The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 610

Although Aethes had mentioned beforehand that the "sacred cow" could breathe fire, the previous battle made him completely unaware of this problem.

Now that Polkenien suddenly showed this ability, Lin Koss was hit immediately.

Although Lin Kousi had a physique that surpassed that of a mortal, this was only relative.

The flames from Polkenyon's high temperature and pressure are much stronger than ordinary flames.

Lin Kousi was just hot screaming "Wow" in an instant, and his body surface soon burned to black. In addition to the black smoke, the Argonauts could only listen to Lin Kousi's screams in the black smoke with concern.

The screams were loud at first, but soon they became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.

When the smoke dissipated, all they could see was a scorched corpse.

Such a scene made everyone pale.

They didn't expect that Lin Kousi, who was still dominant, would die on the spot so tragically.

The tactics of consuming Polkenien's physical strength through agility have since been invalidated.

Is there any way to deal with this fire-breathing "sacred cow"?

The Argonauts fell silent.

After a while, just when everyone thought they were going to give up, finally, another person came forward.

He is the son of Poseidon, the king of Oboia, Nauplius.

"Since this sacred bull has the power of'fire', it must use'water' to restrain him," Naples said confidently, "I am the son of Poseidon, and I can control a part of his father's power. , The power of water will extinguish their flames."

Naples' words made the Argonauts nod their heads.

In most people's common sense, it is quite normal for the flame to extinguish when it touches water. Since the "sacred cow" has mastered the power of fire, the son of the sea **** can restrain them.

So Naples walked into the field so grandly and stood in front of Polkenyon.

At this moment, the black smoke has dispersed.

Perhaps because of the repeated battles, Polkenien seemed a little tired, which made Naples more certain of his victory.

Only Ye Ting shook his head secretly.

Use water to defeat Porkenien, but he can't figure it out.

FTLN 0765 I am a man

Perhaps because of repeated attacks, Polkenien was a bit tired, but he was also caught in anger without losing his original docileness.

Seeing someone stepping into the field, they no longer wait for the other side to actively attack before judging the other side as an enemy, but directly attack the intruder as the enemy.

This time, without any bells and whistles, Porkenien expelled an angry flame at Nauplius.

"Jet flames!"

The flame came soon, but Nauplius did not defend, but folded his hands together and shot out in the direction of the flame.

Immediately afterwards, a torrent of water equivalent to a jet of flame shot out from his hand.

The flames and the rapids collided violently.

The high-temperature flame instantly evaporates the torrent, but its own heat is also consumed a lot.

Steam immediately rose at the place where water and fire crossed.

In this way, Polkenien's "fire jet" was offset by Naples.

"How? My power of water?" Naples was very proud of the results of the battle just now. "It's just a mere flame. How can we stop our Argonauts? See how I can completely extinguish your flames!"


One shot missed, and the Polkenyons also became annoyed, and they began to take a deep breath again.

The steam sprayed from his body made Naples immediately see that they were accumulating the power of the flame.

It seemed that Polkenien was accumulating some terrible attack.

"No matter how much flames are thrown, it's useless!" Naples yelled and stepped on the ground with his right foot.

A footprint immediately appeared on the soft field, and from the footprints, tumbling water gushed out.

There is a source for this trick.

Naples’ father, Poseidon, often holds the trident spear given by the cyclops during the Battle of Titans. This has become his symbol. Using this weapon can not only set off huge waves and cause storms and tsunamis, and make The sinking of the continent and the collapse of the heavens and the earth can also shatter everything and even trigger a powerful earthquake that shook the entire world.

In addition, Poseidon's three-pronged spear was not only used as a weapon, but also used to break rocks, and the clear spring flowing from the cracks watered the earth.

This trick is derived from here.

Although Naples can't directly generate a steady stream of water like his father did, but compared to directly generating water power, this trick can use much more water elements.

As the spring gushed out, a steady stream of water revolved around it with Naples' mind.

Soon the water wave turned into a waterspout, rotating and rising around Nauplius, and soon it was like a cylindrical water shield, which was firmly protected.

On Polkenion's side, the accumulated flames also erupted.

A highly compressed flame spurted from Polkenien's mouth, forming a "big" shape, and shot towards Nauplius.

"Big Characters"!

This move is not only powerful, the highly compressed flame can also explode violently after it hits the target, which is quite powerful.

However, when the two "big character explosions" shot down Naples' side, they could only hit the shield formed by the water.


The collision between "Boom" and the waterspout caused a huge explosion.

The intense explosion and fire made the Argonauts worry about Naples' comfort.

Can such defense really block Polkenien's "big character explosion"?

After the explosion, there was another battlefield shrouded in strong steam.

Because the energy level of the attack on both sides of the battle was very high, the high-temperature steam formed a white mist, which took a while to dissipate.

After the steam dissipated, the Argonauts were surprised to find that Naples was unscathed in the mist.

"Boom" didn't hurt him at all.