The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 426

That's Garona's technique.

The few people fighting side by side quickly created a vacuum of orcs, which was particularly conspicuous on the battlefield. Soon, after the assault was over, many cavalrymen who fought on their own found their positions and spontaneously moved closer to them.

However, in the orc camp in the distance, more orcs began to gather at the entrance of the camp, and thousands of orcs rushed out from inside.

Ye Ting immediately realized that if they still stayed here, they would soon be overwhelmed.

"Sir!" he called to Lothar. "It's useless to fight separately, we need to go back to our own formation."

Lothar nodded, "You are a mage, let you open the way."

"It really makes people..."

Ye Ting nodded, the staff in his hand pointed to the back, and a word in his mouth, powerful arcane energy gathered on the staff.

"Cover your ears!" After chanting the spell, he shouted.

Including Lothar, several of Ye Ting's entourage believed this mage extraordinarily, and immediately covered their ears subconsciously.

The next moment, a shocking explosion occurred in front of Ye Ting's staff.

Ye Ting casts "Charging Sonic Blast".

The powerful sonic boom even made the air in front of Ye Ting produce substantial ripples visible to the naked eye.

However, no one heard this terrible sonic boom with their own ears.

It's not that the sound is not loud enough, but that the terrible aftermath of the explosive sound has caused bouts of tinnitus in everyone around it from the very beginning. The real sonic boom has not really been heard due to the cover of the tinnitus sound.

However, the orcs within the range of sonic boom are not so lucky.

After the sonic boom was over, they didn't seem to be hurt, but they looked like everything was normal.

However, before the onlookers were surprised, bursts of blood flowed out of their seven orifices, and then they fell to the ground, unconscious.

It turned out that the powerful sonic boom had already shaken them to death.

Ye Ting's magic immediately created a vacuum zone between them and the alliance's main formation. Taking advantage of the tribe's failure to respond, Lothar quickly withdrew the cavalry back into the formation.

The tribe followed closely behind.

"It seems that the temporary chaos has no effect on them." After learning the lesson, Lothar immediately changed his tactics: "Line up! Raise the spear, set up the shield, and attack!"

This is exactly what the human infantry is good at, the spear and shield phalanx.

The soldiers quickly obeyed the command-they were already ready, but before they were scattered and did not form a unified force, this would not be enough to resist the huge number of the tribe.

Now, they moved together, expelling a strong shield wall with spears, and the tribe slammed into it.

The only ending for many orcs is to be pierced by dense spears, but even if these bloodthirsty orcs are pierced through the abdomen, they will stick to the shield wall step by step, and then attack with their final strength.

With the efforts of the orcs, some parts of this wall were repelled, and the defenders there failed to withstand the orcs' charge or flinched due to the orcs' madness.

However, more people gritted their teeth and persisted until the tribe retreated. Under the terrible attack of the orcs, some soldiers holding shields fell, but the people behind them quickly stepped over them and filled the vacancies.

Soon, the second wave of orcs' attacks arrived.

The second wave hit the shield wall, destroying more parts, but the spears of the shield array once again caused a major blow to the tribe.

Turalyon was busy with the officers, restoring the shield formation and building a new shield wall.

Ye Ting did not participate in these matters.

Soon, the second shield wall was built after the first.

They can build another wall behind this wall, and as long as any wall can cause the orcs to suffer severe damage, then they can continue to weaken the tribe in this way until they can confront these guys head-on.

This is how humans truly defeat the orcs by virtue of order.

However, these orcs are obviously not stupid.

When their third charge was repelled, their attack temporarily eased. It seems they are waiting for something.

Ye Ting quickly saw the things they were waiting for.

A group of figures in heavy cloaks appeared: they all covered their faces with turbans, so they could only see their horrible and inhumane eyes.

Each of them was carrying a strange fire-red short stick, which was not like a warrior, but like a weapon of a spellcaster. But these guys are riding heavy horses with burning eyes, charging forward, and rushing straight to the shield wall-this should be something that knights can do.

When they got closer, the truth was revealed.

All of them raised the short stick, and the terrible dark power condensed on the short stick.

Ye Ting's guess was not wrong.

The soldiers heard countless unfamiliar hums, and then, the Union soldiers who were in front of these terrifying knights fell straight down. They held their heads tightly, and blood flowed from their ears, noses and mouths.

That is dark magic.

Then, the true identity of these people is undoubtedly the death knight.

Item 0557

The death knight's sudden shot caused a chaos in the defense of the alliance.

Where have ordinary soldiers seen such terrible scenes?

Although the heavy hammer and great axe from the orcs were terrifying, they had traces to follow, and they could still find a way to resist.

And this way of death is inexplicably bloody, these ordinary soldiers have no means of resistance at all.

What made everything worse were the death knights exuding deadly clouds of death, and those who stood up again after they died, and turned back to attack the bodies of their past comrades.

Whether it is pervasive, the poisonous fog that must die, or the corpse of a comrade-in-arms aroused by the death knight, it has brought deep fear to the soldiers of the alliance.

The morale of the soldiers in the front row suddenly began to collapse. Many infantrymen even turned and fled when they saw the death knights approaching. No matter how the grassroots officers boosted their morale and emphasized the formation, they could not make the infantry rebuild the shield wall.

Some officers even started to take the lead in fleeing themselves.

Fortunately, as far as the orcs themselves are concerned, the death knight can be regarded as a terrifying and unwelcome unit. When the death knight charges, there are not enough orc soldiers to follow.

Otherwise, as long as there are enough orcs to take the opportunity to charge, the formation of the alliance will be overwhelmed.

Facing the sudden death knight, Ye Ting, who had always been insulted, was the first to react.

"The enemy's special unit has appeared, it's the death knight!" He shouted, "The Paladin will send me out to withstand them!"

Liadrin was the first to respond to Ye Ting's order. Among the Six Silver Sages of the Silver Hand, she could be regarded as Ye Ting's direct line.