The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 641

For example, the Mayan/Aztec gods in the Americas were originally alien life that descended on the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. The heavenly dynasty was raging by various external gods, while the Greek gods were another mechanical civilization that came to the earth.

These secrets were all revealed to Ye Ting by Artemis. Among the gods Ye Ting knew, Hecate was a human deity. Aphrodite was born from the essence of Uranus. Athena was too young. Only she truly saw the end of that powerful mechanical civilization.

According to her, in the battle against the stars 16,000 years ago, the mechanical civilization was almost completely destroyed along with the other original gods. In this case, they abandoned most of the original mechanical civilization and turned to Began to invest in mastering the power of the native gods, and gradually became indistinguishable from the native gods.

The so-called rebellion of the Zeus brothers against the father God Cronus is actually a battle of ideas about the future direction of mechanical civilization. The former agrees to abandon mechanical civilization and become a true native god, while the latter hopes to combine itself with machinery to achieve survival. .

If it is the latter or victory, Artemis, Athena, etc. that Ye Ting has seen now count as one, and they should all be giant mechanical bodies.

As for Aphrodite, she is the essence of the first generation of ultimate creation from the mechanical civilization: the lord of the sky "Uranus".

It is said that Uranus was the master and ultimate power of mechanical civilization at the beginning, and its existence itself is as large as the Olympus today.

Such a powerful mechanical creation can almost be regarded as the existence of a space mothership.

And the birth of Aphrodite, after the destruction of Uranus, the core thinking of its control is transformed from a virtual digital life into a biological soul after formatting, and then is given the existence of a godhead by the world.

Its birth itself originated from the initial experiment of mechanical civilization to transform itself into a god.

The difficulty in transforming mechanical life into real life lies in giving emotion to the absolutely rational mechanical life.

Because Aphrodite was the first successful example, the godhood she was given was love—in fact, its true meaning was the ultimate emotion.

Of course, the biggest reason she was able to become a **** was because of the huge computing power in Uranus' master mind.

Such a huge mechanical body requires extraordinary computing power. Even if it cannot be compared with Mooncell, it is still a very powerful existence. The soul transformed into such computing power, coupled with other reasons, has gradually nurtured her into a goddess. ——But perhaps it is the only existence that has been transformed through pure mechanical life, and its gestation time is relatively long, far surpassing Zeus and others.

It is precisely because of the success of this experiment that the following talents such as Zeus determined to abandon the plan to integrate themselves with machinery, and instead invested in the line of the gods.

However, even so, the technology from mechanical civilization still remains: those powerful weapons and creations are distributed in every corner of the Greek gods, and Hephaestus himself is the first generation in the entire Olympus **** system. Civilization, but even he can't grasp the essence of the original mechanical civilization.

Talos itself is also one of the remnants of the mechanical civilization of Olympus.

Item 0798

Olihagang itself is a magical metal with strong hardness, so Talos is invulnerable at all. Its durability is extremely amazing, and even the gods can't easily destroy it...

At the same time, its power comes from a powerful magic engine, which provides magic power through the blood of the gods, and automatically senses the enemy and destroys it.

After being triggered, the hands and feet will emit red heat and attack due to powerful charging. If it is a normal creature, it should immediately evaporate.

Its strength is even comparable to that of the Corkis dragon in terms of combat effectiveness. The powerful power allows it to even fly.

Talos is a super weapon cast by Hephaestus, one of the twelve gods of Olympus. It was originally gifted by Zeus to the princess Europa, who was admired by Zeus at that time. It was Zeus who gave the mechanical guard that absolutely wanted to protect Europa's existence.

As an automated and powerful weapon derived from mechanical civilization technology, although Talos is not a real life, the core of high computing power makes it possess a certain degree of intelligence.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that the instructions from the past have not been lifted. After the Yiren has passed away, although Talos does not have a manipulator, he still meticulously follows the original instructions.

