The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 715

But how can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Why is the same earth, whether it is in a world without magic power, or a world with magic power such as the Moon World, why are all myths and history the same?

Until now, Ye Ting began to think about the deep meaning.

In fact, this is nothing more than two possibilities. The first is that there is a higher world in the dark, where there are cross religions, Buddhist beliefs, and various gods. These higher existences influence In many worlds, their projections exist in each world, and affect the development of these worlds.

But after thinking about it, Ye Ting understood that this is absolutely impossible, not to mention that the existence of the sea of ​​chaos hinders the generation of the so-called higher planes and the projection of the law, even if the sea of ​​chaos cannot stop all of this, these higher ranks The existence of noodles does not make the development of each world look like carved out in a mold.

After all, these existences are not robots that follow a certain mechanism to respond. They have their own wisdom, and wisdom means thinking, and thinking means that they may have different answers to the same question.

Then, the second possibility should be the ultimate answer to this question-that is, there is a unique connection between the worlds, or they have the same origin.

This concept is similar to parallel worlds.

This causes the development of each world to be different, but the hidden logic of world development will lead them to generally follow a similar path-of course, this logic is definitely different from the event-cutting mechanism in many parallel worlds of Lunar World.

Ye Ting even thought, if he could find this hidden mechanism, would it help him to travel through the world?

For example, becoming a savior in this world and being blessed by the world, this blessing to the parallel world of the next earth also takes effect.

For example, if you have acquired a certain world rule in this world, or activated a certain godhead, you might be able to have this godhead in the next world.

However, this kind of research, for him, the project is still too large to start, and it may take a few more worlds to be able to find the way.


PS: In fact, there are several evidences for the origin of the Lord in Yila. The first is God’s self-proclaimed El (El). In fact, in Canaanite religion, Baal and El are not only the names of the main gods, but also the universal names for gods. God calls himself El, but Baal The force is regarded as an enemy, perhaps because the Jews used to be a tribe who believed in Ile.

In addition, in certain archaeological discoveries of Judaism, there is the discovery of God’s consort, Asherah. In Canaanite mythology, Asherah, in addition to being the spouse of El, is also the spouse of Baal (Baal is true Robbed Yile’s wife Asherah).

The third is the priesthood. In Canaanite mythology, although the character and function of the gods are more indeterminate, they are often based on what is sought. Only Yile has always been called the king of the gods and the father of the gods, but there is no specific name. Function, this corresponds to the almost omnipotent kind of God, which is different from the saying that polytheism performs its own duties.

The fourth is enmity. In the Old Testament, the names of two gods appeared frequently-Baal and Astaru (namely Anat).

The former was mentioned more than a hundred times without compliment in the Bible, and was even relegated to Beelzebub, the king of the flies.

The latter obviously has the titles of Eros, Harvest God, Moon God and God of War, and the status is equivalent to Aphrodite (both Venus goddess, born in Ishtar) in Greek mythology, but was insulted as a genderless addiction. Blood demon, this is exactly the hatred between Yi Le and these two gods (the so-called hatred of the gods can actually be understood as the hatred between the clans).

Chapter 0883

Lilith was taken away by Ye Ting.

As a talented original person, she who is still ignorant will receive further education. Ye Ting felt that his goddesses would welcome this child.

And another original person who was created at the same time as her, Adam will take a different path from her.

Adam and his "rib" Eve will serve as the ancestors of the newborn people, fighting for the spread of blood throughout their lives.

It sounds like this goal is very lofty, and they can still live in the Garden of Eden, living in clothes to stretch out their hands and eat to open their mouths, but in fact, for Adam or Eve-or, for most of the original people in mythology In other words, this kind of life is not good.

Because, as a human being created in the myth, their lifetime mission is to live! pregnancy! pregnancy!

The more you give birth, the better, and it is best to create a nation as soon as possible.

In this process, their blood and strength will continue to be weakened with endless fertility.

