The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 721

Although it is difficult to grasp people's hearts, they can reasonably put the money in the bag. And because money can be used to manipulate people's hearts in this way, the use of assets is particularly important-this is David's style.

Compared with Saul in his later years, David is much wiser, but he is too indifferent and lustful. Like all heroes, he has no resistance to hot women. I want to marry you as a wife. He has no regrets about murdering his subordinates and then taking his wife Bathsheba (becoming Solomon's mother) as his own.

After that, it was his son, Solomon, the famous magic king who succeeded to the throne.

Chapter 0890 Solomon's Magic

When Solomon was 17, David died and he inherited the throne of Israel.

Perhaps it is because of the legacy left by Moses and Ozmandias. As the strongest neighboring countries, Israel and Egypt have good relations.

The successor Solomon married the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh. With the help of the Egyptians, Israel developed extremely powerful and flourished for a while.

At that time, the Pharaoh of Egypt even captured and burned the city of Gaza owned by the Canaanites who disobeyed Israel, and gave it to Solomon.

In order to make the country stronger, Solomon strengthened his position through marriage on the one hand and married the daughters and sisters of kings everywhere; on the other hand, continuing the tradition left by King David, the Solomon Empire was still dominated by commerce and all governments Institutions all serve trade, and the maritime trade he developed revolved between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, and even reached Africa.

Through commerce and taxation, the kingdom has been established vigorously, and at the same time, the influence of Israel and the cross religion has been continuously expanded.

Many countries that have been conquered by the Israelis in the past, as well as many other small countries, have been conquered by Israel’s prosperity. Different from the past military conquest tactics, Solomon succeeded in prospering the country and building new palaces and wonders to attract the surrounding countries. Come to pay respects and visit.

As a result, the beliefs of the cross religion gradually spread in a more gentle way.

Because of this, Jehovah was quite satisfied with Solomon.

However, even so, the prosperity of Israel is not as good as that of Egypt.

Not only Jehovah, but Solomon also noticed this.

Egypt can maintain a thousand years of unity and prosperity, naturally, there are many important factors: such as the excellent bureaucratic rule system, the circulation of classes brought about by the official examination and education system, the continuous wealth of finance and commerce, and the magic. The various powers and conveniences and so on...

And Solomon found that most of the good points of Egypt can be imitated by him and Israel, but there is only one thing missing-that is the power of magic.

In the Moon World, although Ye Ting brought magic from the outside world, the origin of true local magic came from the analysis and degradation of divine power.

For example, the magic with Egyptian characteristics is derived from the magical runes researched by the Egyptian priests, which reduces the power of the gods to be driven by people.

Based on this alone, Solomon could not imitate it roughly—otherwise, should those who learn magic worship Jehovah or the Egyptian Nine Pillars?

So, there is only one plan for the present, praying for the gods to give grace and grant magic to the Israelites.

According to legend, Jehovah appeared in his dream and sent an oracle to him.

"You are qualified. Speak your wish. But your wish will surely come true."

Soloshan thirst for wisdom and magical power more than more gold and greater power.

So he took this opportunity to make his request to the Lord.

Jehovah is extremely satisfied with this.

What he said is that this answer is the proof of being qualified to be "really wise."

But the real reason is naturally that the Israelis can also master magic.

Although the priests and pastors of Israel can also master divine art, the power of divine art originates from God, and it is also a drain on God's power.

Compared with this, the power of magic is obviously more economical.

Of course, mankind’s mastery of the power of magic means self-reliance, which means a reduction in the need for and belief in gods. Even if Jehovah does not see this, he also knows that the power of magic must be controlled-even in Egypt, because of the origin of magic. Yu Shenming, magic is the direct deterioration of the divine art, which maintains the belief of the Egyptian magician in the gods to a certain extent, and does not cause the contradiction between the magician and the **** like the Greek-the contradiction between the power of humans and the power of gods. .

However, maintaining this system is not a simple matter. In the beginning, Egypt had a powerful person like Ye Ting deconstructing the Egyptian divine arts step by step, and then compiling them to become Egyptian magic.

Even Ye Ting, it took decades to complete this step. If someone else is replaced, even if it is a god, it will be a huge project.

And even Jehovah obviously couldn't find a person like Ye Ting to do this kind of thing.

But Israel does not have magic or similar power. If Israel just wants to be an ordinary country, but if it wants to be comparable to Egypt, either he will vigorously develop pastors and priests and personally give them more power, or just Must have the power of magic as a support.

But soon, Jehovah thought of an idea.

Although as a god, he is unwilling to spend too much divine power to strengthen the priest, and he can't create magic to train the mage, but doesn't he still have a bunch of prisoners to squeeze?

The gods who were sealed in the ring have long since lost their faith and power, as well as being constantly slandered and slandered among believers. They have long lost their original godheads, and have fallen into nothingness with divine power, but without power. , There is no position, but it loses its noble existence.

A **** in this state is called a demon **** by him.

Compared with the powerful gods, although the demon gods are also very powerful, they have lost most of the authority of the rules, which is no longer worth mentioning to the true gods.

Can they be used as a source of "magic" energy?

Of course, such "magic" is said to be "magic", but it is actually a divine art in disguise, but the source of power has changed from praying to the gods to the demon gods.

Anyway, today’s Jehovah has no more gods to conquer, no more faith to plunder, and the seal of the ring is of little use to him. Although the devil gods can also be his thugs, he has angels. Legion, it is completely unnecessary for him to use these former enemies as thugs.

So, after praying to God for wisdom in a dream, Solomon woke up and found that he was wearing ten rings on his hands.

And this is the ten sealing rings, the testimony of the wise men recognized by the gods.

Afterwards, among mortals, this was also called Solomon's ring, and it was also a source of magic for angels and demons.

However, even with this ring, King Solomon only created a miracle, but it showed his wiseness.

He only needs to let the people know that "the king has gained the protection of God" and "the king has mastered the wisdom from God". In his view, more miracles will only frighten the people or make them degenerate.

Even so, the power of the demon **** is gradually spreading in the mortal world, and the magic with "summoning" as the core is gradually being mastered by some people as the magic of Israel.

FTLN 0891 What do you do?

It seems that it is because he is unwilling to be sealed in the ring, unwilling to lose all traces of himself in this world.

The demons sealed in the ring spread their power in the form of magic-or "magic".

Although the arrival of Ye Ting gave Greece and Egypt traces of magic as early as thousands of years ago, even so, these demons can be regarded as the origin of Solomon's series of magic.

Because there are seventy-two demon gods in total, they are called Solomon's seventy-two demon gods.

Because of Israel's strength and prosperity, and because Israel has mastered the "magic" power that originally only existed in Egypt, for a while, Israel became recognized by all nations, second only to Egypt.

In short, in Solomon's dynasty, Israel's influence finally spread to all surrounding areas, and the power of Jehovah also came to its peak.

Even the Queen of Sheba, who was as far away as the Kingdom of Sheba, visited the legendary wise king in person—of course, it might have come from afar because of the prosperous commerce of Israel and for economic benefit.

However, after the visit of the Queen of Sheba, "the queen used to seek advice from the famous sage Solomon.

Visited Jerusalem with a large amount of tribute.

She asked Solomon three riddles, but they were all seen through.