nobleman dressed in black appeared in front of him. He appeared to have just reached middle age. He was tall and handsome. He looked like a handsome middle-aged uncle.

Ye Ting looked at the "Katrana Presto" who looked like him beside him, and immediately understood the identity of the person in front of him.