You know, generally speaking, the stronger the strength and the longer the life span, the lower the fertility.

Because the offspring of the strong are also strong, and the world does not allow so many anti-heaven to exist in the world.

So if the strong want to have more children, the price is either that one generation is inferior to one generation, or that they sacrifice their own strength.

As a perfect original person, whether it is Adam, Eve or Lilith, he is born with a physique comparable to the fantasy species, and his life span is similar to that of the fantasy species.

However, as a "tool" used to reproduce humans, it is basically impossible for these primitive people to enjoy their entire lifespan.

In the process of their reproduction, the above two situations will happen-their offspring will gradually become weaker from generation to generation, and at the same time, they themselves will lose their strength due to over-breeding, and their life span will be greatly reduced.

It is mentioned in the Bible that the descendants of Adam and Eve are only Cain, Abel and Enoch. This is of course impossible. After all, without a daughter, how can humans continue to multiply unless... Eve is more busy? But this is not scientific either. Generally speaking, it should be that more people give birth to babies than people who plant seeds are more efficient.

The biblical pseudocode "The Book of Jubilee" mentions that the two also have two daughters, Seth, Azwar, but this number is not enough to multiply fast.

After personal experience, Ye Ting understood what was going on.

In fact, the so-called Cain, Abel and Enoch, and Seth and Azwar all exist, but this does not mean that other children do not exist.

However, among them, only these five have inherited the blood of their parents to the greatest extent, and the rest of the offspring are all much weaker than their parents.

In other words, the five people with names and surnames are prototypes, and the others are mass-produced machines, and the mass-produced machines are not equipped with names, which is probably what it looks like.

In short, unlike Lilith, Adam and Eve lived a pig-breeding life in the Garden of Eden.

This information was not obtained by Ye Ting himself.

In order not to let Yi Le—or the Lord notice anything, he avoided showing up in front of him again.

It was the kind angel who helped Lilith escape from the Garden of Eden, Samael, who passed the information to him.

After identifying Samael as her friend, Lilith made an appointment with her to meet every few years, and the two exchanged their experiences.

As an angel who is stationed in the Garden of Eden and has never seen farther away, the curious Samael is also happy to learn some information from the outside world from Lilith.

After learning about the experience of Adam and Eve, Lilith was fortunate in front of Samaer more than once.

"Fortunately, I left that place a long time ago. Fortunately, I met Master Ye Ting. Otherwise... I would be the one who lived a pig-like life with that man... It was terrible."

"Why is that kind of life bad?" Samael, who has always lived in the Garden of Eden, was a little naive.

"The fruits and animals in the entire Garden of Eden are allowed to be used by them, lying in the beautiful Garden of Eden, doing whatever you want, all day long..." At this point, she blushed a little, "... Comfortable things, there is no better life than this."

"Eat after sleeping, even if the food is delicious and the scenery is beautiful, what is the difference between a person living this life and a pig?" Lilith said contemptuously, "I only came to the outside world. Understand that the difference between humans and beasts lies in thinking. Humans can think and pursue wisdom, but animals don’t... God allows them to live that kind of life. He just gives up their human side and wants them to be like animals. Will production continue to multiply? Fortunately, it is no longer me who got this fate."

Lilith's repeated rejoicing made Samare thoughtful.

"Wisdom... is it really that important?"

When Lilith came to the meeting place with Samael again a few years later, what she saw was not the kind and beautiful Samael with the shining light circle above her head, and the white and gorgeous Samael with angel wings on her back, but a half. A half-snake, a guy with black wings on his back.

"Who are you?"

For life, death, that is, negative energy has never been a good thing.

Even though the power of death was one of the powers she was good at, Lilith was still vigilant when she saw such an existence. With a single move, the violent wind engulfed her in an instant, guarding against the other's sudden attack.

"Even you... can't you recognize me?"

The hoarse voice came from the presence of half human and half snake.