The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 555

Of course, their weakness as gods also stems from this.

After all, in the hearts of men, the image of a woman is weak.

And it is precisely because of this that they are completely helpless in the face of the youngest sister Medusa who is almost going to be depraved by the power of the magic eye.

Therefore, they are indifferent to fame and fortune, and they do not care about the power of the gods, they have to ask for help from the stronger, that is, Hecate.

Hope that the goddess of magic can save their sister and save her from becoming a monster.

As for Medusa, unlike her sisters, she was not a true **** when she was born, but an "unfinished goddess."

Originally, she was able to become the same as her sisters after growing up, becoming the embodiment of the "idol" that men longed for, and transforming into a true goddess.

If that were the case, she might be able to maintain the same figure and appearance as her sister, as well as a different personality. According to her possible priesthood, perhaps this personality would be "loli" or "young girl".

However, the process was interrupted, from a **** curse that they couldn't provoke.

Medusa is unfortunately involved in a dispute between powerful gods.

It was this curse that caused her to fail to grow in the direction of a god. Instead, she was activated by another force hidden in the body, which belongs to the "magic eye".

Her body began to mature like a normal person, and the power of the demon began to swallow her continuously.


While learning about their three sisters from Steno and Urie Ali, Ye Ting also sealed the Demon Eye a little.

Ye Ting said that it is not impossible to solve the requirements of the sisters. As long as the curse is removed, Medusa will naturally become the original appearance-the image of a loli like the two sisters, and then grow up on a normal track, and finally become a goddess. .

Regarding the curse from God, either Aphrodite or Hecate can solve it.

But Ye Ting has a better solution.

Unlike Steno and Urielle, Ye Ting believes that this "devil" power is actually not a terrible thing, but a kind of power that can be used: the premise is that Medusa can completely control it. .

Ye Ting's goal is to make Medusa a presence with both "god" and "devil" powers, able to switch between the states of goddess and demons based on demand.

Of course, this matter can't be completed in a short while, and Ye Ting needs to spend time studying after he returns.

After sealing Medusa's magic eyes, Ye Ting cancelled "Eternal Stillness".

Medusa was immediately free.

When imprisoned by "eternal stillness", Medusa's personal time stopped.

This also led to her unaware that she was imprisoned, let alone the passage of time.

Therefore, when touching the imprisonment, Medusa immediately subconsciously made the action that was not done before being imprisoned, dodged and assumed a defensive posture.

Then she saw the two sisters who appeared in front of her inexplicably instantaneously.

"Eh... eh? Sister... Sister? Why are you here? Get out of the way, that's a dangerous man! Even I'm not his opponent."

Facing Medusa's anxious cry, the two goddesses glanced at each other and showed malicious smiles.

Although in front of Ye Ting, they reduced their willfulness as women a lot, but in front of Medusa it was not like that.

In fact, Steno and Urielle like to bully Medusa at ordinary times. This is a manifestation of their sister's love.

Now, as the older sister, Yuri Ellie has just spoken to her sister.

"Hey, she is really a well-behaved sister. She cares about others until now, but don’t worry, this gentleman is the kind of person we invited... Of course, you are right. This gentleman is indeed a man. "Dangerous man", in every sense, but how did you know?"


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Regardless of how Urie and her sister wantonly teased, in short, when she heard that the two sisters were determined to take refuge in the goddess of the magic net for her, and Ye Ting was the messenger sent by the goddess of the magic net, she lowered her head in silence.

Regarding joining Hecate's subordinates, Steno and Urie Ali did it in secret from Medusa, so as not to worry her.

After all, rushing to join an unfamiliar goddess is a huge decision for the two immortal goddesses. Once this decision is confirmed, it will change their eternal lives in the future forever.

Medusa knew that her two sisters were originally kind of lazy temperament. Although they were not strong in themselves, they did not admire the power of the twelve gods like Olympus. They were able to live well with their sisters. Their greatest happiness is.

However, for her incompetent sister, the two sisters first abandoned the rich forests, animals, and gorgeous offerings they had originally possessed as gods, and accompanied her to the shrine that was only broken and the sound of the echoing waves. A small island, living a quiet life far from the world-certainly not including the "braves" who disturb from time to time.

Now, they actually did not hesitate to sell themselves to a goddess they had never seen before for her sister.

This made Medusa both moved and worried.

What if Hecate is not the kind of good boss?

What if the sisters are bullied under the goddess of magic?

When she thought of this, she became a little worried, so she looked up at Ye Ting, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Mr. Messenger can come to such a remote island, it really makes you bother, but joining the Lord Goddess It was my sister's willful decision under his command, I think..."

When she was about to say something to refuse, she was immediately interrupted.

"Enough, Medusa."

The eldest sister Steno was speaking.

Although she was petite, her voice was stern and majestic. The tall and mature Medusa heard it, but she promised like a frightened little beast.

"...Okay, Sister Steno, but..."

Medusa wanted to say something, but Steno stopped her again.

"Medusa, my silly sister, haven't we all made an agreement at the time?" At this point, her face became gentle, and although her appearance was cute with young teeth, she revealed that she belonged to the eldest sister at this time. "The three of us sisters, we want to live together forever and ever, whether we become gods or devil, we will accompany you together, won't we?"

"Yes..." Medusa's voice also lowered.

"So, how can we give up when we see the hope that can free you from the curse? What if we become the subordinates of other gods, as long as we can stay together..."

Steno and Medusa's hands were held together, and Urielle joined them.

Looking at the affectionate three sisters in front of him, Ye Ting also interjected in a timely manner.

"Don't worry, I've checked Miss Medusa's curse. It's no big deal for us. By the way, my Hecate is a good girl. You don't have to worry about her embarrassment when you get to Colkis."

"My Hecate?"

Although Ye Ting's remarks about the curse made the two sisters, Steno and Urie Ali a little relieved, it was Ye Ting's name for the goddess of magic that caught their attention the most.

They suddenly realized that the relationship between the envoy of the magic goddess and the goddess was closer than they thought.

In this case, they suddenly let go of their hearts.