The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 486


The scene in front of him complicated Ye Ting's expression.

First was surprised, then shocked, then suddenly realized, and finally there was a burst of joy.

What caught his eyes was a person.

Not according to her size is a giant.

The giant was lying on the top of the temple, his eyes closed tightly, as if he was sleeping.

It turns out that this temple is just a giant's bed.

And the fresh breeze just came from the breath of the giant's sleep.

Ye Ting recognized the identity of the giant at a glance, and then he fully understood his situation.

Item 0627

Although the giant in front of him was tall and tall, Ye Ting actually knew that she was clearly a young girl.

She has a slender but toned body, with strange white patterns on her brown skin.

She has red pupils, but her hair is white. She was dressed in a white dress that only covered her vitals, and her white veil made people mistakenly think she had long white hair.

The figure of the giant girl seems to be dozens of times higher than that of a normal person, but she is not as ugly as the giant in mythology, but looks beautiful and quiet. Her sleeping breathing is so soft that if she is not positively exposed Ye Ting didn't even notice it.

However, despite the appearance of such a beautiful girl, Ye Ting instinctively felt a rather dangerous aura from her.

Such a beautiful giant girl, staying alone in a grotto that is not empty (for giants), lying on a bed made of a temple, surrounded by unparalleled treasures, this scene is So strange and difficult to understand.

But Ye Ting could see the girl's identity at a glance, and judged his situation and the world he was in based on this.

The predator star, also known as the harvest star, is a comet that appears in the Milky Way with a period of 14,000 years.

Its posture looks like "tearful eyes", but in fact it is an extremely terrifying existence.

The predator planet-or Wilpa, has a planetary part that can be said to be the core, and the planetary planet is surrounded by multiple star boats. Imagine wearing armor made up of countless star boats... it should be easier to understand.

If the core in the center is regarded as the main body of Wilpa, the surrounding stars are all kinds of aggressive weapons made by Wilpa-it can be said that it is a composite starship armor with various methods of aggression. .

Such a self-defense function and aggressive posture is exactly the best countermeasure devised by Wilpa, who has preyed on various civilizations for a long time.

Wherever it passes, the civilization of all intelligent life forms will be destroyed.

If you want to compare the existence of another world, it is the planet devourer in Marvel.

14,000 years ago in prehistoric times, predatory planets descended on the solar system and sent three starships to it.

Among them, the whereabouts of two ships are unknown, and only one starship named Wilpa 02 successfully found the target-the earth.

However, although the earth was the target of Wilpa 02's aggression, it did not reach the earth, but landed on the moon.

There, Wilpa 02 discovered an energy storage body-MooncellAutomaton.

It is an ancient relic made by an intelligent life body different from human beings, and the oldest mystery object in the solar system.

From the outside, it was a photon crystal with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, a supercomputer the size of the moon, which memorized all the past, predicted all the future, and had a calculation scale comparable to that of a solar system's universal computer.

That's right, this is where Ye Ting appeared.

As a result, Yuxing released the existence known as Anticell, or Yuxingjian, trying to invade Mooncell and invade. At the same time, it also sent its own information to the earth to create a physical body in the real world—— Incarnation.

She simultaneously launched an aggression against the earth and the moon.

On the earth, the incarnation of the star warrior caused tremendous damage.

This type of pioneer will absorb the civilization that she destroys into magic power and make it infinitely huge. Her initial state is equivalent to "ten times the size of this civilization."

In the future, each time the Lingzi is condensed, it will become even bigger.

Eventually it will self-destruct after the destruction of civilization is exhausted.

This force completely restrained the life and gods of the earth, so the incarnation giant on the earth became unstoppable.

However, whether it was on the moon or on the earth, the powerful star warriors eventually failed.

On earth, it lost to the star-made holy sword.

On the moon, it destroyed about 80% of Mooncell's data and was sealed.

Since Mooncell has no way to eliminate the Star Youxing Vanguard, it isolates the Star of Tears carrying the Youxing Vanguard into the "Unknown Territory" intact.

However, the Star Tournament and the Xingzhou themselves are powerful enough.

Therefore, while sealing the star ark, Mooncell must also prevent the erosion from the star ark.

In this way, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Mooncell prevents corrosion by blocking all connections, but at the same time it cannot be driven away.

And the area known to Xingzhou, as a complete "nothing", oppresses the Mooncell's interior.

Just like the dark state before the rising of the sun called civilization, like the time when nothing can be born, it is named "unknown realm".

As a result, it became the territory of the predatory planet in Mooncell.

What is troublesome is that because the network environment is only physically blocked, in this state, as long as you want to get in, you can get in.

At least for now, Ye Ting, an outsider, has entered.

And the giant in front of Ye Ting's eyes was the mighty existence from the predator of the star, and was called the giant of the star of the star.

In the original work, she had been active on the earth for a period of time as the Hun the great Attila, and caused a huge wave in the history of the earth. The existence of the so-called whip of God has established a grand map extending from West Asia to Russia. , Eastern Europe and Gaul. It is also said that it was he who caused the demise of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

In short, although seeing the existence of Youxing Vanguard, it can be roughly judged that the Earth's history today has probably passed the Neolithic period, but the exact point in time is still unknown.

However, Ye Ting still referred to the giant girl in front of him as Attila according to his own habits-if she was a little girl, it would be Altila.

In short, Ye Ting finally knew what the world he had arrived at at this time.

Type-Moon, also known as Type-Moon World.

Everything in this world originated from the existence called the Vortex of Roots.

Ye Ting immediately understood why the creation scene he encountered at the beginning of the journey was so weird.

I also understand why I appeared on the moon after the Neolithic period after such a short period of time.