The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 637

It was a young birthday, and I felt that Athena's tone was crying.

Item 0793

By now, Ye Ting can be considered to fully understand Athena's character.

Perhaps it was due to being born late, although Athena usually appears calmer and more mature than other gods because of the wisdom inherited from her parents, but this is only the surface.

In short, it is to use IQ to forcefully strengthen EQ.

However, when the IQ was unable to solve the problem at all, Athena's original character was exposed.

The real Athena is indeed a powerful god, but when she is strong, her character is not very strong. When faced with too much difficulty, she will cry like an ordinary child, just like It is a young adult who pretends to be mature.

From this point of view, this goddess still looks a bit...cute?

Ye Ting thought so anyway.

Seeing Athena who was almost crying in front of him, Ye Ting sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to whet the other's appetite.

"If there is no good way for the goddess, I have an idea here."

Ye Ting's words made Athena's eyes brighten, and the tears that had just arrived at the corner of her eyes instantly disappeared.

"If... if you really have any good solutions, then I, as a goddess, will save you from the difficulties and give you the honor of speaking out."

Sure enough, it is a child, and at this time, he still has to maintain a high posture.

Ye Ting glanced at her, and finally resisted the idea of ​​continuing to tease her, and talked about his own ideas.

"Since Lord Goddess doesn't want Argonauts to suffer, why not just do it?"

"What?" Athena was a little dazed.

"I mean, is Athena any very fearful **** in the Olympus system?"

"How is it possible?" As if eager to prove herself from the embarrassment just now, Athena blurted out, "I am very strong, even if it is the great **** Zeus, I don't need to give him face."

"It turns out that Lord Goddess is so powerful," Ye Ting nodded pretendingly, and suddenly changed his tone, "Then, why can't you influence the decisions of the gods?"

"Because there are too few gods who support my opinion." Athena explained, "In the meeting of the gods, there are really too few people who report the same views as me. There is only Goddess Hestia and the other gods. Only among them, except Demeter and Artemis abstaining, the other gods all agree to impose divine punishment on your Argonauts, and even I can't change their minds."

"This is normal." Ye Ting nodded, "In my opinion, two things are the most difficult in the world: one is to put your own thoughts in other people's heads, and the other is to put other people's wealth in your own pockets. "

Ye Ting's words made Athena thoughtful, and then she looked at Ye Ting's eyes with more appreciation.

"Very wise words, it seems that you are indeed a wise scholar, then, what is your way?"

"Naturally ignore them, do what you want to do and save the people you want to save." Ye Ting said righteously.

"But... the other gods won't allow me to do this," Athena said. "What if they stop me? Although I am very strong, I can't compete with all the gods."

After listening to her, Ye Ting couldn't help shook his head.

"Although Lord Goddess is smart enough, she still made a mistake that all smart people make, that is, thinking too much. Thinking too much means thinking too much and thinking too complicated, which will lead to too much careful handling of many things, and ultimately Hesitate and miss the best time. At that time, it will be too late to regret."

"Leave them alone? Is this really... okay? Doesn't that mean turning their faces with them?"

Athena had never considered Ye Ting's thoughts in the past.

Ye Ting shrugged helplessly and continued to remind the goddess in front of him.

"I wonder if you have ever thought about what you can get if you don't turn your face with them? What will you lose if you turn your face with them?"

Ye Ting learned a lot about Athena from Aphrodite and Artemis: This goddess didn’t have many friends even in the Olympian system—there was a Prometheus in the past. She loves humans as much as she does, but as Prometheus was punished by being pecked on the liver by a giant eagle on the Caucasus Mountains, the only person she could say a few words was lost.

Among the twelve gods of Olympus, although Hera often complained about Zeus's floweriness, she herself was a loyal goddess, and she always stood in the same position as Zeus in general...

Poseidon is the elder brother of Zeus. After the brothers of Zeus overthrew Cronus, he was assigned as the master of the ocean. Although he always opposed Zeus, the contradiction between him and Athena was not small-the three sisters of Medusa The tragedy also originated from this.

Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus are the most loyal sons of Zeus, and they have always obeyed Zeus' arrangements.

Apollo and Artemis usually ignored world affairs, neither opposed Athena nor helped her. In fact, they did not have much friendship.

Hestia and Demeter have a little bit of common language with her, but the two goddesses are looking forward to the earth and are unwilling to care about Olympus matters.

Turns down, Athena is the loneliest person on Olympus.

But this did not change her view. She devoted all her energy to mortals, observing them, helping them, singing for their achievements, and sighing for their tragedies.

What if such a lonely goddess fell out with other gods?

Soon, Athena herself thought of this.

It doesn't seem to be so.

The gods who originally agreed with her will still stand with her, and the gods who were originally inconsistent with her will still be inconsistent with her, but their conflicts have become more intense.

Looking at the goddess who seemed to have thoughts before him, Ye Ting continued to add fire.

"You see, you are just practicing your own path. In the process, those who should agree will still agree with you, and those who should oppose you will still oppose you. Everything is the same, isn't it?"

"Yes...yes...what did I do in the past? What am I hesitating?"

Athena smiled bitterly.

"You are just being bound by the rules of the past." Ye Ting said to her, "You are like an elephant **** with a string. When you were a child, you couldn't get rid of the string, so you just I believe that this string cannot be broken away. Even if you have the ability to break free when you grow up, you are still afraid of this string-but in fact, it is only your heart that binds you."

Chapter 0794 Athena's Wisdom

Ye Ting's words made Athena's eyes bright.

"You are right." She said, "I really don't need to worry about them. Why should I be afraid of them? Sure enough, I have been changing on Mount Olympus. My mind is completely bound by the rules of the gods. What are you afraid of?"

After all, she asked again.

"So, what should I do if the conflict between me and the gods escalate? If the two sides confront each other openly, what should I do? At present, I don't have the ability to go to full-scale war with them."

Before Ye Ting could answer, she immediately gave herself the answer.

"Then my only way is to... unite with the forces that are sufficient to fight against the Olympus gods. The old gods are not good. The long-term loss of their priesthood has made them weak, and they have lost their opposition to Olympus. The only power of Pace that can help me is the Magic God System, and only Goddess Hecate."

"You are right, mage, a believer in the goddess of magic."

At this moment, Athena looked at Ye Ting with her eyes filled with the light of wisdom, and the goddess of wisdom was full of aura.

Worthy of being the goddess of wisdom.

At this time, she had already reacted, and her wisdom made her aware of something wrong with Ye Ting's words. After all, not everyone dared to encourage a **** to confront the Olympus gods.