The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 644

In the end, it was the huntress Atalante who took the shot, and the precise bow and arrow suppressed the wild boar.

When Ye Ting appeared, everything was over.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that Ye Ting used some crazy and cool magic to defeat him as soon as he shot it, but after seeing Ye Ting, the wild boar immediately ceased to be ferocious and frantic, but was like a tamed puppy. Obediently stood in front of Ye Ting.

"Sure enough, it's the magic of these mages that can control people. I didn't expect even such a beast to escape control."

This was Jason's thoughts. Obviously, he connected Ye Ting's behavior with Medea's suicide control of Talos.

In fact, this is not the case.

It's just that Ye Ting revealed his true face a little, and then he was recognized by the wild boar.

As a man pursued by the Moon God, Ye Ting has a high status in the hearts of Artemis's beasts-after all, it is equivalent to the existence of their male master.

And Ye Ting's "enlightenment" also helped many of them awaken their true wisdom. In this case, Artemis's monsters naturally had a deep awe of Ye Ting.

In the end, under Ye Ting's scolding, the wild boar obediently left Caludon, and the incident ended.

For a time, the reputation of Ye Ting and Atalante spread throughout Greece, and even Circe and Medea followed.

"The one who drank the wild boar.", "The Sage of Argo", and "The Strongest Magician in Greece" made Ye Ting a celebrity in Greece.

In addition, Circe and Medea are naturally called witches. In this patrilineal society in the age of slavery, women who master magic are usually not very prestigious among mortals, but they will be respected in the wizard community-after all. Even the gods of magic are goddesses.

As for Atalante, the name "Huntress of Artemis" is also well known.

Because she is a hunter, mastering magic that extraordinary people cannot understand, Atalante's reputation is much better.

As a result of her reputation, she was recognized by her father, King Aesos of Arcadia.

After discovering that his daughter had become such a powerful hero, King Aiasos naturally hoped to recognize her daughter again. In the original mythology, he was naturally successful. After that, he even started a race for his daughter’s marriage. .

Unfortunately, he has failed now.

The original Atalante was born as an orphan, and Zhen Zhen walked alone and yearned for the love from his relatives. His father came to admit his relatives and naturally accepted it.

But now...

The current Atalante not only got the paternal love from another person, but also this kind of emotion was "one step further" because of an accident.

Twice the love and twice the happiness (that’s strange), can King Aesos be replaced?

The so-called race to win marriage is even more unlikely.

How could Ye Ting, whose "father love is like a mountain", marry his "daughter" to others casually?

Item 0802

After traveling in Greece, Ye Ting returned to Mystra College.

But his work did not stop.

With the opportunity of getting Athena through the Argonauts, Ye Ting's overall layout of the Greek God Realm came to an end.

Next, the only thing he has to wait for is that the thought of resistance to the gods gradually spread among mortals, but this will take time, even with the help of the Argonauts and Athena, the mages from the Mystral Academy also This can be added to the flames, but it will take a while for everything to ferment.

In this process, Mystral Academy does not need to do much other work, just need to maintain this situation.

So what should they do?

Ye Ting turned his attention to other gods' realms.

And his first goal was the Egyptian God Realm, which is the closest to the Greek God Realm.

The division of the gods actually originated from the rule of the various gods on the earth.

Because of the invasion of predator planets 16,000 years ago, the original gods of the entire earth united together, but they almost lost in that war.

However, it was precisely because of that war that the new generation of gods gradually awakened, they got rid of the original state of chaos, and gradually produced a complete personality.

And that's how each complete **** system was born.

However, compared with the original gods of the past, the newly emerged gods are not as relatively omnipotent as they are, but because they have changed from primitive gods to gods who master different fields and specialize in their respective fields, the overall power is more powerful. .

And they also have stronger desires because of personification.

This has led to the possibility of battles between the various gods due to the collision of their respective desires and the unity of the domain.

Based on the needs of each **** system, in order to avoid the destruction of the world by the **** war, they each divided the ruling territory and isolated each other by dividing the gods.

The existence of God's Domain has caused some barriers similar to the crystal wall system to appear around the world, preventing the gods from visiting each other in the God's Domain, but it has also put an end to any terrible war between the God's Domain and causing irreparable consequences.

However, although the gods cannot leave the realm of the gods, mortals are not.

Compared with the gods, although the barriers between the gods also have a restrictive effect on mortals, they are much smaller than the restrictions on gods.

However, the mortals in the past were not strong enough to break through the realm of God.

But now, people who have the strength to break through the limits of the Gods' Realm have appeared.

That is Ye Ting.

So, after there were no more matters in Greece for the time being, Ye Ting began to be eager to travel across the gods.

His first stop was the Egyptian God Realm.


In the pale yellow desert, there are endless sand dunes.

The arid desert is hot during the day and cold at night. At the same time, it lacks water all the year round. It is precisely because of this that there are basically not many living creatures here, and humans are even rarer.

However, there are always some surprises.

In this boundless desolation, a long, centipede-like team gradually appeared.

This is a camel team.

Many people in white cloth robes are leading camels. These people have looking skin, black hair and black eyes.

They were the Egyptians under the rule of the Pharaoh. This team was obviously a caravan. Since only the oasis along the Nile was suitable for survival, in ancient Egypt, such caravans had to be used for transportation between cities and to circulate goods.

In addition to people, these camels' backs are all kinds of clay pots, cloth bags, and wooden boxes, which are filled with goods.

Although there seems to be only one kind of scenery everywhere in the desert, the caravan has its own way of distinguishing directions.

Along one direction, the caravan kept moving forward in the desert.