The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 589

The Argonauts hit the land again, and they came to rest on the other side of Bisnia, where Phineus, son of the hero Agnor, lived here.

Because Phineus abused the ability of prophecy taught to him by the **** of light, Apollo, he suddenly became blind in his later years.

In order to punish Phineus, the gods sent a harpy with a woman's head to attack Phineus, so that Phineus, who was blind, could not eat normally.

These harpies snatched the food in front of Phineus as much as possible, and soiled the rest of the food, making Phineus unable to eat.

Although Phineus was hungry and dying under the torture of the harpy, Phineus once received an oracle from Zeus: When the Argonauts arrive, he can get rid of the entanglement of the harpy.

When the Argo ship arrived, Phineus, who heard the news, hurriedly left the house and came to the shore. Phineus was so weak that his legs were trembling, and he walked staggering. When he came to the Argonauts, he was immediately exhausted and fainted to the ground.

The Argonauts who got off the boat surrounded the poor old man and were surprised to see his withered look.

After Phineus awakened, he immediately pleaded with the Argonauts.

Since it was God's request, the heroes naturally agreed to get rid of these harpies for the king.

The Argonauts set up a table of sumptuous food for Phineus. Before Phineus could eat, a group of harpy rushed down from the air like a gust of wind and greedily pecked.

The Argonauts threatened loudly, but the harpies were indifferent until they swallowed everything up before flying into the sky leaving an unbearable stench.

The heroes drew their swords to chase them, but the harpy flew in the air, and they had no way to get these birds.

Ye Ting knew that these harpies were monsters raised by gods. The gods did not allow Argonauts to kill the harpies. The existence of these harpies and Phineus was just an excuse. Argonauts made some predictions and a little help.

But will he let the calculations of the gods succeed?

Chapter 0741 Secret Help Of The Gods

The harpy flies high in the air, unable to deal with it with ordinary methods, so the heroes plan to use bows and arrows.

Ordinary bows and arrows are not lethal to the Harpy, so Ye Ting secretly enchanted the arrows to increase the "hit" magic, and coated them with the venom of Medusa from the Gorgon state.

Such an arrow must be able to severely damage the "hounds" of these gods.

Regarding this, the Argonauts didn't know. They picked up the arrows enchanted by Ye Ting, bent their bows and shot them towards the harpy in the sky.

At this moment, they discovered that their archery skills were inexplicably accurate.

But no one thought about it. Everyone thought it was because they inherited the oracle of Zeus and were blessed.

Some people even started to praise the great **** king loudly.

Arrows hit the flying harpies one after another. As a beast, the harpies are not so easy to be killed by ordinary arrows, but they are still being shot.

At this moment, Iris, the messenger of Zeus, appeared.

The rainbow goddess Iris proclaimed the **** of Zeus to the Argonauts.

"Heroes of Argo, don’t kill the great Zeus’s Harpy Harpy. But I can swear by the Styx River that these Harpy will never torture Agnor again. Son."

After listening, the Argonauts stopped their hands.

Just as Iris was about to take away the harpies, the harpies that had been hit by the arrows suddenly started flying crookedly.

Iris thought they were injured, and didn't care. With the physique of a beast, such injuries would heal quickly.

Unfortunately, things backfired. These harpies had no chance to heal again. With their flight, Medusa's fierce poison had entered all parts of their bodies from the wounds, devouring their vitality.

All the harpies that were hit by the arrows lost their lives.

And Iris had no idea what was going on, and could only watch these Zeus's monsters dead and injured.

Then she remembered the culprit, the Argonauts.

Unfortunately, neither she nor Zeus can avenge the Argonauts, because they still count on the heroes to work for them.

In this way, they can only suffer from this dumb loss.

On the other side, the Argonauts who had no idea about all the Argonauts banqueted the dying king Phineus on the Argonaut.

Phineus greedily devours clean and rich food, as if all this happened in a dream.

At night, in order to thank the Argonauts, the elderly King Phineus gave them a prophecy.

"You will first encounter rocks in the narrow strait of Thenos. These are two steep rocks. They do not grow from the bottom of the sea, but float from a distance. Sometimes the ocean current gathers them and collides, sometimes Separate them again. The tide rushes between the two mountains and makes a terrible roar. If you don’t want to be crushed, you must paddle hard as you pass between the two mountains so that the boat will fly by like a dove. After passing there , You will come to the Mariantina seafront, which is the entrance to hell. You will pass many mountains, bays and the sweaty Karubel people digging for iron ore underground. Finally, you will reach Coco On the seashore of Karkas, the swift water of the wide Faris River flows from there into the sea, and then you will see the magnificent castle of King Eetes, where there is a dragon that never sleeps guarding and hanging on the oak The golden fleece on the tree canopy."

King Finius was full of gratitude to the Argonauts, and after reluctantly bidding farewell to the Argonauts, the Argonauts embarked on a new adventure.

When the Argonauts came to the narrow strait of Senos, the Argonauts heard a thunderous noise coming from a distance, and saw two huge collision rocks floating on the sea hit each other, drifted away, and hit again. Together.

The rock crashed back and forth like this, with loud and thunderous sounds constantly sounding.

The crashing rocks were really too big. Compared to them, the Argo was as small as a toy. For a while, everyone lost the courage to move forward.

Then, everyone remembered King Phinius’ prophecy that if the pigeons could fly between the two crashing rocks fearlessly, then they could move forward with confidence.

When the two crashing rocks just separated, they hurriedly released the pigeons.

Under the expectant gaze of the Argonauts, when the pigeon flew past, the two crashing rocks began to approach each other again.

The sea water set off huge waves in the strait, the sea and the sky were roaring, and the two floating huge rocks were about to be close together, leaving only a little space for the pigeons to fly over. The pigeon flapped its wings and finally flew over safely. The collided rock caught the pigeon's tail feathers.

Seeing this scene, Tiffes loudly encouraged the paddling hero to take advantage of the opportunity of the huge rock to separate.

The Argonauts moved forward along with the current, and the Argonauts worked together, rowing desperately, and the oars were bent like bows.

When the Argonaut ship was about to pass between the two collision rocks, the vortex of the sea pulled the ship into the collision rocks again, and the huge rock almost rubbed the hull of the ship.

But in the end, the Argonaut was still not caught. Like a dove, the Argonaut survived the difficult time at the last moment, only being clamped off a few boards at the stern.

This experience greatly lifted the spirits of the heroes of the Argonauts. The decadence and pessimism originally caused by the death of many of their companions in the Amazon were wiped out.

With the blessing of God and the instructions of prophecy, what kind of difficulties can stump them?

After a day and night sailing, as Phineus predicted, the Argonaut arrived at the Kingdom of Carybel.

People here neither farm nor graze. They mine iron ore in the desolate land all day long to exchange food with people from neighboring countries.

They worked hard in the dark cellar and dense smoke, and lived a life without joy.

When the Argonauts arrived on Aretia Island, they unexpectedly met new friends and partners here.

After walking a few steps ashore, they met four young people in ragged clothes coming oncoming.

One of them hurriedly approached them and asked for help.

"Good-hearted people, no matter who you are, please help us poor people who are in trouble. Give us some clothes and some food to satisfy our hunger."