The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 492

As she said, she looked at Ye Ting's eyes seriously and asked: "You don't have the breath of God in your body, you are not a **** or a demigod, why can you do it?"

"Because of magic." Looking at the childlike goddess who is full of curiosity, Ye Ting had to explain carefully, "Mortals don't have the innate power of gods, they must learn more skills if they want to become stronger. Magic is one of the skills of mortals-use your own spirit to follow the rules, absorb the true ether between heaven and earth, and apply specific influences, inject it into a specific spiritual model, and then produce an effect similar to the power of the gods. This is magic."

With that said, he also exemplified some specific zero-ring tricks to explain the principles of magic.

After listening, Artemis shook his head.

"I don't understand a theory that I have never heard, but it seems to be very powerful."

She said that she looked at Ye Ting with admiration.

"Relying on the power of mortals to achieve miracles that only gods can accomplish, you are amazing! What is your name?"

"My name is Ye Ting," Ye Ting replied, but he was still surprised by Artemis' words, "Have you never seen anyone else use magic power?"

"...No," Artemis replied affirmatively, "No matter how strong, how agile, and how good at fighting I have seen people, but apart from priests, I have never seen anyone. Ever someone can use such a miracle that only gods can do. Even a priest can only do it with our power, and Ting can do this alone. Ting is so powerful."

"I'm just picking up people's teeth wherever they are."

Artemis' praise made Ye Ting feel happy for a while, but he still felt strange for a while.

Why is there no magic in this world?

He didn't suspect that Artemis lied to him or didn't notice the magic. After all, Artemis, although he looked natural, was indeed a god-level existence. Her body was so powerful that Ye Ting could almost feel it. The power of fear cannot be faked. If there is magic in this world, Artemis or her priests will definitely notice it.

However, it is clear that there is magic in the type moon world of the gods, and **** mages like Medea are real.

Even earlier, when the Mesopotamian gods ruled, magic should exist, at least the heroic king Gilgamesh knew magic.

Did I come to a fake moon world?

Item 0633

Although Ye Ting's thinking had fallen into chaos because of Artemis' words, he still didn't stop, and continued to cast spells to catalyze the growth of nearby plants, trying to restore the forest to its original appearance.

However, the mage is not a druid. In terms of catalyzing growth, the mage cannot be like a powerful druid. Wherever a finger is pointed, tough vines or roots will grow to bind the enemy. This is so exaggerated. The growth rate is staggering.

However, the druid’s "root entanglement" is not really growing, it just allows the plant to undergo temporary changes, or in other words, using ordinary spells, neither the wizard nor the druid can find such a large piece of land in a short period of time. Become lush again-not to mention, it will take several days to grow.

However, Ye Ting can't do it, doesn't mean that others can't do it.

After Artemis watched Ye Ting's spellcasting for a while, he suddenly closed his eyes slightly, and then, the fluctuations of divine power spread from her.

In the next moment, the soil on the surface of the land where the fallen star boat had become bare, suddenly began to tremble in countless places. Then, the young shoots of plants broke out of the soil and grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just under Ye Ting's nose, the ground with a radius of 100 meters was full of new shoots. They grew taller and bigger from the size of fingers, and soon they reached the waist.

As Ye Ting continued to observe, their growth did not stop, and then they were able to overshadow Ye Ting, and finally turned into tall trees.

Of course, not all shoots grow into big trees. In addition, there are shrubs, vines, and various plants.

But within a few dozen minutes, this piece of land that was originally destroyed by the starship was restored to its original state.

This is the power of God.

Although Artemis is the **** of hunting and the **** of moon, she also has the priesthood of the goddess of nature, so she can do such a thing.


Ye Ting sighed while observing the scenery of the surrounding forest.

Just now, as Artemis started to use his power, he immediately felt the difference from his own spell.

Ye Ting's spells were nothing more than manipulation, using magic power, but when Artemis moved his hand, all the magic power between heaven and earth immediately moved, as if actively catering to her orders.

Magic, plants, earth, nature, everything followed the goddess's mind, as if they were a part of her body and obedient, so she didn't seem to need much effort to achieve her goal.

This is the terrible divine power.

However, facing Ye Ting's admiration, Artemis just shook his head.

"No, it's nothing, your magic is powerful."

"But, my magic is not as powerful as yours," Ye Ting pointed around, "Look, my magic must take several days to achieve this effect, but you can do everything in a while, no ?"

"No, it's different." Artemis shook his head stubbornly.

She pointed to herself: "I am God."

Then he pointed to Ye Ting, "You are a human being. This is the difference."

"Is that so?" Ye Ting probably understood what she meant, and also understood why magic will arise in the Moon World God Generation.

The mages at that time were different from the later magic wood masters.

They pursue magic, not for the truth and root, but because of the existence of gods.

They may have the same psychology as Ye Ting now, yearning for the power of the gods, but they can't reach it, and they are not willing to be weak.

Just as Ye Ting wanted to continue to say something, suddenly a fierce footstep sounded.

Ye Ting looked in the direction of the footsteps, and saw a beautiful woman with a human appearance, fin-like ears and faintly growing scales, rushing towards Artemis.

Artemis didn't feel any surprise about this, he was obviously an acquaintance of hers.

The woman ran up to Artemis and also found Ye Ting.

Ye Ting noticed that the woman showed a shocked expression when she saw him, she couldn't believe that there was a man beside Artemis. After all, Artemis vowed to be a goddess, and always treated the other men. Without pretentious expression, even a man who looks at her more will be shot by her. Now such a goddess actually meets with a man to talk.

However, the woman did not say anything about it.

She came to Artemis and respectfully saluted him, saying: "His Royal Highness Artemis, you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time."

"Brittomaltis, what do you want me to do?"

Facing the incoming person, Artemis changed back to his original appearance, and said.

Ye Ting knew the name of Britomartis, she was a Henningf, and one of Artemis' favorite slave gods.

Facing the question of the goddess, the Nymph was very respectful: "Yes, Lord Artemis, your father, Lord God King is looking for you in a hurry."

Speaking of Zeus, Artemis only paid a little attention.

"So, what is the matter with God Father looking for me?"

"The subordinates don't know," Britomartis still lowered his head and said respectfully. "The subordinates are just a subordinate god, who dare not inquire into the secrets of the main **** at will, but when the Lord God ordered, the adults behind him, Lord Hephaestus and several master gods gathered together, and when I left Olympus, I also met Master Hermes. It seems that other master gods were also called by Lord God King."

"I see."