The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 667

But now she has to do this, she vowed to avenge her brother, and tonight, it is the moment when she uses this dagger to practice her enlightenment.

"How about it, a little nervous, right?"

Sensibly aware of the girl's trembling, Ye Ting stepped forward comfortingly, and gently hugged her.

"I know you have never killed anyone. Revenge yourself is a very difficult step for you, but there will always be such a day."

Feeling the trembling body in his arms, Ye Ting did not directly relieve and persuade, but confided the naked reality to her ears.

"There will always be such a day, girl, you are an Egyptian pharaoh, the leader of millions of people in Egypt, even if it is not for revenge, you will one day take this step in the future."

"Politics is not a friendly conversation. It is not just a game of winning or losing. Politics is something deeper than your hatred and crueler than your revenge. As a pharaoh, your every move, every word and deed, every one of you Decisions will have a profound impact on the future of this country-some people will survive death because of your good governance, and some people will enter the underworld because of your mistakes. Death is a normal thing for millions of people. ."

"In the future, you will surely make people walk into death with your own hands, no matter whether you intentionally or unintentionally, because you cannot satisfy everyone at the same time. When you defend the interests of some people, you will certainly offend others, and you have to make a decision. , Let some people make sacrifices, and let some people die."

"You are the Pharaoh, and you are the ruler of this kingdom. Every citizen's life here will be entrusted to your hands. But now, if you are afraid of granting death to others, then how can you in the future be able to rule a country? , To become a truly qualified pharaoh?"

"Though your enemies are cruel and despicable, one thing they do is far beyond your father, Pharaoh Pepi, and that is they are cruel."

"Just benevolence cannot rule a country. The necessary killing is always an indispensable part-this is what you have to learn from these people you are determined to revenge."

"So, dear Majesty Pharaoh, although you have never killed anyone, there will always be such a day. Then, why not today?"

Following Ye Ting's words, he could feel that the trembling of the girl in his arms began to gradually decrease.

She was thinking, she was chewing on the deep meaning of Ye Ting's words.

Many of Ye Ting's words were things she hadn't thought of before.

As a female pharaoh, although Nitocris was thinking about revenge, she also wanted to lead Egypt to glory as a pharaoh.

Although she has existed as a puppet for several years, she did well as a pharaoh even within her limited scope of authority.

She is very concerned about the national economy and people's livelihood, and has also worked hard to develop her own economy.

After the annual flooding of the Nile River, she would personally come to the fields to sow grains and lead the people to develop production, which also made her a very affinity queen and enjoyed high prestige among the people.

Although she is a good politician like this, she has always lacked one thing, that is, she is cruel.

Perhaps this is also related to her failure to control the real power of the military, internal guards and other truly violent institutions.

But it is undeniable that today's Ye Ting really taught her a lesson.

These things she had never considered, now made her think deeply. She had to admit that this mage named Thoth had deep wisdom even outside of magic.

She even took revenge with Thoth's help, and after reinvigorating the dynasty, she made Thoth the new Vishir of Egypt—at least to give him a position that could use his wisdom to assist her in ruling Egypt.

Well, it wasn't an excuse to let him stay by her side.

In short, today's Nito Kriss's heart is finally firm. Ye Ting's words convinced her. Indeed, even as the front stand for the future power of the Pharaoh, she must truly revenge tonight. See the blood.

Seeing the girl finally made up her mind.

Ye Ting smiled with satisfaction, he pushed the girl away a little, and then put a white cloak on her.

The cloak is pure white, and it is painted with a pattern like the eyes of the **** Major. If Nitocris is completely covered by the cloak, it will be the same as the **** Major.

"Don't worry, Nito, when you act, Mejed and I will be by your side. This cloak is a gift from Me and Mejed. Putting it on will greatly enhance the effect of your concealment spell. No one will notice your existence."

"Thank you."

Ye Ting suddenly moved Nitocris with such a hand. She rushed forward, kissed Ye Ting on the cheek, and then touched Mejed's head.

The impulsive behavior made the girl blush, so she covered herself with the cloak, waved to the two of them, and then walked towards the gate of the palace.

"That's right," before leaving, she suddenly turned her head and said to Ye Ting, "Although your description of politics and rule makes sense, I still want to say that I will do it in the future. Cruel and cruel, let all Egyptians live well without sacrificing anyone."

"Okay, Pharaoh Nitocris, I'll wait and see." Although the girl's fantasies were naive, Ye Ting responded with encouragement, "But before that, I used tonight's killing to learn how to be cruel and cruel. Bar."

Chapter 0827 "Unparalleled Assassin"

Wearing a cloak in the style of the **** Major, Nitocris launched the "Majeed's invisibility technique".

Soon, her figure became thin, and then disappeared in front of Ye Ting and Meijed.

It was as if she was a ghost just now.

This weird scene took place in the imperial garden of the palace, but the maids of the palace did not see this weird scene at all.

the reason is simple.

Long before Nitocris was about to set off, Ye Ting used magic to envelope the entire palace.

This night, no one in the palace, whether it was a maid or a guard, could remember what happened here.

Under the influence of Ye Ting's wide-area suggestion technique, the consciousness of these mortals became completely trance.

Although they can rely on instinct, as usual, the work that should be done, the patrol that should be patrolled.

But in fact, none of them had a sober consciousness. They would not know what happened in the palace this night.

And tonight, when outsiders asked them about the condition of the palace, their only answer was that everything was normal.

This was exactly how Ye Ting wanted Nitocris to get rid of surface suspicions after taking revenge.

As for the real suspicion, it cannot be washed away anyway.

Among political conspiracies, there is a simple and rude way to judge the culprit of all conspiracies.

That is to judge who is the vested interest of the conspiracy-this person's eight achievements are behind the scenes.

Undoubtedly, after Nitocris executed her revenge, even if there is no evidence that the murderer was His Royal Highness the Pharaoh, most of the suspicions will fall on her.

However, even so, it was enough for Ye Ting and Nitocris.

To remove surface suspicions, the main object of concealment is the ignorant public.

As for those in the game, the death of the rebels is a warning to them.

This is to tell them that although their Pharaoh is a woman, he definitely has a cruel and unrelenting heart, and warns them that the majesty of the pharaoh cannot be offended.

When Nitocris disappeared, left the palace, and began her revenge journey, Ye Ting and Mejed also started to act.

What they have to do is simple, and that is to follow behind Nitocris to prevent the fledgling female pharaoh from overturning the boat in the gutter, and there is an accident.

Such a thing is not impossible.

After all, Nitocris had never killed anyone before, or even performed a stealth mission.