The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 528

The moment his signature ended, the magical light on the note flashed away.

This is a symbol of the establishment of the contract.

This note is a letter and a contract.

The content is that Thepiosius needs to bury a certain magic item carried by the raven in the spirit veins of the city where no one finds it, and Thepiosius must keep this secret.

If he can accomplish all of this, then Thepiosius will be able to return to the academy for a five-year training opportunity-or other equivalent price.

For Thepiosius, this is a great thing, and it is not difficult to complete.

You should know that although the spirit channel is very important to the mage, for ordinary people, the spirit channel is an illusory existence.

Although according to some people, those who live near the spirit channel are more likely to have stronger and more talented children, this is why cities are usually built near the spirit channel (in the Tian Dynasty, this is called Feng Shui, Similar moves exist in foreign countries), but there will be no kings who will actually send troops to guard the spirit veins-they don't even know the specific location of the spirit veins, only a rough idea.

Therefore, for Thepiosius, completing this contract was nothing more than a matter of hand.

Now, Thepiosius couldn't help but want to shout.

"Good luck, Mystra College, I am coming back!"

Item 0676

After signing the contract, Thepiosius even agreed to the task.

The raven clearly recognized this, so it opened its mouth again and spit out a small crystal ball.

The small ball is not big, about the size of an ordinary person's eyeball, but Thepiosius can tell at a glance, this thing is not simple.

Not to mention the dreamlike light that it emits and the powerful magical aura felt by Thepiosius, just the tiny magic runes neatly arranged in the crystal ball show its exquisiteness.

What exactly is this thing?

Under curiosity, Thepiosius turned on "Secret Vision".

This is a magic that can observe the aura of spells. Generally, wizards who are not sensitive to magical powers or magic items use it.

Then Thepiosius closed his eyes immediately.

He felt that his eyes were going to be blind.

He had never seen such a powerful and dazzling magical aura.

The dazzling magical aura does not mean that this magic item is too high-although Thepiosius can see from other aspects of the aura that this crystal ball is indeed a fairly high-level magic item.

Such a dazzling magical aura represents another reason: this magic item contains quite a lot of magic power.

Although Thepiosius roots couldn't think of any adjectives to describe the magic contained in the crystal ball in his hand, but if he came from the future, he would definitely use "nuclear reactor" to describe it.

Yes, the energy level in this crystal ball is at least reactor level.

But with such a huge source of magic power, why should it be buried in the spiritual vein that is also the source of magic power?

Thepiosius tried to break his head but didn't understand.

So he didn't want to.

Anyway, his task is to bury it in the spiritual vein, and then he can get the corresponding reward, which is enough.

The credit of Mystra College has always been very good.

After eating breakfast, he set off in a hurry.

If it were an ordinary person, they would never know the location of Mycenae's spiritual veins, and even the royal family would not have recorded it.

But the mages are different.

As a mage, the magic of detecting spiritual veins is a required spell for each of them.

After living in Mycenae for so many years, Thepiosius naturally knew the location of the spiritual veins.

The location of that Lingmai is a street near the palace.

By the way, the brother of Thepiosius who worked in the palace lived on that street.

So Thepiosius came there quietly.

It was morning, and there were still many people coming and going on the street.

Thepiosius knew that the work of burying the crystal ball needed to be concealed, but he dared not use the exorcism spell for fear of being discovered by the seniors living in this street.

If the senior apprentices request to share the benefits from the academy on the condition of the spiritual veins, that would be bad.

So Thepiosius used an "invisibility technique" on himself.

This is a second-level spell. The reason why he learned this spell at the beginning was not as the professor said, but to protect himself, and to run away in trouble, but to have some nasty thoughts.

When he was young, he did not take advantage of invisibility.

But now that I am older and have wives and children, my mind of playing such tricks has faded.

With memories, Thepiosius found a corner that no one noticed, and then disappeared.

No one around seemed to notice that someone had disappeared from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, he secretly dug a hole in the ground, put the crystal ball in, and then buried it.

Thepiosius hadn't learned the corresponding spells, so he could only do it with bare hands.

The crystal ball was buried, and there was no special reaction.

But Thepiosius didn't care, anyway, his task was completed, and then he just had to wait for the academy's reward.

Thinking this way, he walked towards home.

There was a faint noise in the distance, saying that it was "undead", "monster" and other topics, but it had nothing to do with him.

In fact, since Sisyphus imprisoned the **** of death and caused great chaos on the world, countless ravens from Mystra College have flown to all corners of Greece.

Many graduating mages have received quests from the academy. Most of these mages are people who often trade with the academy and have a certain dependence on the academy, so they are willing to accept the academy's tasks.

So, the same thing happened everywhere in Greece: Athens, Thebai, Konossos, Pylos, Corinth, Sicily...

Some spiritual veins are located near cities, but most of them are only in the mountains and rivers in the wilderness: the number of human beings has not yet developed to the point where cities must be built everywhere in the future.

Most areas of nature are still untouched by humans.

However, this does not stump the mages.