This command allows powerful mechanical creations to cruise around Crete meticulously, treating anyone who enters this area as enemies and attacking them indiscriminately. Only the gods representing the mechanical civilization and being endowed by Zeus Europa, which has a protective significance, will not be attacked by it.

This terrifying bronze giant attacked them immediately after the Argo approached Crete.

All this is within Zeus's plan.

Through their control of the weather and sea conditions, Crete has become the only way for the Argo to return to Greece, and it cannot be bypassed at all. However, if you want to pass through Crete, you must solve the mechanical giant that is blocking the road.

Zeus just wanted to use Talos' power to solve them.

The existence of Talos is indeed a huge trouble for the Argonauts.

The mighty Talos is not an existence that their weapons can destroy, and Talos' terrible attack is extremely deadly to them. After several attempts, the heroes find that they have nothing to do with Talos.

This kind of mechanical creation is indeed a nemesis to their warriors and warriors.

"What should we do?" After being driven back to the boat by Talos for the third time, Jason stood in frustration at the stern, looking at the bronze giant who was "rumbled" on the island as usual, "Our food and fresh water It’s all running out. Although the mage can provide us with a certain amount of supplies, it’s not a way to go on like this."

For this question, no hero can give an answer. They looked at their weapons that were almost smashed by the sturdy shell of Talos, all of them were helpless.

Just like the previous fight against the Corkis dragon, all their abilities are useless when encountering such an opponent.

"So, do you have good news?"

Seeing that the heroes were all helpless, Jason looked at the eyes of hope at Ye Ting and the three of them.

The current Argonauts have fully understood the power of the mage. Although they have solved many difficulties with their own ability along the way, many real big troubles are spent by the power of the mage.

Although they are still proud of the warrior's strength, no one can underestimate the mage.

Ye Ting, Circe and Medea glanced at each other, and finally Medea stood up.

"Of course, the battle between you and Talos these days has been fruitless, but it is not useless-at least we already understand the mechanical structure, power source and operating principle of this monster."

"Really?" Jason didn't understand her at all, with an unclear look, "Then how can such an opponent deal with it?"

"Of course I started to target its weaknesses." Medea took it for granted, "We found that the power source of this mechanical monster has weaknesses somewhere. As long as it is targeted to defeat its weaknesses, it will lose all power. , It won't work in the end-so leave it to me next."

Although Medea said she was the one who dealt with Tarros, she did not go to the island at all.

Just let people drive the boat to the nearest place to the island where it will not be attacked by Talos.

Seeing that the Argo, which it regarded as a "threat", approached Crete again and again unconsciously, Talos came to the beach again, and allowed them to attack them with rocks...

At this moment, Medea was standing at the bow of the ship and attacked Tarros from a distance.

"True Domination!"

This magic allows the caster to control the actions of any humanoid creature. The caster will establish a link with the subject's mind, so that the subject can be forced to do whatever the caster wants within the scope of its ability.

However, the conditions for casting this magic are also very harsh, that is, there must be strong enough mental power to invade the enemy's mind.

Today, the target of this spell is not a normal intelligent life, but a mechanical creation.

Although the consciousness of mechanical creation is not the same as that of human beings, it is not too difficult for Medea.

To ask why, it is naturally because she has studied Tarros' intelligence.

In other words, she has studied the intelligent systems in the Greek mechanical civilization.

Being in the realm of the Greek gods, Mystral Academy, as an academy for the pursuit of truth, naturally did not let go of the technology of mechanical civilization.

Today, the person who presided over the research on this technology is Ye Ting's student, Daedalus, a genius scholar.

The research content includes the intelligent system of mechanical creation.

Because it is driven by magic, the intelligent system of Greek mechanical civilization is naturally different from the binary electronic computer of human beings, but it is basically a system based on mathematical logic, and there are naturally unavoidable logical loopholes before it becomes a real intelligent life. exist.

And Medea just learned the relevant content.