The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 480

Because of this, after the end of the war, the situation among the coalition countries—or the nations of mankind—has fallen into tension.

Chapter 0620 The Trouble With The Barov Family

While there is a tumult about how Alterac will deal with matters, there is another matter that needs to be dealt with by the Alliance, and that is how to deal with Alterac's Barov family.

It’s different from the original work until the Alliance fights over. The Barov family in this life, but when Alterac took refuge in the tribe, they passed the news of Alterac’s betrayal to the Alliance ministries when they planned to buy them. Lordaeron was attacked.

It was them who, when the tribe was about to flee Alterac, led the nation’s last power to keep the tribe’s army under the city, and finally severely damaged the tribe, causing a large number of tribe’s elite to be consumed in siege warfare. middle.

This kind of credit can fully prove their loyalty and prove that they are different from the existence of the Alterac royal family.

In the original book, even though Alterac joined the Alliance at the end and helped them defeat Alterac’s orcs, the Barov family was punished because of this behavior of riding on the fence: Terenas deprived them of their great Most of the territory, only the core County of Keldalon remains.

But now, based on the great achievements of the Barov family, not only can the alliance not punish them, it should also be rewarded.

In theory, it should be like this.

Terenas originally planned to do the same-although sometimes he would use his wrists, but in general, it was a relatively fair king with a bottom line.

Unfortunately, many people are unwilling to watch the Barov family continue.

Most of these people are nobles from Lordaeron, Stormgard and other countries.

In fact, the nobles of the original Alterac did not want to watch the Barov family go on alone. They believed that it was the Barov family betraying Alterac that caused their current tragedy. Otherwise, they might become Lord of Lordaeron-of course these are just their delusions.

In short, these people, like the original book, are the ones who are the most hostile to the Barov family, and even hate them even more than in the original book. After all, under the guidance of Ye Ting, the Barov family in this life has done better than the original. To be absolutely.

Perhaps, Alex Barov in the original book, it is precisely because many other nobles have agreed with King Pilinud’s proposal that he acquiesced in this, but the ending of the Barov family in the original book is clear. Showed his mistake-when he didn't have enough strength, the end result of riding a fence was that both sides were offended and there would be no good end.

However, the Alterac nobles who are traitors are now hard to protect themselves, and their opinions are naturally not important at all, but the opinions of the nobles of Lordaeron and Stormgarder are more important.

The civilization level of Azeroth is still in the middle ages of the earth, and the government of the country is mostly feudal. Under this system, even the king must listen to the opinions of the nobles.

In peacetime, due to the noble status, huge territory and rich financial resources of the Barov family, these nobles almost always regarded it as the head of the nobles. Therefore, the Barov family has always been in the noble circle. high.

However, the current Barov family was regarded as meat on the chopping board by the other nobles.

For no other reason, all males in the family have been lost.

Of course, orphans and widows are better bullies.

In the eyes of all the nobles, as long as anyone can marry Janice Barov, the widow of the Barov family, or marry her daughter, then there is a chance to inherit the territory of this almost small country, and countless Exhausted wealth.

However, there is only one Barov family, and Ilusia Barov also has only one. How do you divide it?

After fierce competition, the great aristocrats of several countries soon reached an agreement.

That is, the parliament that disposes of the Barov family through the alliance puts pressure on it, forcing the Barov family to choose one of them to marry, and the successfully married family must share the Barov family's land and wealth with other families.

I have to say that the strength of the aristocracy united is great, even the king has to take care of one or two, if there is no Ye Ting, their plan will almost succeed.

Then the Barov family will face a rather tragic fate: Janice will either choose a person whom he originally hated to marry for Ilusia, or for Ilusia, to marry the Barov family.

In this way, the Alliance may not embarrass the Barov family, but the Barov family is already someone else's.

It's a pity that Ye Ting made a move just when the nobles thought they had a plan.

As the commander of the alliance, second only to Lothar, although Ye Ting is just a mage with no power or background, but with this battle, he has accumulated in the entire alliance—at least in the armies of various countries. Considerable prestige.

People like him are different from Lothar.

Although Lothar is also quite influential, he is after all a member of the Kingdom of Stormwind. If the Kingdom of Stormwind had not been defeated, the rest of the countries would not allow such a person to influence their own armies at all. Now, while the Stormwind Kingdom is still being rebuilt, countries still feel headaches about Lothar's influence in the entire Eastern Kingdom.

In the original book, Lothar finally died in the final battle with the orcs, so the alliance countries did not face this problem in the end.

But now it is different. Ye Ting rescued Lothar and allowed the people of this alliance to survive. Even if the Storm Kingdom is still weak now, the rest of the countries will not watch such a person from another country respond in their armies.

However, fortunately, the kings of the human nations of Azeroth, except for a few, do not have very despicable existence, so they did not do anything to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

But breaking the bridge by the river does not mean doing nothing.

One of them is that the focus of the propaganda has shifted from Lothar to Ye Ting.

Roughly Lothar is the cornerstone, but he has a lot of wisdom, and the strategy to defeat the tribe depends on this mage...

In their view, Ye Ting is a mage after all, and he has suddenly obtained his status. Compared with the soldier's birth, Lothar, who was born in a steady fight and only holds a high position, has a lot less popular foundation and is not close to ordinary soldiers. Although such a character can be obtained The awe of the soldiers, but they can't really be regarded as their own people.

In this way, Ye Ting benefited instead, making him almost unknown to everyone.

Today's Ye Ting is like Medivh in the past. Even if there is no actual power, everyone has to respect him three points, and every country wants to win him over.

And the more he maintains this detachment, the higher the status he can get.

Ye Ting himself, of course, made them quite satisfied. After the war, the mage had no extra place to exert his influence. He intervened in the whirlpool of various countries to grab the benefits and political disputes. He was aloof and everyone should look up to him. He glanced.

Now, when the distribution of benefits finally involves the Barov family, Ye Ting spoke at the meeting for the first time.

"Ilusia Barov is my second student."

Chapter 0621 Ye Ting's Help and Watch Castle

Ilusia Barov is a war hero and the second student of Archmage Sand Liver!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar at the meeting.

It's just that those big nobles are like this.

They had never heard of this news before.

How is this possible?

How could the widow and orphan of the Barov family hold this thigh?

As we all know, although the Archmage Thunder Liver is young, his magic skills have surpassed most of Dalaran's mages.

His first student was Jaina Proudmoore, the leader of Kul Tiras and the daughter of Admiral Dalin, but this one was the only one.

After Ye Ting accepted Jaina as a disciple, countless noble families followed suit, hoping to send their children under Ye Ting's command, but none of them succeeded.

Even if these nobles paid a great price and promised great benefits, Ye Ting was not impressed.

Now that the Barov family has succeeded, how can this be reconciled?

Unfortunately, since Ye Ting said so, no one else had any doubts.

Many people immediately thought that it was Ye Ting who personally commanded the Barov Army in Keldaron County at that time, which made the tribe break the halberd city.

Perhaps at that time, the Barov family had already taken refuge in Ye Ting.