The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 794

"It feels... weird, is this the feeling that women have?"

"Hmm~ It's a novel feeling..."

The misunderstood Yingsheng Yanyu was rippling in the pool. After enjoying the benefits, Ye Ting turned around in a timely manner.

That's right, Ye Ting's surprise was the release of the seal of the angels' bodies.

In addition to getting rid of Jehovah's control, another reason why Ye Ting adopted the "format" method to rebirth the angels was to reconstruct their soul materialized bodies and liberate all the parts that were sealed in the past.

Including giving them a body that is closer to "people" rather than "god" without emotion.

As a result, angels who originally looked feminine have only now become real girls.

Item 0974

With the death of Jehovah, the misunderstanding between Ye Ting and the angels was resolved, and Ye Ting's mission in the inner sea of ​​the stars had come to an end.

With the death of Jehovah, who has established no less than a few first-class gods with the body of a god, and even the death of a **** who once rushed to the level of gods, the gun of Longinus basically has Only absolute ability to kill.

The Star Inner Sea, formerly known as "Genesis Eden", a dedicated demiplane for the killing of gods, is now integrated with the soul of the planet. It is difficult to control and also given new abilities-that is, as long as it is on the planet, Ye Ting can project the Inner Sea of ​​the Star or its opposite (that is, Genesis·Jiaoyan Hell, where there is no real ether space) onto the earth anytime and anywhere, without considering the consumption of magic power, that is, when fighting against the gods , Ye Ting can create a venue where the true ether is severed anytime and anywhere, which greatly increases the restraint of the gods.

So Ye Ting unified the world, and the journey to end the rule of the gods could finally begin.

Today, Ye Ting's mastery of the power used to conquer the earth is not just the gun of Longinus.

After the restart, the Angel Legion not only possessed gender, but also liberated their true strength. Compared with their past self, they were stronger than before. Even if they can't face the main gods, they are in the anti-star inner sea. They are still Ye Ting's good helpers.

In addition, he also mastered the sea, land, and air force of the Great Qin Empire.

If the angels were the high-end forces under Ye Ting, then the Great Qin Empire formed a regular army.

When the angel army was fighting against the gods and their gods, the army of the Great Qin Empire was responsible for conquering the kingdom of mortals, annexing all the civilizations in the world, and making them the provinces of the Great Qin.

Compared with the various human civilizations that were still in a feudal society or even a slave society, the Great Qin Empire completely crushed them both in terms of system and technology. Industrialized firearms, various heavy vehicles and even machines were crushed. The existence of A allows the people of Qin to fight against the extraordinary among human beings by virtue of their identities as ordinary people without falling behind.

Even a hero of the level of Hercules, as long as he is still a mortal and has not yet become a hero, he will not be able to break through the upper limit of a mortal. Facing the torrent of iron and steel, the Qin army will inevitably be exhausted.

What's more, Da Qin still has power from outside the earth.

In fact, as the resources of the major planets in the solar system were exploited, and as Mars began construction in the direction of casting planets, the expansion of the military power of the Qin Dynasty expanded at a speed of geometric times.

Today's low-Earth orbit, a large number of satellites and orbital guns have been deployed-a mortal living on the ground will pass by an orbital gun every three minutes on average-this level of force is enough to give the ground at any time The Qin Army provides all-round support. In Daqin, even a small soldier has the right to call for railgun support at any time.

The enemy of Da Qin must worry about whether he will die of "justice from heaven" at any time.

All of this is Ye Ting's confidence to start the battle to conquer the world.

However, even if he had the power to subvert everything, Ye Ting was still a cautious person.

In other words, he will never be triumphant because of the crush of power, especially when his opponents are gods, and gods are the incarnation of miracles. It is not surprising that when dealing with gods, what kind of accidents occur-Jehovah is an example. For the first time, Ye Ting completely suppressed him through the control of "Genesis Eden", but he still let him escape his life until he created the Spear of Longinus before successfully punishing God.

Therefore, according to the original plan, before the official start of the war, Ye Ting and Hekat sneaked into the various gods with a secret jab. With the ability of the Spear of Langinus, he frequently broke through the seals set by the gods and brought the gods together. All the enemies of the department were cast out.

Therefore, in the next period of time, all the major gods on the earth became lively.

