The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 679

"During the trial, it is forbidden for any unrelated person to speak to the judge, otherwise he will be punished as an accomplice!"

Nitocris' stern words finally silenced the officials, and then Nitocris looked at Mike.

"Okay, I promise you," said the Pharaoh. "Able to proactively expose accomplices and prove your repentance. As long as your intelligence is useful enough, I will naturally treat your family lightly-I can just treat them To be demoted to a commoner, there is no need to go through hard labor."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Pharaoh!"

"But," Nitocris warned instead, "you don't want to use any false accusation to frame others, trust me, my spells can tell whether you are telling the truth or a lie!"

Macter was shocked when he heard the words, and some dark thoughts in his heart were immediately dispelled.

However, even if he can't make false accusations, he still has a lot of information that he can provide.

Mike kissed the ground in front of him to show his respect to Pharaoh, and then he began to break the news.

"Treasurer Bata, my colleague, he is XXXXX..."

"Besides, I also know that General Hernon XXXXX..."

"My subordinate, Heras, the financial clerk, he is also XXXXX..."

Soon, no fewer than dozens of people's crimes came out of him one by one. Although they were not as specific as those of his own just now, they still caused waves of exclamation.

Although the people of Egypt already knew that these noble officials could make money very much, but who would have thought that they could make such a profit and be so corrupt.

Many of them are good guys in the eyes of the common people, and now they have been exposed for corruption and bribery.

Among the officials, many people turned black.

They didn't understand why Mike did this.

Although they have been competing with each other in various gangs for a long time, since the establishment of the Egyptian dynasty, this kind of competition has gradually developed into a situation where there are various unspoken rules of fighting without breaking.

In this case, even though there are many political opponents among the officials reported by Macter, they are not to the point of death or death.

However, what both of them didn't know was that all of this was calculated by Ye Ting and Nitocris.

In fact, it is totally untrue that Macter's so-called colleague betrayed him and secretly confessed his crime to Nitocris.

Nitocris got his crimes purely by magical means, hypnotized by his servants, his political enemies, and his colleagues.

And the reason why he felt that he had been betrayed was because of Ye Ting's suggestion technique.

Remember the pair of golden pupils?

The yellow-gold pupils are characteristic of dragon pupils.

The so-called confrontation in the hallucinations that Mike called was actually the process of Ye Ting's use of suggestive techniques on him.

In order to ensure the effect, Ye Ting partially dragonized himself, further pierced his mind through Longwei, and strengthened the effect of the suggestion technique.

In fact, even with the help of magic, these few days have only been enough for them to find out the guilt of individual officials.

However, this is enough.

By stating these charges face to face, Nitocris successfully defeated Mike's inner line of defense.

And Ye Ting took the opportunity to induce him to give birth through suggestion: my colleagues have betrayed me, and I want to avenge their thoughts.

In fact, Nitocris had once produced and used hypnotism to make everyone confess guilt directly under the public.

But no, this method is too drastic.

You should know that although hypnotism is a very effective means to obtain a crime, it is unacceptable for anyone to control the will. Even if Nitocris can clean the current bureaucracy in one fell swoop, it will Let the people panic.

But suggestion is different.

Unlike hypnotism, suggestion cannot forcefully change a person's thinking, it cannot be made out of nothing, and the change of thinking must be logical, and it can only affect the thinking of others through the means of temptation, which is very restrictive.

However, the advantage of suggestion is that its influence can often happen inadvertently, without revealing flaws at all, and people who are hinted generally cannot detect it. They will think that the implied idea comes from their own hearts.

At the same time, on the surface, the hypnotized person will become sluggish, unnatural, and know that there is a problem at a glance, but the person being implicated by the technique will have nothing wrong.

For example, Mike gave birth to the idea that my colleagues had betrayed me under the influence of suggestion, that my crime would be known to the pharaoh.

This reason seems reasonable.

However, as long as you think carefully, you will find the flaws.

After all, it is not surprising if one or two of his colleagues betrayed, but everyone but himself betrayed and took refuge in the Pharaoh, which is very strange.

Not everyone is as unlucky as gin.

But Mike didn't notice it at all under the suggestion technique.

This is the advantage of suggestion.

Therefore, the two finally chose the suggestion technique and laid out this plan.

This is also the drag of Macter into the water.

And this is just the beginning.

After Macter, those who were reported by him were brought onto the stage one by one.

Under Ye Ting’s hint, these guys thought they had “figured” the reason why Mike betrayed them: Mike had reached an agreement with the Pharaoh a long time ago, and the so-called reading of the charges is just an illusion. After all, in addition to his own words, Who can find out all of Mike's crimes, and the details are so specific?

It makes sense to think so.

Perhaps Pharaoh had promised him a certain benefit, or he had threatened him in a certain way to let him stand on the stage without hesitating to give up everything, and then "pretended" to stoke them all out.

But if you think about it a little deeper, how could Pharaoh only have this dark game of Mike?

With such a set of logic, these guys reported by Mike also fell into despair and broke the news one by one regardless.

They don't know that their own logical chain actually comes from other people's hints.

But that's it, betrayal is like an infectious disease, spreading Kai Laixin among these officials.

Item 0840

The next thing is very simple.

Those officials who have been betrayed and reported are counted as one. With the mind of everyone dying together, all firepower is on, everything is said to the outside, and anyone dares to expose it.

Later, Ye Ting didn't even need to use the suggestion technique. Everyone gave up on themselves and spontaneously began to expose their colleagues. There was no need for his misleading at all, and the charges and evidence were continuously produced.

As a result, the people saw one by one that the officials present were pulled up to the stage one by one, pronounced their crimes, readily confessed, and confessed others, and then the designated person came on stage again, and then identified others.