The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 312: Drop everything!

Walking out of the city, I was hiding in Tibet from the east, and I couldn’t help myself.

Although the progress along the way is not slow, but it is really not calm down to take a good retreat.

At night, after confessing some sorrowful savage, Dabao Xiaoling and other precautions, Su Yi directly found a hill and looked for a small cave, intending to start retreating.

No means were arranged, and there was no worry about the children of Tian Yaozong. Su Yi knew that even if he had to have a place for the demon emperor, it would be useless.

If the demon emperor is really unfavorable to the demon, it will not help to make any arrangement.

During this period of time, Su Yi was completely felt, and true strength is everything.

Although it is now in the city, but for the demon emperor, Su Yi has never been 100% assured.

Now, the children of the Tian Yaozong are brought into the city, fearing that they want to take it out intact, but it will not be so easy.

Su Yi knows himself, unless he can rise quickly in a short period of time, become a strong, strong enough to let the demon emperor Apocalypse, otherwise, it will be a big trouble.

On this road, Su Yi and many younger generations have played against each other, Hu Chi, Xiong Zhan, including the golden scorpion of the Yaozu cub, and the red scorpion, so that Su Yi has a certain understanding of his own strength, right The Supreme Master is also more valued.

But this is not enough. The super-powerful enemies of the blood-washing demon sect, the demons that were seen at the beginning, the strong emperors of the Yuan emperor, one day, they have to set foot on the holy mountain to get back a fair, relying on the current repair For, but it is too far apart, not enough.

This makes Su Yi have to work hard, he must rise quickly!

Cultivation of the demon ancient scriptures, as well as the mad dragon three knife third knife, eight wild anger and so on.

In the small cave, Su Yi said to himself that there is time, the cultivation of the demon of the ancient demon, and the third knife of the mad dragon has not yet been cultivated, and the eight wrath is now, and it is only one. foot.

I can only stay in Yucheng now and cannot leave.

Su Yi feels that instead of thinking about it, it is better to calm down and cultivate, improve strength, put into action, and not waste time.

At this moment, if there is a strong person who knows that Su Yi has been practicing for a short period of time, at this moment, it has already become a heavy cultivation of the Yuan Ling Jing, and the combat power is a rejuvenation of the Yuan Ling Jing. It is also easy to make a golden plaque, but Su Yi is still not satisfied, but also feels slow, afraid that it will be stunned, this is enough metamorphosis, but still not satisfied, but also let not be lived.

Soon, Su Yi was calm and devoted to cultivation, not floating, and his heart was empty.

After practicing the ancient demon of the demon, Su Yi has already laid the foundation of the front, and successfully cultivated the Tianhu, the wild and the demon.

However, this is only the basis for the cultivation of the ancient demon.

The tigers are stunned, the demon spirits are really solved, and the wilderness is only part of the vast ancient demon.

It is said that if the ancient demon of the demon is cultivated to the point of Dacheng, it is enough to scream and scream!

Surprisingly, weeping ghosts and gods, six words are enough to prove the power and vastness of the ancient demon!

The image of the demon, the image of the beast, the image of the beast, the image of the creation, the image of the creation, the image of the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth, the scent of everything, the direct reading of the Tibetan function, the easy to simple is the mystery, The Five Elements will become Vientiane, the heaven and earth will be three-in-one, the turn of the stars will change, and the Yinpan will not be born.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Yi began to practice the ancient demon of the demon, the handprints condensed, and the whole body showed light.

Tianhu 诀, the wild abyss and the demon spirit are the basis of the ancient demon.

"Tianhu" is the "potential", "Bane" is the "power", and "the demon spirit" is the "spirit."

"Tianhu 诀", based on the "potential", relying on the town of the ages!

"Ban Lu", with ‘force’ as the mainstay, is a force to break the law!

"The devil's true solution" is based on the ‘spirit’, and the soul attracts the beast!

The image of the demon, the image of the beast, the image of the beast, the image of the creation, the image of the creation, the heaven and earth

Su Yi is immersed in the cultivation of enlightenment, and the atmosphere of the whole body is micro-microwave. It doesn't take time. It seems that there is a certain kind of demon, and it is not evil!

No time, Su Yi doubles open, the eyes are filled with light, like lightning, if there is a beast of true spirits in the eyes flashing.

This has just begun to cultivate, it has already shown the power and mystery of the ancient demon!

It is difficult for the ancient demon to cultivate. It is enough for those who want to cultivate before the conditions are enough to make people look forward to sigh. They have almost abnormal requirements for the flesh and the soul.

Especially for the conditions of the soul, the condition is simply to the point of absolute metamorphosis.

However, Su Yi just satisfied the conditions of these abnormalities, as if the demon ancient scriptures were tailor-made.

Immersed in the cultivation of enlightenment, Su Yi forgot everything, the mind is quiet, and some are just sentiment.

At first, Su Yi couldn't cultivate, just because he couldn't store his vitality. It was not stupid.

On the contrary, it can be cultivated into a mixed element to the sacred power, and the Yuan dynasty is cultivated. For Wang Pinwu, even the martial arts and martial arts can be cultivated into a hundred steps, Su Yi’s talents and wisdom are already self-evident. Even the mysterious man under the cliff was shocked.

As time passed, Su Yi was completely in a state of wonderful enlightenment, letting go of everything, but leaving the practice, which is also a kind of tenacity and perseverance.

It is difficult to cultivate the Tiangou ancient scriptures. Those who have the best talents will not be able to cultivate successfully in a short period of time. However, for the military, this cultivation and enlightenment is a kind of enjoyment.

Su Yi did not know the time, immersed in it.

The light flashes, Su Yi has energy fluctuations, with a demon and evil spirits, lingering from the body, fluctuating in the body surface, with various radiances in the flesh and blood, like condensing a certain A mysterious energy is tempered.

These energies are not evil, such as sowing seeds in the body of Su Yi, like having life, slowly sprouting and growing.

In the cave, the Su Yi glows sitting cross-legged, and it looks like a warm body.

As time went by, the cave was quiet, and no monsters came to bother.

Ten days, fifteen days, twenty days

The ancient demon of the demon, with the wild abyss, the demon spirit, the foundation of the tigers, the foundation of strength, power, and spirit, the three are blended, from the inside out, there are outside.

Su Yi's body is more and more full of demon, the body is more and more clear, the light wrapped, like a cloud steaming Xia Wei, was baptized by mysterious power.

If there is a strong person at this moment, it will certainly be shocked. Is this still a young boy with a demon spirit? The breath of the body is actually able to reach such a point.

Twenty-five days, one month

As time goes by, everything in the city is as usual, at least there is nothing on the surface.