The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 691

Coach, can't I take back the foreword?

Item 0853

In most cases, the mages are mysterious.

They tend to escape from the world, relying on their extraordinary powers to be in a detached position. Although they will provide some help to the mortal regime, they will not interfere too much.

The power of magic makes them have no covetousness for mundane fame and fortune, because magic can almost meet all requirements, and the biggest goal of most of them is to get close to the truth and delve into the mysteries of magic.

In most worlds where there are magicians, sorcerers exist in this way.

This is the case in World of Warcraft, and the same is true in the World of Lunar—In World of Warcraft, if Azeroth had not been erupting from time to time, a disaster of extinction and a few extinct demon kings popped out, Dalaran would not care about all human beings. Life and death of the country.

However, compared with these colleagues, Ye Ting is different.

Even though Ye Ting would pursue the mystery of magic like ordinary wizards, he would also actively intervene in mortal disputes, not for anything else, just for the feelings buried in his heart.

This feeling stems from the nostalgia for the earth in his hometown, and also from the time spent with him in these other worlds through novels, cartoons, and games.

And since he came to the Moon World, he has new ideas.

The heroic spirit is a special product of the Moon World...No, it is a special feature.

Heroic spirits are the existences of heroes whose great achievements remain as legends after death and become objects of faith. Even if the heroes themselves do not actually exist in history, heroes in myths, legends, etc. will be born through gathering beliefs.

In Ye Ting's view, the power of the so-called heroic spirit was quite interesting.

In a world like DND, human faith can be the source of God's power.

And in the Moon World, people's beliefs, fantasy, and legends can condense powerful forces, and these forces are the source of the power of heroic spirits.

In short, the power of the heroic spirit is the crystallization of its experience and people's fantasy.

Although a living person cannot become a heroic spirit, even if it is a living person, the source of the corresponding heroic spirit power exists objectively.

Ye Ting felt that the inhibitory force transforming the heroic spirit passed through a certain kind of special magic, and once he mastered the third method, he could use the heroic spirit's power wantonly.

So, if he could control his own power as a hero, what kind of power would it be?

Ye Ting looked forward to it.

This is also one of the reasons why he constantly intervenes in human history, from fighting against the gods in Greece to helping Nitocris in Egypt.

Having said so much, just express a point of view.

Ye Ting didn't want to be a queen at all.

Originally in his vision, the name he left in the history of ancient Egypt should be "Sage of Prosperous Egypt", "Best Friend of the Sun King", "Assistant of the Queen of Magic" and so on...

Basically, it should be regarded as a character like Merlin.

Unexpectedly, the sage Nitocris suddenly told him that you are not my Merlin, you are my Gurney Vale.

In the future, the names in history will also become "Pharaoh's Favored Concubine", "Cleopatra" (in terms of female aesthetics, Ye Ting can be regarded as such a person), "Divine Concubine"...

Can this be tolerated?

However, Ye Ting didn't know how to refuse for a moment, looking at Nitocris's expectant eyes like a small animal.

No way, but to change the subject.

So, under his side attack, he finally shifted the topic to recent government affairs.

Said that Nitocris complained endlessly.

"Those guys said that you can't let a person of unknown origin stay with the pharaoh all the time. They say that they are afraid that the pharaoh will be tempted by male sex, and that foreign people have bad intentions and threaten Egypt-don't they know? If there were no Thoth for you, there would be no me now, and there would be no unified Egypt!"

Speaking of this, Nitocris became even more angry: "Obviously, it was Thoth you helped me at the time. It was clear that when I was the most helpless, he appeared by my side. Only Thoth was with me. People. Where were they then? He ran over now, pretending to be loyal to say this to me, it was simply—"

The so-called guys, they, naturally, in the process of countering the rebellion, all the local aristocrats who know the current affairs and are willing to set things right, in order to facilitate local governance, most of them have been transferred to Memphis, the officials who were ransacked. Many of the mansions have been sold to them, which can be regarded as filling the national treasury.

"Okay, okay." Ye Ting hugged Nitocris on his knees: "Don't be so angry, Nito. It's not the first day you know who these guys are."

"Even if you say that..."

Although being held by Ye Ting like this, sitting on his knees, leaning on him comfortably, being rubbed with his hair and ears was also very comfortable. I don't know why there is a hard stick stalking myself, but it is also very comfortable by accident. But Nitocris still felt unhappy.

"How dare to arrange my future queens like this, so I can just punish them all." Nitocris finally said domineeringly.

I'm very pleased that you can say that, but can you not mention the queen?

Listening to the girl's willful decision, Ye Ting reluctantly covered his face.

Although it is indeed good to become the domineering queen from the original kind girl, is she too domineering like this? Why do you have to convict people at every turn?

Thinking of this, he touched the girl’s jackal ears and explained with a wry smile: “It’s a sensitive period, Nito. Four years ago we cleaned up the entire princes and nobles of Memphis. Killing so many rebels, this kind of behavior is the correct strategy, but it will inevitably arouse the uneasiness of the nobles. Perhaps these guys want to use this to test us."

"Test us?" Nitocris felt her ears being rubbed by Ye Ting very comfortable, she forced herself to resist groaning, and asked when she looked up at him strangely.

"Well, test us, test whether we are only targeting the rebels or all the nobles." Ye Ting said: "If it were the former, those nobles would be very happy. Because those who were originally in high positions would be very happy. Officials are all roadblocks on their heads. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will chop them all off, and naturally a large number of positions will be vacated. These positions will naturally be divided by them, even if civilian-born officials have the talents, no matter how talented they are. Educated talents can't compare to these nobles."

"But, if it's the latter..." Ye Ting slightly shook his head helplessly: "We can convict all the officials in Memphis, and we can kill all the country's rebellion. But we can kill the entire empire. Will all the nobles and nobles in China be killed? Of course, with our strength, it cannot be said to be absolutely impossible, but it will be very difficult. Moreover, the resulting series of soldiers may even destroy the entire Egypt in the end."

Chapter 0854 Education and Talent Selection

"So, we can't do anything with them?" After Ye Ting talked about the malpractice of convicting these nobles, Nitocris pouted her mouth unwillingly, "Obviously they said that about you... "

"No, in fact there is still a way," Ye Ting said with an ill-intentioned smile, "It's just that this method will cost a bit of money."

"It's okay," Nito Kriss waved her hand and said arrogantly, "The wealth of the princes and nobles who ransacked the family hadn't been used up. The wave of regaining lost land has also checked so many rebellious homes. Money is not needed at all. over."

"Unexpectedly, Nito is also a little rich woman now," Ye Ting joked, and then said, "In fact, it is very simple to deal with these nobles, that is, to start where they care the most."

"What do they care about the most?" Nitocris bit her lip and focused her attention, looking very attractive. "Money? Territory? No, it's official position and power. Do you want to find someone to divide their official position?"

"Smart!" Ye Ting patted the girl's little hand complimentarily, "If more civilians are promoted to share their official position, will it make them feel headache and powerless?"

"Of course!"

Nitocris smiled happily, but then became confused.

"But when it comes to being an official and the ability to handle affairs, how can civilians compare to these generations of high-ranking guys? Before we convicted most of Memphis's officials. Among the newly promoted officials, how can they be compared? Most of the better ones are born of nobles. Those civilian-born officials often have problems like this, you don’t know."

"Yeah, of course I remember," Ye Ting nodded, and then asked again, "Do you still remember how we solved this problem at the time?"

"Of course you came forward to teach them how to be officials,"

Speaking of this, Nitocris is extremely proud.