The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 693

"Okay, okay," Ye Ting scratched the girl's chin, as if he was teasing a big pet, "You are willing to do feels like it was a mistake to appear in front of you at the beginning."

"Eh heh~" The girl was not disgusted by Ye Ting's hands, but she was happy, and gave him a cute smile, "Who made you appear in such a private place in the first place, and she will take care of others if you don't know it or not. I am the unique pharaoh in the world, and the person who should rule the world, no one can easily escape after taking advantage of me~"

Well, this sentence is somewhat of the majesty of the pharaoh, but can you say this without a puppy lying on my lap?

In short, with the help of Ye Ting, the Egyptian system is constantly improving. It can be said that Egypt has gradually moved from a feudal slave kingdom to a centralized imperial road.

If there is no obstacle from God's Domain, Ye Ting believes that following this momentum, during Nitocris's tenure, the territory of this empire might be able to increase several times.

However, even with the separation of the gods, Egypt's territory will expand a lot when the Heliopolis **** system does not plan to have a **** war with its neighbors.

The nearby countries and barbarians are going to be unlucky.

Yes, even if the realms of Gods are divided, there are neighboring countries and barbarians near Egypt.

The so-called divine realm itself is the boundary between the powerful divine systems. Nowadays, there are only the Nordic divine systems, the Egyptian divine systems, and the Zoroastrian divine systems headed by the light **** Mithra in the vicinity of the Greek divine system. Have the ability to divide the realm with other gods.

The other aboriginal little gods are not in their eyes at all.

In short, after the turmoil, Egypt is finally gradually on the right track and is showing a momentum of prosperity.

Item 0856

The Egyptian nobles' remarks about the expulsion of Ye Ting were ultimately not approved by Nitocris.

On the contrary, perhaps out of a certain kind of rebellious psychology, or perhaps to prove Ye Ting’s talents that no one can question, Nitocris simply gave up the idea of ​​letting Ye Ting be queen, and instead gave it to the official position. Ye Ting's high position.

In the past, the highest official in Egypt was Vishir. As prime minister, Vishir was responsible for managing half of Egypt's territory. There was a Vishir in each of the upper and lower Egypt.

And now, on top of Vishir, Nitocris has created an official position as a great sage overseeing the country. He is above the hundred officials and is only responsible to the pharaoh and has the right to supervise the hundred officials. The daily responsibility is Give advice to the pharaoh.

In short, this is a beautiful job that has considerable power but not much responsibility, and does not even need to deal with official duties.

Then, she announced a new resolution jointly made by herself as a "supervisor of great sages"-a resolution regarding the establishment of official examinations, establishment of official schools, and promotion of related educational books.

The Egyptian version of the imperial examination was thus born.

Most nobles are unwilling to agree to this resolution. After all, in the past, most officials were chosen among them. No matter how talented civilians were, they would at best be a clerical instrument. But now, not only civilians born can interact with them. They are officials in the same dynasty, and they have to take examinations when they are officials.

Can this be tolerated?

So they want to clamor, want to mobilize everyone to oppose this new resolution.

However, they can't do it.

After the "Great Trial" and the War of Unification, the nobles in central and local Egypt were weakened in turn. Now their power has reached the lowest point in history. Contrary to them, because after the "Great Trial", officials from civilians have been continuously reduced. In the reunification war, civilian-born soldiers also made military exploits, so the officials of the civilian-born factions in the court have become stronger.

At this time, these civilian-born officials have only been in high positions for four or five years, and they have not been corroded and assimilated by the nobles because of their status, so they naturally want to give more civilians channels to promote their status.

With their support, the new resolution was passed under the command of Pharaoh.

In the opinion of the officials, the people of Egypt naturally support this resolution extraordinarily, so the aristocratic faction is even more speechless.

Ye Ting's position was also established in this matter.

Moreover, as the work he shared with Nitocris and used to teach officials spread in Egypt, the name of Thoth was praised by many officials, scholars and even businessmen.

Nitocris is also revered as the "sage king".

Although knowledge about mathematics, agronomy, geography, organization and scheduling is widely circulated in Egypt, it is the first time that they have summarized and summarized it in the form of a book for people to learn from the world.

In the past, such knowledge was either passed on among the nobles or among the priests, and it was difficult for the common people to learn such knowledge.

The monopoly of knowledge is also one of the means by which nobles and priests maintain their status.

But now, these "dragon slaying techniques" (of course only for officials) are spread, countless people regard them as a standard, and the authors of these works will inevitably be praised to the sky.

In the past, when the nobles were the dominant family in the court, any decree that weakened the power of the nobles and harmed their interests would be unanimously opposed by them. When the nobles all opposed a decree, the decree would naturally not be implemented. In Pharaoh Pepi's dynasty, the noble officials controlled the government step by step in this way, and took the pharaoh upright.