In the Nordic gods, mankind suddenly began to face three long and severe winters called "Fumble Winter". Strong wind and snow blew the land in all directions. Without sunlight, the world lost its warmth.

In the world of the gods, the giant wolf Fenrir broke free from the shackles made by the gods, and its two demon wolf sons, Hati and Skur, respectively swallowed the moon and the sun in the sky; the poisonous dragon Nidhogg cut out The deep roots of the tree of the world are emptied; the earthly python Yemengade, which surrounds the "atrium", wakes up from the mud bed on the seabed, and its long tail sets off a huge wave that floods the valley and mountains of Midgart in the atrium, and the sea rushes straight Go to the kingdom of the gods; at the same time, the frost giants and other giants living on the mountain also rushed; the imprisoned Loki also regained his freedom.

Thus, the battle of gods began between the gods.

In the Egyptian Gods’ Realm, the twin brother of the sun **** Ra and the dead opponent, the incarnation of destruction, chaos, and darkness, the chaos snake Apophis finally broke through the **** of the gods. In the past, it only harassed him when the sun was sailing. The Leopolis **** system launched the final decisive battle.

In the Greek Gods’ Realm, the seal of the underworld was opened, and the hundred-armed giants and the cyclops who were originally imprisoned behind the triple dark curtain and three copper walls were cast out. When the **** was still in the state of the machine god, he was a compatriot who disagrees with the Olympus gods.

Because of the different attitudes towards the earth and mortals, they were imprisoned here, but now they have come back to the earth and raised the battle flag against their former "brothers", hoping to restore the original Mechanic God, the righteousness of Kaos .

In the Aztec **** system, the previous generation of **** king who was defeated by the feathered snake **** Quezal Koyatl, the main **** of the first era of Aztec mythology, the first sun, named "Smoke Mirror" Tezcatlipoca finally recovered, and challenged the Quetzalcoatl who had frustrated his rule and overturned his kingdom.

In the Zoroastrian gods, the dark evil gods who had been defeated by the light family have come back under the leadership of Angola Newman, and the dualistic battle between light and dark is reopened. The land of Persia was once again devastated.

Indian gods...



In the next few years, the entire earth, except for the realm ruled by Qin, was plunged into incomparable chaos.

Even the spirits of Animism, which widely existed in Africa, North America, and the Pacific, rioted due to the influence of the war of gods, and subsequent conquests between tribes followed.

All in all, whether for gods or mortals, the earth of this era has entered the most chaotic era in history.

Item 0975

For mortals living in the 21st century, the so-called gods, gods, are nothing but fantasy things that only exist in myths and legends.

But for the supernatural beings hidden in modern society—magicians, gods really exist, and the gods are a true history. Although their magic is fundamentally different from the magic of gods, they are indeed true. It is built on everything left over from the gods.

All magicians must admit the fact that without the legacy left by the gods of the gods and the ancestors of the magicians, there would be no magic foundation that is flourishing in the magic world today.

Compared with the magic bases derived from the gods, there are few magic bases born after AD, and all of them borrow the characteristics of the gods bases and are born out of the magic theories of the gods.

But for a long time, the magic world has not made much progress in the exploration and excavation of the magic and history of the gods.

Shendai has always been a mystery to magicians.

"What is the truth of God's generation?"

"What kind of life is the **** of the gods."

"What is the history of Shindai?"

"Why did God Generation end?"


A large number of unsolved mysteries have made magicians more and more curious about everything that happened on the earth more than two thousand years ago. With only a few words passed by word of mouth and precious results from archaeological excavations, the magicians get nothing more than many pieces of history. Together, these pieces are far from putting together the real God's jigsaw puzzle.

The countless fallacies and contradictions in these fragments have made the search for the history of God's generation even more chaotic.

But about one of the facts, the magicians unanimously reached an agreement.

That is, before the end of the gods, all the gods on the earth had fought with their mortal enemies.

Although these divine battles only took place within the major gods, looking around the world, according to the clues left by the ancestors, the time for each divine battle to start the gods was almost quite close.

In other words, at a certain time before the end of the gods, perhaps it was due to coincidence, perhaps due to some drastic changes in the earth, in short, there was indeed a battle of the gods that swept the world.