The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 549

"So, how do you thank me?" Ye Ting raised his eyebrows at Aphrodite.

Hearing Ye Tingyi's words, Aphrodite couldn't help but get hot.

"Indeed, Ting worked so hard to get me out of those nasty guys, and I was free. It's right to get people's thanks, so what kind of thanks do you want?" As he said, Aphrodite licked provocatively. Licking his lips, "What kind of thanks will do?"

"Then, I'm not welcome."

Ye Ting responded unceremoniously to the provocation of the goddess.

"Wait...wait a minute, Master Aphrodite would like to thank Master Ye Ting, please don't pull me up!"

Hecate's panicked voice also rang.

At the entrance of the hall of the temple, Ikuya Sakiya's face turned red when he heard the lavish voice in the temple, and then closed the door as usual.


After the news spread that the Magic God System defeated the Olympus God System, the Magic God System became a force in the Greek God Realm that could compete with the Olympus God System.

Although the news of Aphrodite's joining the magic **** system was concealed, there were still gods willing to join it.

These gods are mostly local native gods such as mountain gods and water gods. These gods are generally not powerful. Although they are gods, they still retain the most basic godhood. Outside their domains, their combat power may even be inferior to some. Powerful legend and demigod.

These gods have always been ruled by the Olympus gods, but some of them may have offended the Olympus gods for one reason or another.

Originally, when the Olympus family was dominated by the gods, these gods who had offended them had no choice but to admit their bad luck in such a situation, and obediently confessed their sins and waited for death.

But after the appearance of the magic **** system, everything was different.

Unlike the Olympus God System, which is high above and in charge of the entire God Realm, although the Magic God System is powerful, it has been extremely low-key since its birth.

The magic gods only care about matters related to mages, magic, and magic nets, and don't intervene in anything else. And Hecate herself is also an otaku goddess. Every day she knows that she nests in the temple, arranges magic nets, studies magic, and gets tired of being with the mage (Ye Ting) under her command. He will never be like the gods of Olympus. There are flowers and grass everywhere, and they are intrigue with each other.

Such low-key performance made many small gods who wait and see responded to him with a certain degree of goodwill.

So in three days, there are mountain gods, river gods, etc. who apply for asylum from the magical gods.

For such requests, Ye Ting mostly refused.

But this does not mean that the Magic God System does not need extra manpower.

It's just that Ye Ting adhered to the idea of ​​Ning Quewulan, hoping that the gods absorbed by the magic **** system would be at least reliable enough.

Fortunately, they soon received a reliable application.

Item 0698

It was a small island, located on the edge of the ocean Okeanos.

The area of ​​the island is not large, rather, it is just a common small island.

The scenery of the island is not special, and it is not a big deal compared to other common islands.

Ordinary coasts, ordinary beaches, ordinary vegetation, ordinary flat terrain, ordinary specialty products.

Even for those adventurers who love sailing most, such a small island is worthless.

However, it is such a small island that is so ordinary that no one remembers it and even has no name. Recently, visitors have been greeted frequently.

The visitors came from all over Greece. Among them were experienced explorers, mighty warriors, demigods with the blood of gods, experienced magicians...

It seems that overnight, this remote island has become a tourist attraction. Waves after waves of visitors, risking being overthrown by the waves, came here by boat and entered the island.

However, these visitors were without exception, and none of them were returned.

The island is in the only bay suitable for a port, as evidenced by the dozens of unowned ships tied to the bay.

The absence of countless visitors quickly spread the island's reputation.

"The island that never returns"——

This is what people call it.

According to legend, there is a terrible monster hidden on this small island. It is a disaster for the world. The warriors who went to the small island set out on the journey just to get rid of this monster to prove themselves.

However, with the increasing number of warriors who have never returned, the island’s reputation has grown. Its annihilation.

Now, more people are rushing to the island.

Who doesn't want to prove that he is a real hero?

Soon, heading to the small island, the behavior of destroying the monsters changed from the original name and killing to the means by which the heroes became famous.

For those warriors who want to become famous overnight, the more people who never return to this island, the greater the reputation they will gain after successfully slaying the monsters on the island.

Since no one has ever been able to come back from the island alive, people know nothing about the situation on the island, nor do they know what the monsters on the island look like, what methods they have, and how powerful they are.

But the more this happens, the more people are willing to take a gamble.

What if I can defeat the monster?

What if I can become famous overnight?

What if I am the most special one?

There are not few people who hold this kind of thinking, and this has led to the fact that this nameless island has become a black hole that devours life.

The eager warriors came from all over Greece, and then they couldn't wait to head to the island to try to prove themselves.

Until now, no one cares about the fact: If that monster stays on this isolated island, how can she be a disaster? Is a monster that hasn't caused trouble, but is hiding on a remote island and making himself cute, is it still a monster?

No, no one cares about this now.

Because everyone says there are monsters there, there are monsters there.

Because everyone said she deserved to die, then she deserved to die.

As long as her death can give them enough fame.

So, what else should be considered?

This is how the cycle of death unfolds.

This is not the first time that the fishermen living on the west coast of Okeanos saw someone just embarking on a journey like this in a small boat.

Even the mysterious and gentle-looking wizards in long robes have seen several of them.

However, it was the first time they saw such a young and extraordinary mage like the person in front of them.