However, now that Nitocris has fostered another force besides the nobles, coupled with the power of the army, under the three-party check and balance, the nobles naturally cannot act arbitrarily.

As for the terrifying and powerful official position of "the great sage of the country," the officials of the civilian faction—maybe in the future will add those civilians who have obtained official positions because of examinations—naturally, they are happy to see the result. In their eyes , Ye Ting was on their side, speaking for their benefit, and many of them even called him a "mentor".

The aristocratic faction expressed concern about this, believing that this "super sage of the country" was too powerful, and if he deliberately suppressed them, the future of the aristocracy would be quite worrying.

However, it turns out that their worries are nonsense. Although Ye Ting holds great power, he is quite Buddhist. Although Yili participated in the construction of Nitocris's New Deal, he never intervened in practice.

All in all, it was like this. When all the struggles and efforts were fruitless, at the same time Ye Ting "expressed" his "goodwill" to the nobles. The Egyptian nobility's opposition to him gradually calmed down.

At the same time, under Ye Ting's suggestion, the new Pharaoh's Forbidden Army was formed smoothly with the heroes of the Unification War as the core. The rest of the original Pharaoh's Forbidden Guards were transferred to various places in Egypt to serve as officers of the guards.

As for the officialdom of Egypt, after confirming that the populist faction has become a reality, the nobles no longer have the idea of ​​confronting them directly. At the same time, the remaining local nobles and the influx of nobles from other places have also reached it after a fierce power struggle. After a compromise, the parties confronted each other in the officialdom, and the bureaucratic system has been established.

By the way, in addition to civilian bureaucrats, aristocratic bureaucrats, army and priests, a new force-the magician, has recently emerged from the top level of Egypt.

In the eyes of others, these wizards who mastered supernatural powers are the most unprovoked existences, and another priest who mastered supernatural powers is quite at odds with the wizards. The priests think that the power of the wizards is a blasphemy of the gods, and magic The teachers felt that the priests were just a bunch of clichés.

However, in terms of power, although magicians are powerful, they are sufficiently transcendent. Under Ye Ting's teaching, most of them have gradually embarked on the same path as other magicians—the pursuit of truth and wisdom.

In this way, they rarely interfere in government affairs, and naturally satisfy the officials and the army. However, they are also fanatic supporters of the Pharaoh. Their loyalty to their teacher Ye Ting and the powerful magic queen Nitocris far exceeds. Other factions can be regarded as a powerful force to maintain the rule of the Pharaoh.

In short, the Egyptian court has changed its past ills and turned into a multi-party state of affairs, which is also the most favorable state of affairs for the rule of the Pharaoh.

Under Ye Ting’s suggestion, Nitocris used many contradictions to firmly grasp the power of Egypt, coupled with the reorganization of the world, the prestige of ZTE Egypt, and the power. At this time, she probably has reached the level of the pharaohs of the past. Peak, and Nitocris also seized this opportunity and began to carry out drastic reforms in Egypt.

Chapter 0857 Code and Bank

The first step in Nitocris's reform is legislation.

In the past, Egyptian law was still customary, and its interpretation power was controlled by the judge. Most judges were born among the nobles, so they can use this right to seek benefits for the nobles.

But Nitocris changed the original law and formulated a written code, which has clear and standardized laws and needs to be announced to the world and known to everyone.

Although due to the reasons of the times, even in such laws, Nitocris had to maintain the superior status of the nobles to a certain extent, but with the written clockwork, the nobles could not play with the law wantonly. To a certain extent, it was true. Protecting the interests of the people is a terrific good governance.

This code, known as the "Code of Nitocris", set a precedent not only in Egypt, but also in the entire world. Later generations are known as the first relatively complete written code in history.

After formulating the code, in order to promote it smoothly, Nitocris arranged it in the content of the bureaucratic examination. All those who participated in the examination must study the code, and those who want to become a judge must have it incomparable. Familiar with it, at the same time, she arranged for people to carve the code on stone pillars. Every city and larger village must have such stone pillars. Soon, the code will be spread throughout Egypt.

As a result, Nitocris had the titles of "son of Anubis" and "incarnation of Mart". Mart was the goddess of justice and truth in Egypt, and was often the rule by which the ancient Egyptians restrained their behavior; Anubis is the **** of death in the underworld. He is responsible for the weighing of the scale of judgment. One side of the scale is placed with Mart’s feathers and the other side is placed on the heart of the dead. Anubis uses this to judge the good and evil of the dead. .

Such a title shows that the Egyptians recognized the Pharaoh and the Code of Nitocris.

Of course, besides the law, Ye Ting attaches great importance to Egypt's business, economy, and finance.

Born in modern times, he understands that if he controls the country's economy, he controls the country.

As a result, Egypt’s coinage was completely nationalized, and Egypt’s first bank was established based on the name of Nitocris and his private gold reserves.