The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 713

In the beginning God created heaven and earth.

The earth is emptiness and chaos, and the abyss is dark; the spirit of God is running on the water.

God said: "Let there be light." There is light.

God saw that the light was good, so he separated the light from the dark.

God called the light day and the darkness night. There was evening, there was morning, this was the first day...

...God said: "The earth will give birth to living creatures, each according to its kind; livestock, insects, and wild beasts according to its kind." So it was.

So God created wild animals, each according to its kind; livestock, according to its kind; all insects on the ground, according to its kind. God looks good.

God said: "We are to create human beings in our image and in our likeness, so that they will manage the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock on the ground, the whole land, and all the insects that crawl on the ground."

God created man in his own image, he created men and women in his image...

The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden and asked him to repair and guard.

The Lord God commanded him: "You can eat the fruits of all the trees in the garden.

You just don’t eat the fruit from the tree of good and evil, because the day you eat it, you will surely die. "

The Lord God said: "It is not good for that person to live alone. I will make a spouse for him to help him."

All the wild beasts and all the birds in the air that the Lord God made with the soil brought them to the man to see what his name was. How that person calls all kinds of living creatures, that is its name.

The man named all the livestock, the birds in the sky, and the wild beasts, but the man did not meet his spouse to help him.

The Lord God made him fall asleep, and he fell asleep; so he took off one of his ribs and closed the flesh again.

The Lord God used the ribs taken from the man to create a woman and led her to the man.

The man said: "This is the bone in my bones, the flesh in my flesh, and you can call her a woman, because she was taken from a man..."



Seeing this, Ye Ting rolled up the sheepskin scroll in his hand again.

"This is the scripture about the **** you believe in?"

Ye Ting asked, looking at the beautiful woman who was not in front of her eyes.


The woman nodded, every movement of her was full of extreme temptation, and she was naturally charming and moving.

However, the male mage in front of the woman didn't even frown his brows. He just muttered to himself: "Does this thing actually appear so early? As expected, it's not surprising... But it seems that there are some problems," Obviously, on the sixth day, men and women will be created, but only men will be left behind. There seems to be something wrong with creating women from the ribs of men. Then the woman who was hidden by God is you. "

The last sentence seemed to be talking to himself, and it seemed to be said to the woman in front of him.

"...Yes, you are really wise." The woman hesitated for a moment, and finally admitted this statement.

"So, your name?"


Item 0881

"So why are you leaving there?"

Putting a dress on Lilith casually, Ye Ting asked casually.

"Obviously the life there is so beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, and there is no worries about eating and drinking. Why do you want to leave there and come to this wilderness where survival is difficult?"

"Because..." At this point, Lilith couldn't help but blush, "Because Adam wants to press on me!"

"Wh...what?" Ye Ting was a little confused by this strange reason.

"That Adam wants to press on me," Lilith repeated, and her tone became smooth, as if she had been wronged by the sky, "It is clear that Adam and Lilith are of equal status, so why should he be pressed? Above me, I disagreed, but the Lord agreed with Adam's words, so I ran away."

"...Is it because who is up and who is down?"

The ridiculous reason caused Yi Le, the first woman created by Jehovah to escape. Ye Ting felt a little dumbfounded, and then felt a little puzzled.

"Obviously it has become that state, is it still subconsciously biased towards men? Or is it an inner subconscious struggle?"


Lilith didn't even understand what the man in front of her was saying.

In fact, Ye Ting was referring to Yi Le.

As mentioned earlier, Yile was attacked by Baal and suffered the same fate as Uranus. As he embarked on the path of an **** and signed a contract with the pool of angel reincarnation, he went further and became Like the angels reincarnated by him, they have completely lost their sexual characteristics.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he didn't really open the hidden function of the pool of angel reincarnation, but in short, he has now become a **** who has lost his ambition in other aspects besides becoming stronger and expanding.

In fact, the reason why Ye Ting chose him as the target of support is precisely because he has "defects" in this respect.

After all, in Ye Ting's design, the real angels should all be young ladies.

In short, after hearing that Lilith had left the "Garden of Eden"—that is, Yi Le was following Ye Ting's suggestion to prepare a habitat for the created human race, Ye Ting felt very funny.

To make such a joke, only this kind of human being created by the gods can do it.

Looking at the complicated man in front of her, Lilith felt a panic.

[He shouldn't give up on me just because I am such a woman...I don't want to continue wandering in the wilderness by myself! 】

Thinking about this, she suddenly blurted out.

"Such as... if it's you, I can actually accept it...really! Please...please don't drive me away!"

After speaking, as if to prove it, she even began to untie the clothes she had just put on.

Lilith's words awakened Ye Ting from thinking.

Ye Ting couldn't help smiling bitterly at the look of the girl in front of him who was crying.

"No, I won't drive you away, don't worry." While comforting, Ye Ting grabbed the girl's undressed hand and prevented her from moving.

But even if it's half way through, this half-shown appearance with her body that completely represents femininity is attractive enough.

Get dressed for the girl, Ye Ting said half-jokingly.

"So, do you now really understand what Adam meant by trying to press on you?"